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2024 March 31st: Easter

Apparently, Easter occurs in March (at least in Western stuff idk what that means). This holiday, just like Christmas, has to do with Christianity and Jesus, which I'm not religious, however I still celebrate this holiday. Also, this holiday is celebrated with rabbits, eggs, candy and small gifts, similar to Christmas being celebrated with candy, gifts, food, and all that kinds of stuff. That's interesting.

2024 April 1st: April Fool's Day

This day is when people pulls pranks and just do what nowadays is usually something you wouldn't expect. I'm going to make a video for this day (despite another video releasing the next day), and, like Michael MJD's April Fool's Day video last year (involving Windows XP OoBE music), I'm going to make a video that is old YouTube (like, 2007 or so when the field was dominated by camcorders, Windows Movie Maker, HyperCam 2 and the 009 Sound System). Also, I'll still make a normal video the following day. Said video is not to be listed in the upcoming videos list as it is an April Fool's joke that is supposed to be a surprise.

2024 April 22nd: Earth Day

Ah yes, the day which is dedicated to good environmental practices. These days, leaving a good impact on the environment is crucial, due to various factors, such as global warming and the controversial reality of climate change (it exists, why do people deny it? do people really hate themselves that much?). Well, it is what it is, go recycle and stuff on the 22nd of April. I almost forgot about this day... ≥ _ ≤

2024 May 12th: Mother's Day

This is a day which we celebrate our moms with gifts and flowers and nice things and such. I mean, sure, fair point! Without my mom I wouldn't be here! Also, wow, maybe I should include Japanese holidays in here, because standard US holidays this year are pretty spread out!

2024 May 27th: Memorial Day

This day is a day where we honor those who died during military service in the United States, initially after the American Civil War (1861-1865), but it was expanded to all soldiers after World War I and World War II. It is an important day to my country, and there's also Armed Forces Day (which I also should mention honestly), which occurs earlier in May, and Veteran's Day in November. This day also affects me, as someone who has or had ancestors who fought in war (my great grandpa was a messenger during WW1, a dangerous job that involved sending messages to the other side).