Recognizable by their yellow body, blue eyes and blue sword, the Desert Knights are the variant encountered in Starswept Valley. They are much weaker than their Blizzard counterpart, featuring a lot less HP. Unlike their Blizzard variant, they only spawn individually.Killing them will spawn a chest with loot usually more on the rare side. This chest will not drop if the knight came from a meteor, it will only spawn a chest if the knight spawned without a meteor.

Recognizable by their grey body, white eyes and astral enchant sword, the Star Knights are a variant of the stone knight only encountered through a developer spawning it in, or guarding a meteorite via Resonant Dawn. Their HP is unknown but is presumed to be far higher than the other two variants. They drop Astral Enchant Stones upon death, this is the only way to obtain them.

Star Knight Game Download


Knight, who says he was the most starstruck when he played against superstars Kevin Durant, James Harden, and Lebron James, scored 14 points in only his second NBA appearance. That was one of four double-digit scoring efforts this season from the 2019-20 Mid-Major Player of the Year at William & Mary, who played in 39 games for the Atlanta Hawks after signing with the team as an undrafted free agent.

Set in the year 2268, humanity has spread across the cosmos and formed the galactic peacekeeping organization known as the Star Knights who are powered through a miniature sun in their armor as a Star Knight known as Roxanne Roquefort travels the cosmos facing against threats across the stars.

The games play as a platformer (the first three games are 2D as the fourth and beyond switch it to a 3D style) with a focus on clearing levels by making it to the end and beating the boss at the end. You have a jump, a melee attack, a dash and a wall jump to start as well as a parry that when you hit an enemy projectile, it flies back to the enemy. At the end of each level after beating the boss, you unlock a new ability that allows you to explore more levels to collect collectables which include extra lives, energy cores to increase your health and tanks that give you more bar to use special moves unlocked by beating bosses.

The traditions of knighthood have survived the millennia.Numerous orders, including (but certainly not limited to)the Knights of Golarion and the Hellknight Orders of the Chain,Eclipse, Furnace, Gate, Nail, Pike, and Scourge, are extremelyactive in the Pact Worlds and beyond. These highly trained andrenowned warriors are star knights, defenders of specific causeschampioned by their orders and ready to enforce their oathswith sword, plasma cannon, and even magic when necessary.

Members of the Knights of Golarion and of the most commonHellknight orders each have one order-specific option that theycan select for the alternate class feature at 6th level. Onceyou decide which 6th-level alternate class feature to take, youcannot change this decision.

A Hellknight of the Order of the Chain can choose the anchoringattack alternate class feature. As a standard action, you canapply the anchoring weapon fusion (Starfinder Core Rulebook192) to any weapon you wield. You can use this ability onceper day, plus one additional time per day at 9th level and every3 levels thereafter. The weapon fusion remains active until theweapon becomes unattended or is wielded by another creature,or until you take a 10-minute rest to regain Stamina Points. Thisweapon fusion does not count toward the maximum number oflevels of weapons fusions a weapon can have at once.

A Hellknight of the Order of the Furnace can choose the blazingattack alternate class feature. This acts as the anchoring attackalternate class feature, but it grants the flaming weapon fusion(Core Rulebook 194) as a standard action to a single weapon of2nd level or higher that the knight wields.

A Hellknight of the Order of the Nail can choose the commandalternate class feature. As a standard action, you can cast commandas a spell-like ability. You can use this ability once per day, plus oneadditional time per day at 9th level and every 3 levels thereafter.The save DC is equal to 11 + your key ability score modifier.

A Hellknight of the Order of the Eclipse can choose the createdarkness alternate class feature. As a standard action, you cancreate a 20-foot-radius zone of darkness centered within 20 feetof you. The zone negates the effects of all nonmagical lightsources in its area and lasts for 1 minute. You can see as normalwithin the zone, and you can dismiss the effect as a standardaction. Unless otherwise noted, any magic source of light canincrease the light level in the area as normal. You can use thisability once per day, plus one additional time per day at 12th leveland at 18th level.

A Knight of Golarion can choose the holy attack alternateclass feature. This acts as the anchoring attack alternate classfeature, but it grants the holy weapon fusion (Core Rulebook194) as a standard action to any weapon of 2nd level or higherthat the knight wields.

