Seoul National University's
architecture laboratory

*This is a temporary website.

Professor Jinkyu "JK" Yang's profile can be found at:

His former website can be found at:


Our research in the STAR (Seoul National University’s Transformative ARchitecture) Laboratory is directed towards designing and developing advanced architected systems for various engineering applications, ranging from aerospace structures, biomedical devices, civil infrastructure, to energy and environments. To achieve this, we leverage interdisciplinary knowledge, such as mechanics, physics, robotics, data science, and even art and design. Such advanced architecture will allow us to manipulate their mechanical properties and dynamic responses at will, which will lead to a paradigm shift in engineering design.

Exemplary Projects

Lightweight & Deployable Architecture

by using creative origami, robotics, manufacturing, and sensor/actuator techniques

Advanced Material Concepts

by adopting novel ideas from topological insulators, bio-inspired materials, and advanced composites

Data, Modeling, and Beyond

e.g., data-driven modeling, mechanics for environments, and coral physiology studies

Selected Media Coverage

International Collaborative Network

Previous and Current Sponsors


We hire graduate students, undergraduate interns, and postdoctoral scholars, who are motivated to explore this exciting field of transformative architecture. Applicants with any background (engineering, science, math, physics, architecture, etc.) are welcome! Please contact Professor Yang ( with your resume!

함께할 대학원생, 학부인턴, 그리고 박사후연구원을 모집합니다. 다양한 전공(공학뿐만 아니라 수학, 물리, 건축, 산업디자인 등)을 환영합니다. 해외 대학과의 활발한 연구교류를 통하여, 학문적으로 우수하면서 산업계에도 큰 영향을 끼칠 수 있는 흥미로운 연구를 하고 싶은 분은 양진규 교수에게 연락주세요.