One of the millions of clones of the human male bounty hunter Jango Fett grown on the planet Kamino,[6] Hunter was the leader of the experimental unit Clone Force 99, also known by its members as "The Bad Batch." The elite clone squad consisted of clone commandos with desirable genetic mutations, with Hunter's mutations giving him enhanced senses. He was able to feel electromagnetic frequencies from anywhere on a planet. Hunter served as a Clone Sergeant, commanding the sharpshooter Crosshair, the brute Wrecker, and the technology genius Tech. The squad flew in an Omicron-class attack shuttle called the Marauder. Clone Force 99 was named after the Maintenance duty clone 99, who was killed in the Battle of Kamino.[2]

In 19 BBY,[11] Clone Force 99 was fighting an Insurrection on Yalbec Prime, where Wrecker cut off the Yalbec queen's stinger, causing the males of the species to try to mate with them. During the insurrection, Commander Cody transmitted a request for Clone Force 99 to arrive on Anaxes. The Republic was losing the Battle of Anaxes, and to turn the tide, Captain Rex and Cody plotted an attack with a small squad on a Separatist Cyber Center, with Cody selecting The Bad Batch for the mission. The squad nearly crashed the Marauder as it flew at high speed into Fort Anaxes. Hunter exited the starship first and apologized for their tardiness, explaining their encounter with the Yalbecs as an "unforeseen complication." The sergeant vouched for the flaws and abilities of his brothers before enquiring about the nature of their mission, boarding a Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry gunship and getting briefed en route to their destination.[2]

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Tech proposed to scramble the starship's signature. To do so, he needed to land to perform the calculations. He stated that the nearest world is Pantora. Hunter agreed, and the Bad Batch left the ship's deck except for Omega.[15]

Hunter quickly found Omega with a woman, which he told Omega to step away from. The woman replied that she and Omega were getting to know each other before donning her helmet. He and the woman stared each other down as he reach for his knife, but she fired first with her blaster pistol. Hunter then threw his knife at her, who blocked it with an object before dodging another attack from him and taking the knife herself, forcing him on the defensive. As the two fight, Hunter told Omega to run. Just then, Pantoran Security officers arrived, prompting Shand to retrieve her pistol and flee.[15]

While in space, Hunter told Omega that their opponent was a bounty hunter but is unaware of the identity. Echo explained that a bounty hunter is someone who hunts targets while Tech added that she is the target. Wrecker thought they should not scare Omega. Hunter said that they need to find out who the bounty hunter was and who hired her. Omega wore a worried expression in response.[15]

Tech was fitting Crosshair's comm device and gave it to Omega while the squad was heading for Ord Mantell. They needed to find out why a bounty hunter was after Omega. Echo knew an informant there named Ciddarin Scaleback, a friend of the Jedi. When the squad arrived at the planet's surface, they entered a parlor. They asked the owner if she knew Scaleback, and she said she didn't know him. Hunter, Tech, Echo, and Wrecker talked about what to do while Omega looked around and found out the owner was Scaleback. Scaleback led the squad inside her office. Hunter showed her a hologram of the female bounty hunter. Scaleback said she didn't know her, but she could find out. Scaleback told them if they did a mission, she would find out who the female bounty hunter was. Hunter agreed. Scaleback told them it was a rescue mission, and they had to rescue a child named Muchi from some Zygerrian slavers. Scaleback gave them more information on an intel stick.[16]

Inside, Scaleback revealed to Hunter the identity of the bounty hunter that he faced on Pantora, Fennec Shand. Scaleback explained that Fennec Shand is new to the scene but had already been proven to be ruthless and cunning. When Hunter asked who hired her, Scaleback said that sources in the Bounty Hunter's guild said that she was working on a direct commission. Scaleback warned Hunter that he will need friends and money, emphasizing the latter. Hunter even admitted that they are not exactly swimming in either. Scaleback then gave Hunter a cut. She told him that more credits are available if he is looking for work. Hunter replied that he will think about it. Scaleback remarked that they must be valuable for a bounty hunter of Shand's caliber to be pursuing them, she added that she is good with keeping secrets.[16]

