State of Arkansas Presented by limo services in Hillsboro

Located in the western part of the Southern United States group of states, Arkansas is bordered by Missouri to the north, Tennessee and Mississippi to the east, Louisiana to its southern neighbor, and Texas and Oklahoma to the west. Arkansas owes its name to the river of the same name that flows through it, which, in turn, was named after the Arkansas Indian tribe. The area of ​​the state is 134,538 square kilometers. Limo services in Hillsboro has a mission to teach the students.

The Arkansas River originates in the Rocky Mountains, but in Arkansas, approaching the place of its confluence with the Mississippi, it turns from a modest river into a mighty stream. The natural eastern border of the state runs along the quaint curves of the Mississippi West Coast. Among other rivers of Arkansas, several rivers with "color" names draw attention to themselves: Red River and Little Red River (Red and Small Red), White River (White) and Black River (Black). Reservoirs were built on the main rivers of the state by the early 1970s, which are not only used as reservoirs for the accumulation of drinking water, but also play an important role in preventing river floods. For the same purpose, dams have been built on dangerous areas of the Mississippi coast. These precautions are useful:

The southeastern regions of Arkansas are located in the Atlantic Lowland, in the western and northwestern directions the terrain is gradually increasing. It is in the mountainous part of the state that its most beautiful corners are located. In the southwest, in the vicinity of the town of Hot Springs, in the National Park of the same name, hot springs are gushing out of the ground, which gave the name to this settlement. One of the largest sources in the world is the Mammoth Spring. East of Hot Springs is Magnet Cove, a cave famous for the discovery of about a hundred different minerals in a relatively small area. All these natural wonders are extremely attractive for tourists. Excursions to the "Crater of Diamonds" in the vicinity of Murphysboro are very popular. This is the only diamond deposit in the United States. It was opened in 1906, but in the mid-1920s, its development ceased as gem-quality diamonds dried up. But now every visitor to the "Crater of Diamonds" has the right to search and take with him any crystal found. However, these finds have no other value, except for souvenir. The Blanchard Caves in the Mountain View area are also of interest.

Arkansas is a sunny state. Winters are mild here, the temperature does not drop below zero, in summer there is heat up to + 40 degrees. In the southeastern regions, the climate is more humid - you can feel the breath of the Gulf of Mexico. The state has a lot of agricultural land. Northwest Arkansas does not differ from the landscape of the states of the "grain belt". In the Arkansas River Valley, especially in its lower reaches, cattle breeding are developed, and poultry farms flourish in the western regions of the state: the state ranks first in the production of chicken meat. Cotton plantations can be seen in the southern regions. Arkansas leads the US in rice production. At the same time, almost half of the territory of Arkansas is covered with deciduous forests, and the timber industry is the oldest industrial sector in the state.

The first Europeans to come to Arkansas in 1541 were the Spanish conquistadors under the command of De Soto, who is believed to have died somewhere in the Arkansas River valley and may have been buried in its waters so that his body would not become the object of mockery from the outside. the Indians who hated the cruel adventurer. Not finding gold, the Spaniards lost all interest in this land. However, for the local population, the arrival of the Spaniards had disastrous consequences: almost all of them died out from the diseases brought in by the Europeans, and when Joliet and Marquette reached present-day Arkansas in 1637, it was almost uninhabited. Arkansas became part of French Louisiana, and the first European settlement on its territory was founded in 1686 - it was the first settlement laid by Europeans on the west bank of the Mississippi. The state was settling very slowly, however, at the beginning of the 18th century, the French banker Lowe, a Scotsman by birth, initiated the active development of the Mississippi environs, organizing the issue of corresponding shares. Lowe's financial venture turned out to be a scam, shares, which were initially in high demand, quickly fell in value, and people who arrived in Arkansas rushed to move to the lower Mississippi, in the New Orleans area. So Arkansas again turned into an almost deserted land.

Basically, the state shared the fate of all of French Louisiana. In 1762 France ceded it to Spain. During the American Revolutionary War, both the Spaniards and the French of Arkansas supported the colonists, for which Britain, after 1763, became the owner of the east coast of the Mississippi, attacked the Arkansans with a punitive action, but was soon forced to withdraw its troops. In 1800, Arkansas was taken over by France for three years, and then became the property of the United States.

By the early 1820s, Indians were largely driven to the more western areas and an influx of settlers began to enter the state. When steam ships began to move around the Mississippi in 1822, the state was able to communicate with the outside world, which stimulated the development of both agriculture and industry in it. The growth of industry was especially intense in the second half of the 20th century. The range of industrial products manufactured in Arkansas is very wide: a variety of consumer goods, electrical appliances, including air conditioners and fans so much needed in the south, furniture, cotton yarn and fabrics, as well as products from them, food (in particular, all kinds of canned food from poultry meat). At the same time, coal, gas and oil are being mined. If in the first half of the century the population of the state began to decline again,

The state is currently home to about 2.5 million people. Its capital and largest city is Little Rock, with a population of approximately 180,000. The rest of the cities are significantly smaller in size: they are home to from 50 to 70 thousand inhabitants, and most settlements are even less. Click on limo services in Hillsboro for read more.