Ships are the core means of transportation, activity, adventure, and combat in Star Citizen. Every ship is a self-contained vehicle with a cockpit, engines, and a role to play in the greater 'verse', from basic cargo haulers like the Hull A to the huge crewed carriers such as the Bengal. Whether in space or on the surface of a planet, ships offer ways to earn Credits through both friendly and hostile means.

Every ships in the universe is designed and built with at least one particular purpose or role in mind; from the eleven-meter M50 Interceptor racing ship to the massive one-kilometer UEE Bengal Carrier fleet flagship.

Star Citizen Ship Download


Starter ships are inexpensive and versatile vessels used by fledgling Citizens to begin their journey exploring the universe. Most commonly equipped with a single-seat and a having small cross-section, these ships are seen ubiquitously throughout the universe.

Exploration craft boast powerful sensor suites, larger fuel tanks, and other unique components and upgrades to facilitate charting new frontiers and making grand discoveries. These ships, crewed by those called to adventure, delve into unknown and dangerous depths of space. They intrepidly traverse newly found jump points just for the chance to discover a new system.

Every settlement, station, and ship needs supplies and goods to function; whether the demand is for essential jump fuel or luxurious leather couches. Cargo ships are owned and operated by traders, merchants, and haulers seeking to deliver these goods for the highest profit, utilizing expansive cargo holds and improved engines to haul as much cargo as possible.

Combat ships are purpose-built and designed to interdict, outmaneuver, and disable or destroy targeted ships. Bristling with weapons and boasting improved power plants, combat ships have small or non-existent cargo holds and other accessories for maximum combat efficiency. These ships are further broken down into different combat roles.

Fighters are combat ships designed for one or two persons; often with forward-facing weapons and focused on taking down other ships of similar size. These fighters can be found all over the universe, whether as bounty hunters or as part of the front line of a capital ship battle.

Combat utility ships are small ships with support equipment, radar, non-lethal weapons, or other specialized equipment. They take on a role beyond simply destroying enemy targets; usually used to support squadrons or fleets with their abilities.

Corvettes are large ships that are nearly as capable as capital ships. They require crew contingents greater than fighters but not as large as a full capital ship. These ships serve as support ships to capitals in large fleets or as flagships of small fleets or militias. They are generally designed for the UEE Navy, with many models having "civilian" versions for sale to the general public.

Capital ships are larger, heavier, and carry more people, or crew, than fighters. As with fighters, crewed ships may either be general combat ships or focus on a specific role. Many of these heavier combat ships are part of the UEE Navy and are not available to Citizens

Mining ships work to extract raw materials from asteroids in space and rocks on planetary surfaces. These ships are usually not well armed or armored as their design is fully focused on their main goal.

Packing oversized engines and power plants at the expense of every other component, racing ships are unparalleled in their speed and maneuverability. Often lightly armed and free of any cargo hold, these sleek ships can fly at breathtaking speeds as they cruise around a race course; racers dream of winning the Murray Cup.

With many different roles to fulfill in the universe, these ships often fall into a class of their own; filling a niche need without significant competition. Specialized roles include passenger transportation or scientific research, though the customization of other ships may allow them to fulfill this role to a lesser degree.

Whether through inbuilt versatility or modularity, multi-role ships can accomplish more than one job effectively. These ships do not occupy a single niche and thus are usually not "the best" ship for any one role. Ships that fulfill multiple roles through versatility are the Swiss Army knives of the 'verse. For example, the Avenger Titan advanced starter ship has a sizable cargo grid, solid weaponry, and habitation space, making it decently effective for hauling, combat, and living away from port. Modular ships execute their separate roles through various levels of reconfiguration. This effectively turns them into something of an above-mentioned "Specialized" ship while thus configured.

Many alien ships also exist in the universe, most normally not flyable by humans without serious modification. Replica crafts are included in the above tables and were designed and fitted by human and some alien manufacturers for use by Citizens.

