In 2019, the German Language Association VDS (Verein Deutsche Sprache; not to be confused with the Association for the German Language Gesellschaft fr deutsche Sprache, GfdS) launched a petition against the use of the gender star, saying it was a "destructive intrusion" into the German language and created "ridiculous linguistic structures". It was signed by over 100 writers and scholars.[11] Luise F. Pusch, a German feminist linguist, criticises the gender star as it still makes women the 'second choice' by the use of the feminine suffix.[12] In 2020, the Gesellschaft fr deutsche Sprache declared Gendersternchen to be one of the 10 German Words of the Year.[13]

Starfield is a highly anticipated game among players all over the world, so it's no wonder they want to understand what's happening in their language. However, despite the many petitions going around asking for localization, Starfield may remain unattainable for some.

Starfield German Language Pack Download


For now, Starfield supports subtitles only for English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, and Simplified Chinese. Based on Spencer's words, it seems possible we'll see other popular languages on the list one day. Meanwhile, it's going to be up to fans to translate the game.

to change the language you first have to unpack the language pack, then run the exe, then you go to the games folder and look for this file -> (steam_emu.ini) and there you change the language to your language and save it. start the game and enjoy..peace

@Hypes du entpackst das sprachpaket und in dem entpackten packet is nochmal eine datei zum entpacken nur 1 siehste direkt bei mir war sie sehr weit unten, diese entpackst du auch und dann nutzt du den language changer und klickst da auch dieses extra fenster an das er die datein nutzt und danach befolgst du den oberigen schritt .. ganz easy habe untertitel auf deutsch mensprache auch nur die npc sprechen grad noch englisch obwohl es auf deutsch ist dass muss ich noch schauen ob sich das gleich ndert oder erst nach dem neustart

@Hypes wo finde ich diese voice dateien`grade im spiele ordner geschaut da sind keine, oder muss ich das language pack wieder entpacken(habs gelscht) und dann da die dateien umbenennen und die exe erneut installieren lassen

I managed to change the language of the menu and the subtitles using the Rune, however the in-game voices are still in English even though I selected French in the menu.

And the sound is broken, the music is cut, at times there is no sound.

Starfield is a truly enormous game, and has thousands of lines of spoken dialogue. It's probably unreasonable to expect Microsoft and Bethesda to localize the game for languages where there are comparatively fewer speakers (sorry to the Cornish speakers out there). However, for Microsoft and Bethesda to omit key growth regions for Xbox such as the Arabic states and Korea, not only for voiceovers but subtitle support as well, is somewhat absurd, particularly given Microsoft's pledges to grow the brand beyond their typical US-UK anglocentric markets. In an interview with the Korean Yonhap News Agency, Xbox lead Phil Spencer responded to calls for further localization:

Spencer's comments will likely be of little comfort for those waiting to see if they need to take a second language course to enjoy one of the year's most anticipated upcoming Xbox games, and most anticipated upcoming PC games.

On PC, I suspect modders will do a lot of the heavy lifting for Bethesda in this area, but they really shouldn't have to. Microsoft has the raw capital necessary to bring more localization to the game natively. There are agencies they could work with around the world to help faithfully translate the subtitle transcripts to more languages at a minimum, even if getting full voice-over work done for more languages isn't viable for whatever reason.

Microsoft has long talked about this "2 billion gamers" north star goal it hopes to reach, but I'm not sure how they hope to reach those billions of gamers without bridging the most fundamental constraint which is the language barrier. Microsoft champions accessibility causes more so than most major companies, but localization is also an accessibility cause, particularly for those without the means, time, or capability to study and adopt a second language. I've written on the localization issue before repeatedly with regard to Xbox over the years, whose official support for its platforms beyond its main markets seems to stop at simply selling stuff. The lack of global presence is still one of the biggest challenges preventing Xbox's growth in the wider world, and it seems those constraints will continue in the near term.

Players can change the language in the menu settings and can choose any language they prefer to play with. Open up the Main Menu or Pause Menu, then select on Audio and select Voice Language, then pick the language you want.

Development started in Dec. 2012 shortly after the kickstarter on a modified version of Amazon Lumberyard which was forked from CryENGINE 3, and has no release date revealed.. The game will initially be localized to English, French, German and Spanish with plans to handle other languages afterwards. Chris Roberts currently plans Star Citizen to remain DRM free.

As some eagle-eyed gamers have noted, Bethesda has seemingly dropped Russian language support from its Starfield listing on Steam. On April 11, a change was made on the Starfield Steam page that removed any mention of Russian subtitles and language support. (Archived pages show that these features had been listed as recently as April 4).

At present there has been no statement from either Microsoft or Bethesda on this change. One can only presume that it may possibly be related to the Ukraine/Russia conflict, seeing as the Russian language was supported in past Bethesda Game Studios like Fallout 4 and Skyrim. It is interesting to note however, that at the time of this writing Russian language support is still listed for the upcoming Redfall, also from Bethesda.

Starfield will support multiple languages when it ships on September 6, 2023, including English, German, French, Italian, Japanese and more. Before that, gamers will be treated to a special Starfield Developer_Direct showcase on June 11. Maybe Bethesda will divulge something on this change then.

"Although not extensive, the team still made a few improvements between WE7 and PES3 in the months between release," according to a spokesman, and that's what this release represents - although it will also incorporate Japanese, English, Italian, French, Spanish and German language support.

Adoring Fan, your number one supporter from The Elder Scrolls franchise, is back better than ever, and if you are ready to deal with his worst, you can have him at his best, which is as a helpful ally on your ship. You just need to select the Hero Worshipped trait during character selection. Just keep in mind that his love language is words of affirmation.

In a virtual point-to-origin task, participants seem to show different response patterns and underlying strategies for orientation, such as "turner" and "non-turner" response patterns. Turners respond as if succeeding to update simulated heading changes, and non-turners respond as if failing to update their heading, resulting in left-right hemisphere errors. We present two other response patterns, "non-movers" and "spinners," that also appear to result in failures to update heading. We have three specific goals in mind: (1) extend previous findings of higher turner rates with spatial language response mode using a point-to-origin task instead of a triangle completion task; (2) replicate the gender effect of males more likely responding as turners; (3) examine ethnicity influence. Designed as a classroom study, we presented participants (N = 498) with four passages through a virtual star field. Participants selected the direction pointing to the origin from four multiple-choice items. Response mode was either pictograms or written language, chosen to compare with similar studies and see if these response modes have an effect on virtual orientation behavior. Results show a majority of participants (48.35%) classified as non-turners, 32.93% turners, 15.57% as non-movers, and 3.14% as spinners. A multinomial regression model reached 49% classification performance. Written spatial language, compared to pictograms, made turner response patterns more likely; this effect was more pronounced for Chinese participants and among females, but not male Caucasians. Moreover, higher turner numbers for written spatial language extends Avraamides findings of higher turner numbers when participants turned their bodies toward the origin but not when they responded verbally. Using pictorial response mode (i.e., top-down picture of a head) may have increased cognitive load because it could be considered more embodied. It remains to be seen how we can reduce the reference frame conflict that might have caused increased cognitive load. Second, our results are inconsistent with previous research in that males overall did not show more turner behavior than females. Future research may look at possible underlying factors, such as cultural norms. Third, individualistic cultures (Caucasians; Greif, 1994) lean toward turner response patterns, whereas collectivist cultures (Asian) lean toward non-turner response patterns.

Ascaron maintains development studios in Berlin, Gutersloh andAachen (Germany), as well as an international department inBirmingham (UK). Ascaron currently markets its products in morethan 40 countries and over 15 languages. e24fc04721

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