Selected Topics in Evolutionary Biology

Category A

Have you ever wondered why there are men and women but no female or male slugs? Do you want to know why people help each other, whether Adam and Eve actually existed, or why it is important to take all those antibiotics doses you were prescribed? Have you ever marvelled at the amazing diversity and complexity of living organisms around you and wondered how it arose?

In this category of STEB seminar, we will look exactly at these questions.

Final results A - 30.6.21.pdf

Here you can find final results of our competition after all five series of the 4th year of STEB. Both the Slovak and English versions are regarded as one category.

Updated 30/06/2021.

Series 1: DNA

Deoxyribonucleic acid, double helix, the molecule of life, the recipe for all life… these are just a few names for this special molecule. We no longer see DNA just as a molecule - it has become the icon of the modern biology and medicine. Discovering its structure and functions entirely changed how we think about life and nature in general.

DNA stores information about us, passing it from parents to offspring, from generation to generation. Thanks to DNA found across the realm of life scientists claim that all living organisms have a single, common origin. So how is it possible, that we observe an amazing diversity of organisms around us?

Read the following article, answer the questions and make your project. You can submit your work via Google Classroom or email it to

Answers to the questions are to be submitted through this form.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at

Should you have questions regarding Google Classroom, please, contact

The deadline for submission of the first series is the midnight on October 29, 2020!



STEB_EN_Year4_S1_Final questions project.pdf

Questions and Project

Series 2: Genetic Basis of Traits

In the second series we will look in more detail into what happens when the DNA mutates. We will look into how genetic diseases emerge and what we can do against them. Can they even be cured?

Read the following article, answer the questions and make your project. You can submit your work via Google Classroom or email it to

Answers to the questions are to be submitted through this form.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at

Should you have questions regarding Google Classroom, please, contact

The deadline for submission of the second series is the midnight on December 9, 2020.

STEB Y4 S2 EN Cat A article.pdf


STEB Y4 S2 EN Cat A questions+project.pdf

Questions and Project

Series 3: A Glimpse into the World of Human Viruses

In the past few months, you have probably heard more about viruses than you ever wished to, and your live has been more influenced by them than you ever anticipated. There are an estimated 10^(31) viruses on this planet, which infect all forms of life. They play an important role in many ecosystems and shape life on earth. While the most debated virus at the moment is undoubtedly SARS-CoV-2, in this issue, we will deliberately have a look at other viruses that infect humans, so you learn more about common features of viruses, as well as differences between them.

Read the following article, answer the questions and make your project. You can submit your work via Google Classroom or email it to

Answers to the questions are to be submitted through this form.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at

Should you have questions regarding Google Classroom, please, contact

The deadline for submission of the third series is the midnight on February 1, 2021.




Questions and Project

Series 4: The causes and consequences of sex differences

While we are working on finishing this series' questions and project, you can read the article in which we will walk you through the steps that led to the evolution of males and females, and the implications of having these two particular mating types.

Read the following article, answer the questions and make your project. You can submit your work via Google Classroom or email it to

Answers to the questions are to be submitted through this form.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at

Should you have questions regarding Google Classroom, please, contact

The deadline for submission of the fourth series is the midnight on March 22, 2021.


Article, Questions & Project

Series 5: Complex genetics of complex traits

Many traits, such as human height or type 2 diabetes, are strongly influenced by genes, yet geneticists have struggled to find out where in the genome the responsible mutations are located. These traits, often varying on a scale, are described by a genetic theory quite different from what Mendel would have had in mind. In this issue we look at the inheritance and evolution of such traits and the large-scale initiatives to discover the genes that influence them.

Read the following article, answer the questions and make your project. You can submit your work via Google Classroom or email it to

Answers to the questions are to be submitted through this form.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at

Should you have questions regarding Google Classroom, please, contact

The deadline for submission of the fifth series is the midnight on May 10, 2021.


Article, Questions & Project