Nutrigo Lab Mass is a food supplement designed for professional athletes who want to effectively build muscle mass. Regular use of the supplement in conjunction with exercise and diet, allows you to get high-quality muscle mass, accelerate muscle growth and improve body efficiency, as well as increase strength.

The effectiveness of the Nutrigo Lab Mass food supplement results from the ingredients used. This is, among others animal protein in the form of Isolac® isolate as well as Optipep® hydrolyzate. The effective formula allows you to build muscle tissue faster, accelerates the regeneration of muscle microdamages and replenishes the fuel supply, which is glycogen. Athletes who regularly use Nutrigo Lab Mass are able to do more reps, which translates into maximizing the effects of training. In addition, the food supplement facilitates the burning of unnecessary fat.


If you are looking to bulk up and increase your muscle mass, then Nutrigo Lab Mass is just what you need! It will help you grow stronger and bigger and bring your workout results on an entirely new level! It is available in two delicious new flavors as well.




Nutrigo Lab Mass is a mix of 3 different types of protein – whey (80%), whey isolate Isolac®, and whey hydrolysate Optipep® (both 90%). This mix comes in the form of easy to prepare a shake. The effects of such a mix are augmented and include:

  • Effective growth of the muscle mass

  • Fast absorbing amino acids

  • Stores glycogen much faster

  • Muscle damage repair after heavy workouts

  • Faster reaching of preset goals

Now available in 2 different flavors!

Nutrigo Lab Mass Reviews

Building a muscle mass is the dream for lot of people, especially for men. Gaining healthy muscle is as complicated as losing weight. You can find lot of product in the market that can increase the muscle mass effectively. Still, we search for better option with best composition and great results. Do you need to get rid of such super muscle gaining product? Then this review about the Nutrigo Lab Mass can help you with the effective results.

What is Nutrigo Lab Mass?

Nutrigo Lab Mass is an effective mix of different types of proteins that helps to bulk up and increase your muscle mass. It supports you to grow stronger and bring workout results with extreme benefits. Also you can get the supplement in 2 delicious new flavors.

  • Gives you effective results.

  • Improves strength.

  • Supports workout goals.

  • Gain muscle mass.


How the Nutrigo Lab Mass works?

The Nutrigo Lab Mass is a powerful mix of 3 different types of protein. The protein compounds present in the supplement, helps in effective muscle growth. It has fast absorbing amino acids and stores glycogen much faster. The supplement helps to repair the muscle damage after heavy workouts and reach the preset goals faster. The supplement comes in the form of easy to prepare shake for gaining healthy muscle mass.

How to use the mix?

You can take the Nutrigo Lab Mass by 4 using scoops of the supplement in a shaker with 200ml of milk or water. Shake well and drink twice a day either post workout or between meals.

What is included in the Nutrigo Lab Mass?

The Nutrigo Lab Mass is a safe and effective supplement that is comprised of high-quality ingredients. The list includes:

Protein: The Nutrigo Lab Mass is made of 3 protein sources, for full absorption. It is the muscle-building blocks that can help athletes to enjoy a muscle figure. It keeps you physically active and improves your muscle mass.

Creatine: It is the most effective nutrition that helps in muscle building and regeneration. It increases your body capacity to improve your training.

Carbs: It is essential for proper body function and accelerates regeneration. It reduces muscle catabolism when combined with proteins.

BCAA+ I-Glutamine: These are amino acids that our body produces self-dependently. But intense workout can lower its level and it has to delivered from outside. The supplement supplies to compensate.

Kcal: The amount of 358 Kcal helps in correct functioning of the product. It nourishes your body to build lean muscular mass.

Is Nutrigo Lab Mass GMP Certified?

Yes, the Nutrigo Lab Mass manufacturer in an FDA registered facility that follows GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) guidelines.

Can you buy Nutrigo Lab Mass at Walmart or Amazon?

Not at all and will never be available on their store. Recently, they were caught with over 4000 tainted, unsafe and cheap supplements and vitamins. Most of them from China. You deserve better than that and why you can only get Nutrigo Lab Mass here. It’s the only way we can ensure quality remains the same throughout the entire process.

Benefits of Nutrigo Lab Mass:

  • It helps to improve the fitness and physical strength with required energy.

  • The supplement regulates the hormone balance and supplies the necessary nutrients for your body.

  • The supplement gets absorbed by the body quickly better than any other supplements available for gaining weight.

  • The mix is available in 2 different flavors for better taste options to support the user consumption.

  • The quality is supported by thousands of real user customer experience with positive feedback.

  • It has high quality proteins and tested ingredients that gives effective results with healthy muscles.

  • It can support you with safe and desired results with no compromise in quality.



  • The Nutrigo Lab Mass can be bought only from the official product website only through online and not in any other stores.

The results might vary with each person based on their body characteristics, exercise schedule.

Where can get the supplement?

Even though, there are number of product site found, the Nutrigo Lab Mass is available only in its official website and not anywhere else. It is made so to ensure you will purchase the right thing. Once you make the order, you can get the product delivered within 48 hours to you at your doorsteps. Each package of Nutrigo Lab Mass contains 30 servings that is 100g per serving that lasts for a month.

Is Nutrigo Lab Mass safe?

The Nutrigo Lab Mass is made of natural and high quality extracts that is tested to provide you the best desired result of gaining muscle mass. It is 100% safe and healthy to consume. To enhance the product quality, you can find number of positive customer feedbacks without any negative side effects reported so far. You can follow the procedure of using the mix for improving your results and it varies based on your workouts, consumption routine and diets.


If you desire for the healthy muscle gain to feel fit and energetic, then the Nutrigo Lab Mass is the only right option to support you. It gives you safe and effective results in an easy to use mix that makes the consumption effortless. To make it more delicious the supplement is available in 2 different flavors can be chosen based on your choice. It doesn’t produce any negative side effects to your health since it is composed of natural nutrients. It gives you enormous amount of energy with creation of healthy muscles that suits for athletes and amateurs.

And one more thing…

You have an amazing benefit to use this 100% money-back guarantee for the first 90 days of your purchase. If you aren’t satisfied or not benefited by the product, then you can claim your 100% refund immediately.


With a 100% money-back guarantee policy, the supplements are definitely worth a try!