A ships size, when written as a value, is a simplified overview of both the scale of a ship's physicality, and the scope of its player investment. While these values are not absolutes, i.e. some Capital ships may be smaller and some Medium ships may be larger, it is intended only to be a starting point in your understanding of a particular ship's place in the Star Citizen universe, and not the final word on what it can and cannot do.[2]

As Star Citizen is currently in development, and as the community engaging with it grows, different definitions have been used by both developers and community members to describe various ship size values. Some examples of these have been referenced below.[3]

A ship that is completely dependent on another ship to work over a wide area. Sometimes referred to as a parasite craft. Will work in space and atmosphere with generally only a single pilot. Often has no Quantum Drive or fuel intakes which limit its range without the parent ship. An example of this is the Dragonfly.[2]

Frequently found in the 50-150m length range, these ships can be operated with a skeleton crew, but really require an experienced medium to large crew working together as a unit throughout the mission to achieve their goals. Maintenance and repair costs often become a significant factor in this size bracket.[2]

Huge ships that are often (but not exclusively) over 150m in length and require a significant investment in time or crew to maintain let alone run. The crew needs to be skilled in many areas to effectively operate these colossal ships and often need a small fleet of supporting ships to keep them in the best condition or out of harms way. While these ships are not designed for the casual, individual player, they will offer a unique gameplay experience to the dedicated crew who put in the time and resources.[2]

EDIT: Thanks to everyone for playing, thanks for all the feedback. I'm glad you guys all enjoy it! I already added one requested feature - being able to click the first box (ship image) to get to the wiki page for each of the ships.

EDIT2: I have added unlimited modifiers for you to deselect ground vehicles or unreleased ships if you don't want to have them in your unlimited games.I have also added a language selector (NOT FINAL YET, part are broken), which will eventually have as many languages as possible. So if you speak any additional language, DM me on Discord.

Star Citizen has 230 ships and vehicles, 170 of which are already available in game. Each of these ships and vehicles has a role in the persistent universe of Star Citizen. Whether it's for bounty hunting, interception, mining, salvage, exploration, rescue, or even boarding, etc. the diversity is such that there should be something for everyone.

Except that not all these ships and vehicles are available for sale online, for some you will have to wait for a special occasion to be able to access them, and for others it might be more complicated. But keep in mind that most of these ships are, or will be, available in-game, and that their online acquisition is by no means an obligation, even if we will only talk about online acquisition here.

This page is divided in 4 chapters, the first one being the list of Star Citizen ships, the second one is dedicated to vehicles and the third one to the rare ship modules. Finally, the fourth chapter presents you the different ways to access a ship that is not on sale all year long.

From the "snub" to the "multicrew" spaceship, the following list gathers all the ships that can move freely in space and in atmospheric flight. For planetary vehicles, whatever their means of locomotion, please refer to the list of vehicles later in this article.

From the hangar buggy that is the PTV, to the Balista, passing by various machines with 2 wheels or more, or on tracks, or mounted on grav-leg, the following list gathers all the vehicles intended to move on a planetary surface. Note that grav-leg vehicles can also move in space, but this does not make them a "spaceship".

Although many ships have been declared "modular", modularity is not yet implemented in-game and the modules offered for sale are limited to a very small number of ships such as the Retaliator, Endeavor and Galaxy. Note that the modules have their own insurance, so you can very well have an LTI ship equipped with a module insured for 10 years if you acquired it during the IAE. Moreover, the IAE is the only time of the year when you can hope to have access to the modules of a ship, provided that these last ones are still marketed (What is currently not the case of the Retaliator modules).

Throughout the year, there is no lack of opportunities to acquire a ship with limited availability, with many events allowing access to such ships. The most famous event is the Intergalatic Aerospace Expo, but we can also mention the Invictus Launch Week, Pirate Day, Ship Showdown...

Every year, at the end of November, CIG organizes the Intergalatic Aerospace Expo (IAE) accompanied by the Anniversary Sale. During this period all the ships are available for sale online, in standalone and upgrade, and it is usually possible to try them in game if they are Fly Ready. 17dc91bb1f

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