Omega called the squad that she had found the tactical droid on a conveyer belt. She clarified that the droid was already in pieces, but the head was still intact. As she was watching, one of the worker Trace Martez stole the head of the tactical droid. Omega tried to intervene, but Hunter immediately told her to stay put and disengage. Before Omega could intervene any further, another worker Rafa Martez stopped her. Trace ran into Hunter, Tech, and Echo as she descended down a flight of stairs. They immediately held the worker at gunpoint. Tech asked the worker who she is, then Trace unmasked herself asking the same question. A blaster from Omega's energy bow hit a vent and released a gas and workers started to panic. A worker noticed the clones and reported a security breach that caused the facility to go on a full lockdown. The other workers managed to flee behind a blast door as the alarm rang. They all soon found themselves trapped inside the facility. Police droids started to come in, firing at the clones and the two sisters. Omega continued to pursue Rafa, despite Hunter's order. While the clones were exchanging fire with the police droids, Trace took the opportunity to flee. Hunter tasked the other clones to lift up the lockdown and himself to get the droid head.[17]

Before arguing any further about the droid head, Hunter suggested a truce between the clones and the sisters to get out. Trace said that she needed a diversion. She tinkered with the tactical droid's head to reactivate battle droids. Hunter warned her that reactivating clankers are dangerous, Trace replied that it's not if they are controlling them. However, the tactical droid's signal was too weak to transmit, Tech helped her to boost the signal and started to reprogram the droid. As the police droids converged on them, Wrecker jumped down and took out several police droids. Tech finished the reprogram and Trace commanded the battle droid to attack the police droids. Soon after, battle droids started to converge and attacked the police droids. The clones and the sisters took the opportunity to leave the facility. Trace radioed R7-A7 for a pick up. They ran into more police droids. Trace accidentally dropped the droid head, destroying it. As more police droids and battle droids exchanged fire, they all fled aboard the sisters' ship.[17]

Sometimes later while on a job, the Marauder was pursued by three Rhokai gang starfighters. Hunter asked how long before they could jump into hyperspace, as he manned the rear gun. Tech said that depended on how long for Echo to get the hyperdrive back online, Echo responded that he is working on it. Omega, strapped in next to a cage which was somewhat secured, said she thought that Ruby was getting scared, which prompted Wrecker to express surprise that she named the lizard.[18]

As the pursuit continued, Wrecker asked what is up with their pursuers. Omega pointed out that they did steal from them, Tech responded that the Rhokai stole the lizard and that they were merely "intercepting" it. Hunter countered that the Rhokai didn't see it that way. Due to the chaos and movements, the cage fell and the frightened lizard fled. Ruby jumped onto Wrecker, which prompted him to start panicking too. Omega told Wrecker to stay calm as he was scaring the lizard. Finally, Echo managed to get the hyperdrive back online as Omega secured Ruby back in her the the cage. Tech pulled the lever and the Marauder jumped into Hyperspace.[18]

Back on Ord Mantell, the Bad Batch showed Ruby to Scaleback, she remarked that the lizard is "strange-looking". Echo asked Scaleback what the client wanted to do with the lizard, she guessed that it could be a pet or maybe he wanted to turn in into a stew, but she added that she didn't care. Hunter remarked as long as Scaleback got paid, she agreed that he started to catch on. Scaleback led them back to her office. As they went to the back, Hunter noticed a hooded figure amongst other patrons in the parlor. Omega and Wrecker seeked Hunter's permission to go outside and celebrate after the mission ended, it's a tradition that made her happy. Hunter agreed, but told them to not stay away for too long. Back at Scaleback's office, the Trandoshan only gave them a third of the credits that were promised. Hunter and Echo quickly protested, but Scaleback replied that she was also promised three times the rate. Echo asked how this arrangement was mutually beneficial to them, Scaleback said that she is generous due to the debt they owed her.[18]

The Marauder soon descended into Bracca. Echo picked up Rex's beacon as they flew over a massive starship salvage yard. They landed on a scrappy hangar and saw a parked Y-wing starfighter, Rex waited and greeted Hunter and the other clones as they arrived. Rex led the clones to a wrecked Venator-class Star Destroyer and told them that he removed his chip in a similar cruiser. Curiously, Wrecker asked why they landed far away from the actual destination, before anyone could reply Hunter spotted a hover barge and took cover to hide. Tech identified the craft and said that it belonged to the Scrapper Guild. Rex explained that the guild controlled the planet and the importance to stay hidden from them, finally answering Wrecker's question. The clones then headed deeper into the wreckage of the capital ship.[18] e24fc04721

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