Stefan Walz

Welcome! I am a Finance PhD candidate at Columbia Business School.

I will be on the job market during the 2024-2025 academic year.

Research Interests: Financial Intermediation, Monetary Policy, Macro-finance

Contact Information:



Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 143, April 2024. [Paper]

Working Papers

Awards: Best Ph.D. Student Paper Award, FIRS 2024, Chazen Institute for Global Business at Columbia Business School Grant

Presentations: Northern Finance Association PhD Session (2024, scheduled), Federal Reserve Board of Governors (2024, scheduled), FIRS PhD Session (2024), OFR PhD Symposium (2023), JHU Carey Finance Conference Poster Session (2023), Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (2023), Columbia University (2023)

Awards: Bernstein Center Doctoral Grant (2021)

Presentations: Columbia Business School (2021, 2022), FDIC Bank Research Conference Poster Session (2022)

Presentations: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (2021), Columbia Business School (2021), AFA PhD Poster Session (2022)

Policy Work