A Hellknight of the Order of the Pike can choose the pikemastery alternate class feature. As a standard action, you cangrant a melee weapon you wield the reach special property.Alternatively, you can combine a melee weapon that alreadyhas the reach special property with a ranged weapon you areproficient with, allowing the conglomeration to act both as amelee weapon with reach and as a ranged weapon. Whicheveroption you select, it lasts until the weapon becomes unattended,the weapon is wielded by another creature, you choose todismiss the effect, or you take a 10-minute rest to regainStamina Points. You can use this ability once per day, plus oneadditional time per day at 12th level and at 18th level.

A Hellknight of the Order of the Gate can choose the summonalternate class feature. As a standard action, you can castsummon creature (Starfinder Alien Archive 144) as a spell-likeability with a spell level equal to one-third your class level. Youcan select only a single lawful creature to summon with thisspell. You can use this ability once per day.

A Hellknight of the Order of the Scourge can choose the zoneof truth alternate class feature. As a standard action, you cancast zone of truth as a spell-like ability. You can use this abilityonce per day, plus one additional time per day at 10th level andevery 4 levels thereafter. The save DC is equal to 12 + your keyability score modifier.

Hellknights and Knights of Golarion each have a specificoption which they can select for the alternate class feature at12th level. Once the decision of which 12th-level alternate classfeature to take is made, it cannot be changed.

Hellknights of any order can choose the in Hell's name alternateclass feature. As a standard action, you can pronounce ajudgment against all nonlawful creatures within 20 feet of you.Each target that can hear you must succeed at a Will savingthrow (DC = 10 + half your character level + your key abilityscore modifier) or be staggered for 1d4 rounds. This is a mind-affecting,sense-dependent effect. You can use this ability onceper day, plus one additional time per day at 18th level.


A song from within the depth of the cosmos. A protagonist with curious beginnings encounters a Star Knight, steering starships deeper yet into space to lead us on a journey full of adventures and unknowns.

Star Knight is a young alicorn prince that born to Princess Twilight Sparkle and Prince Blue Sword. Some time after Perfect Scale's defeat, the Lord of Order commands that Nine-Tails is sealed inside Star, something Golden Paladin does, turning the young prince into the second Jinchuriki of the Tailed Beast with nine tails. At the age of ten, Star Knight starts to study at the Three Great Fairies Preparatory Academy with his three best friends: Jonagold Apple, Bramble and Gunter, and also his marefriend Moonlight Sonnet.

After graduating and not finding himself in a quest or protecting the reality from the Lord of Chaos, Star starts to become uncertain of what to do. Despite wanting to increase his studies and knowing eventually he will become the new ruler of the Light Kingdom, Star doesn't know what he should do in the meantime, when he is not fighting the Lord of Chaos and his followers.

After using Golden Paladin's sealing spell to seal the Curse of the Poisoned Heart, Star is able to reunite with his younger brother. After that, they started to bond, with Dusk teaching Star how to surf. When they got stuck in the Bermikun Triangle, they team up to recover Calabrass from Opal Gear and Mallet and then, with them, they fight Golden Bones and his army, with Star later joining Dusk's crew and becoming his first-mate, something that shows how much Dusk trusts in him and values his advices.

The traditions of knighthood have survived the millennia. Numerous orders, including (but certainly not limited to) the Knights of the World and the Hell Knight Orders of the Chain, Eclipse, Furnace, Gate, Nail, Pike, and Scourge, are extremely active. These highly trained and renowned warriors are star knights, defenders of specific causes championed by their orders and ready to enforce their oaths with sword, plasma cannon, and even magic when necessary.

Members of the knights of the world and of the most common hell knight orders each have one order-specific option that they can select for the alternate class feature at 6th level. Once you decide which 6th-level alternate class feature to take, you cannot change this decision.

A hell knight of the Order of the Chain can choose the anchoring attack alternate class feature. As a standard action, you can apply the anchoring weapon fusion to any weapon you wield. You can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day at 9th level and every 3 levels thereafter. The weapon fusion remains active until the weapon becomes unattended or is wielded by another creature, or until you take a 10-minute rest to regain Stamina Points. This weapon fusion does not count toward the maximum number of levels of weapons fusions a weapon can have at once. 006ab0faaa

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