1. [Linux] run a Windows VM (downloaded here : -us/windows/downloads/virtual-machines ) using Virtualbox with a shared network folder ("Settings" => "Shared Folders" => "Add folder" icon, then provide the game's folder path "~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/swkotor" and check "Auto-mount")

2. [Linux] download UniWS.exe + the no-CD 1.03 swkotor.exe and put them in the game folder

3. [VM] patch swkotor.exe using UniWS.exe (using the proper options as described here : -wars-knights-old-republic )

4. [Linux] download and copy UniWS's specific 2560x1600 assets to the game's Override folder

5. [Linux] download k1hrm-1.3 here : -kotor-high-resolution-menus/ and patch swkotor.exe again, this time using using k1hrm-1.3's .pl script : "./hires_patcher.pl 2560 1600 yes ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/swkotor/swkotor.exe"

6. [Linux] copy k1hrm-1.3's specific 2560x1600 assets to the game's Override folder

7. [VM] download K1R + K1CP and put them in a separate folder on the VM's desktop (that's important, because TSLPatcher does a lot of IO writing, so if you have them in the network's shared folder, it'll most likely crash or be very very slow) 

8. [VM] install K1R's main patch (by pointing TSLPatcher to the game folder's network shared folder, which is found under Windows' "Network" menu) and then the secondary patches (same method)

I stopped at the 9th step, which would have been "[VM] install K1CP patches". But following the recent announcement of the very-soon-to-be 1.8 version, I was wondering if I should wait for it ? Or if I could already install the master branch ? (but I guess there's no "install.exe" binary for it yet - at least I can't find one in the Github repository) How could I participate to the beta phase ? Or will it then be possible to "upgrade" during a game play, if I install 1.7 now and I switch to 1.8 once it's released ?

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