About STARS: Black Affinity Group

We look forward to building our Affinity Group network and membership engagement, Approved presentation submissions are eligible for celebration registration waiver, participation stipend or travel + hotel stipend and an amazing opportunity for networking STARS IGNITE programs. Apply today, Affinity membership application is open enrollment.

Join STARS Black Affinity Group as a Leadership or Community Volunteer member, Give back to the Philly Youth with STEM - Computer Science focused outreach activities, mentorship and community. 

Extend your STEM 

Powerful Mindz Inc., is a community Mindful Computing program. Mindful CS incorporates Mindfulness practices and cognitive autonomous learning skills. K12 participants explore technology fields and studies that supports their individual career aspirations, gain mentorship and university network of faculty, students and community resources. Join today as a K12 activity volunteer or leadership. Do you know a k12 institution or community organization, seeking Technology activities for their youth? Share or sign up here. K12 orientation: February 20th, 12:30pm.

STARS Computing Corps, NSBE and The Philadelphia Robotics Coalition establishes the Philadelphia Computer Engineering and Robotics Fellowship. active organization members are encouraged to intersect STEM skills towards engaging and impactful community inclusive workshops, mentorship and conference representation. Join Today, Orientation held February 14th 5pm. Location disclosed with registration confirmation. 

STARS Computing Corps, Ignite program supports Temple University's Psychology, Computer Science and Africology Departments research cohort. Africana Computing research members will investigate and develop transformative Computing learning pathways, Culture inclusive language, and Black tech innovations, historically unrecognized as honorable Computing Pioneers. Join today! Orientation, February 15th 5pm, location disclosed with registration confirmation.


The program supports faculty, students, and staff in the adoption of BPC interventions through workshops, conference sessions, professional development opportunities, and the distribution of materials and programs-in-a-box. Join today, click here to apply!

BPC: Braintrust 

We address challenges to improve diversity, equity and inclusion across the computing education pipeline from K12- to college, university- and the professoriate. These seminars are invitation only, and the recordings are open to the public. They are designed for current (and aspiring!) computing students, researchers, faculty, and teachers.  Request an invitation to join live (from within each scheduled webinar below) or view from the archives. Join ACR and Computer Engineering & Robotics Fellowship, an invited BPC program! 

STARS leadership Corp

In the SLC, college faculty support college student teams to develop and lead service-learning projects that are grounded in providing equitable access to inclusive computing education as an issue of social justice, provide a socially relevant context for CS knowledge, and present opportunities for meaningful practice of CS skills; building these connections and skills through SLC participation is a key part of the STARS approach to increasing persistence in computing degree programs. more about STARS leadership 

Upcoming Affinity Events



Computer Enginerring & Robotics Fellowship:

Spring membership orientation, learn more about how STARS can support your computer technology outreach and research.

Africana Computing Research Cohort

Spring membership Orientation, learn more about how STARS can support your Culturally responsive learning pathway research and outreach.

MinDFUL CS: High school Recruites

We ask members to submit by Feb 15th, your network of K12 institutions or community organization that would have interest in Black Affinity K12 STEM activities! Feb 2oth, Mindful CS orientation (a high school computing research workshop)