the seller isnt going to willfully refund me, let me first start off by stating that. i got scammed, bad. i ordered a ps2 slim from someone with a rather suspicious name and no seller feedback against my better judgment, but it was just to good to pass by! they spoke to me fine until the item was shipped out even, then radio silence.. even now well into my case for a return. to make a rather long story short, it was a brick and didnt work at all, like all was frozen in place and it was oddly three times lighter! than my replacement from the pawn shop. the last message i received from him was "no returns." after i explained in detail what was wrong right out of the box, within 2 hours..but of course you dont accept returns *sigh* well its been over a week now w silence and he still wont say anything in return and i had to ask ebay to step in and help in my case. well its been a day since my package was delivered and nothing, fully expected! my question is, how long does this horrible person have until ebay will step in and refund me? i heard 48 hours, or 6 days? im not sure and id really love to know before i go sit on hold. thank you!

yes ive already asked ebay to step in and help as i said in my post. im wondering how long ebay has to wait before they can refund me bc the seller is refusing to do anything and they got my package today.

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Download File 🔥 🔥 can you see my bid retraction record? i thought that was personal for ebay only. and i have borderline personality dissorder, so please do not judge me. i make spir of the moment harsh decisions without my own control, often when i am stressed or tired and its never hurt anyone but me so please.

@stnc777 I would suggest NOT asking ebay to 'step in' - basically that's shorthand for "lose everything" - their version of 'stepping in' is generally to refund the buyer and let them keep the merchandise - they don't adjudicate in any way. Every once in a while a seller wins one of these but it's very rare.

Hi, once a case is opened, no partial refunds are allowed. If ebay steps in, you will lose regardless of your proof or explanations. You must refund at 100% and provide shipping to get the item returned. It is critical for every seller to know the terms of the Money Back Guarantee. Without that knowledge a seller is scr*wed. Below is a link to the policy. 

If your business model is approved by eBay Partner Network, you will be informed on the next steps. Please take a look at the minimum production eligibility requirements for guest checkout for more details.

I asked if I can call ebay again if there is no resolution by then and she said I could, though I'm unsure if the onus is on me to make the call or if I can follow the steps to have them call me like you just outlined

A month after the sale, I get a note from ebay (and buyer) that they are not authentic and buyer wants to return. At first, I was super angry and upset because, well, basically I am being called a liar, and no one likes that, right? But I calmed down and realized, well, it's hard for me to prove authenticity - no one can actually read my mind to know that I'm tellling the truth and I'm not going to hire an "expert" to authenticate these, am I?

I must say, this experience has been pretty negative. I don't think I'll be buying or selling on ebay much after this. I can't imagine what difficulties sellers who actually need to sell on here to make living must go through.

(As an aside, I'm sad that my time on ebay is coming to an end. Back in the day when buyers were rated, my rating was off the charts, I paid quickly and can honestly never remember returning anything. (EDIT: sorry, typing so fast I forgot buyer still get rated, not can't negative rate them... I never got a negative rating when it was possible!) And the rare times I've sold items, I've always had happy buyers - I'm really **bleep** about taking good care of my stuff, so they were usually giddy that they were getting things in nearly new condition at severe discounts. But if ebay never steps in to protect sellers, why would I ever sell here again?)

I just had this issue happen to me. I'm mostly a buyer, 99.9% of the time, I shop on eBay. Then every few years or so, I sell some things I no longer need or have room for. This time I sold an electronic Monopoly game. It worked for the few years i had it. It worked when I listed it for sale, and again it worked when I sent it to the buyer. She had it for three nights. She said on the first night the sound worked. Everything was fine, then on the 2nd night there was no sound. On the next day, she went out and bought new alkaline batteries, but still no sound. She began a return request via eBay. Though, eBay suggests buyers and sellers work things out and contact them only if needed, she didn't contact me. I thought I had no choice. I'm a buyer, usually. I accepted the return. eBay said once I get the return, check it and make sure everything is correct and fine BEFORE issuing a refund. Of course, I received the return incomplete because the buyer didn't send the hard copy operating instructions. to protect myself, I phone ebay and spoke to four different persons, including two in Mediation and a Return Specialist who advised me that I could choose to "wait for the return of instructions and then issue a refund" which I chose to do. But what eBay told me and what they actually did were two different things. They issued a FULL REFUND to the buyer and I am still waiting for return of the instructions, as well as seeing pigs fly in the sky. I appealed the case while on the phone with a mediation specialist. The Appeal specialist (and I use the term loosely because there is no actual opportunity to appeal anything. eBay made the decision and it stands.) at first wouldn't even speak with me. He relayed everything through the Mediation Specialist. Finally he came on the line. I pointed out the eBay's Condition of returned items, which clearly said "the buyer must return all of the items sent in a return that was sent to them including manuals, etc. in the same condition as sent out. I pointed out that I had to pay to get the game professionally cleaned because of the smoke. eBay said the Refund was issued and they would not help me get back the instructions. "What do you want?," he asked. I said I want the instructions back and what I had to pay to get the game cleaned, which was a token amount. He said, we'll refund the token amount to me within 48 hours. Guess what? No refund for that to me. Well, needless to say, like you I am totally discouraged with selling on eBay. Shopping may be easy, most of the time, but selling isn't.

I didn't receive any email to follow steps. Something fishy here. I follow all eBay policies with clear mention of them in lising. Now, I cannot list. Neither I can follow steps mentioned in email coz that emailI didn't received.

The core problem is GST. if you do not have GST and are an individual trying to sell your old items on ebay. Turns out you can't sell anything anymore without having a business firm and registration for GST.

Did you open an ITEM NOT AS DESCRIBED return, or did you by mistake select "doesn't fit"? Regardless, if the seller is no longer on ebay your will have to open the correct dispute with the payment processor to get your refund.

It is up to your to open the correct type of return case, as ebay only goes by what you select. If you opened the wrong kind by mistake, ebay can't help you. You still can open the correct one with the payment processor, just be careful you following instructions to get your refund. Note that now you may have to pay for the return postage instead of the seller.

The next step in setting up an ebay store is adding the items you want to sell. Part of adding inventory involves determining prices for items. Research competitors to get an idea of how they price similar items. One of the helpful tools eBay offers to sellers is its pricing flow that suggests ideas for pricing, based on the category and item.

We know how valuable your earnings are, and getting paid should never be a puzzle. This article is a guide for those who are looking to connect their Payoneer and eBay accounts, outlined in six manageable steps. We'll also introduce you to an alternative payment method - Wise Business. It's a cost-effective and flexible platform that could make eBay payouts that much smoother. Let's get started!

EBay does not provide order fulfillment and delivery services like Amazon Logistics, so eBay sellers will seek high-quality third-party logistics service providers to undertake the international shipping and order fulfillment service process. Want to automate order processing and fast shipping for your eBay shopping cart? Just a few simple steps to achieve it; come and try it.

Step 5: Now that you have integrated and synchronized the eBay store with Chinadivision's fulfillment system, you can synchronize the new ebay order to the Chinadivision user center through Create Order to achieve fast order processing. ff782bc1db

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