Logistic and probit regression


Binary logistic regression: Overview and example using the jamovi program (June, 2019): video, Powerpoint, .sav file, links document



Ordinal logistic regression / Proportional odds model (August 2021): SPSS data , Powerpoint

Binary logistic regression (March 2021): video , Powerpoint , SPSS data

Hierarchical binary logistic regression (May 2021): video , Powerpoint , SPSS data

Computing effect size measures for predictors in logistic regression painlessly using SPSS & Excel (March 2021): video , Excel spreadsheet , SPSS data

Testing linearity of the logit using the Box-Tidwell transformation: video 1 (of 2) , video 2 (of 2), SPSS data

Generating collinearity diagnostics for binary logistic regression in SPSS (February, 2021): video, SPSS data, Powerpoint referenced in video

Multinomial logistic regression using SPSS: Covid-19 threat perceptions from Pew data (April, 2020): video, SPSS data, Powerpoint

(March 2020 Powerpoint): Binary logistic regression: A ‘deeper dive’ into understanding and interpreting your SPSS results. Download data here: SPSS data

Binary logistic regression (June 2019): video, Powerpoint, .sav file

Getting more from binary logistic regression (June 2019): video, Powerpoint, .sav file

Testing moderated effects using binary logistic regression with Hayes' Process macro & SPSS (June 2019): video , Powerpoint, .sav file

Testing simple and parallel mediation with a binary outcome using Hayes' Process macro & SPSS (June 2019): video , Powerpoint, .sav file

Computing partially and fully standardized logistic regression coefficients using SPSS (June 2019): video, Powerpoint, .sav file, Excel spreadsheet

Probit regression (2019): video, .sav file, link to idre.ucla.edu (on probit regression)

Short demo (2019) of logistic regression example found at UCLA IDRE: video, .sav file

Multinomial logistic regression (2019): video, Powerpoint, .sav file

Ordinal logistic regression (2019): video, .sav file, Powerpoint


R program

An introduction to binary logistic regression in R: Analysis and interpretation (Sept 2019): video, text file, .csv file, Powerpoint

Logistic and probit regression using R: video, Powerpoint presentation, .csv file

Logistic regression with rare event data using the 'logistf' package: video, .csv file, text file containing syntax and other info



Hierarchical binary logistic regression in Stata (April 2021): video , .dta file , Powerpoint , do-file

Binary logistic regression using Stata 17 drop-down menus (May 2021): video , .dta file , Powerpoint

Binary logistic regression using Stata 14 syntax (March 2021): video , Stata data file , do-file with syntax covered in video , Powerpoint

How to generate partially and fully standardized logistic regression coefficients (and other indices) using the Stata package 'spost13' (March 2021): video , Stata data file , Powerpoint , do-file

Binary logistic regression demo using commands and drop-down menus (July 2019): video, .dta file, Powerpoint, text file containing commands

Multinomial logistic regression using Stata: Covid-19 threat perceptions from Pew data (April 2020): video, .dta file, Powerpoint

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Excel calculator for odds, risks, odds ratios, and relative risk ratios following binary logistic regression: video, calculator


Older videos:

Forward, backward, and hierarchical logistic regression in SPSS: video, .sav file

Multinomial and ordinal logistic regression in SPSS: video, .sav file

Binary logistic regression in Stata: video, .dta file, do-file