The past few days, I have been trying to practice Lalitha Sahasranamam. I had always remembered and worshiped Goddess Lalithambigai but a month back, Saibaba blessed me with a dream as if I a reciting Lalitha Sahasranamam sitting in an old house and being blessed. The surprising aspect about the dream is that I am reciting Lalitha Sahasranamam by heart.

In this book, she writes about various types of dreams and finally concludes that life itself is a dream from which everyone must awaken and get realisation of the true self. She has discussed sin and repentance, cleansing of mind and service, practising the teachings of Bhagawan in life in order to get His grace, what is true wisdom, what is meant by 'living in God', etc. among other subjects.

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This book is an illustration of the author's efforts to awaken from the dream of what one is not and how to attain full realisation of what one really is, and of the impact of Bhagawan's teachings and the power of His presence to transform the life of anyone who chooses to follow His teachings. She has cited a number of sayings of Bhagawan Baba and also that of Jesus Christ, to back her views on the different subjects that she has dealt with in this book.

From a very early age, I have been taught by dreams which occurred during sleep. I did not always understand the significance of those dreams at the time, but the more important ones refused to depart from my memory. It was as if they came to reawaken information I had stored up in previous incarnations and had not yet learned or remembered in this lifetime. It was a combination of the teachings of Sathya Sai Baba and His grace, which led me into awareness of the meaning, as well as the meaninglessness, behind both sleeping and waking dreams.

As a child, I had what might be referred to as a recurring nightmare. It was a dream of being chased by a bear through fields, across rivers, up and down hills and mountains, without ever getting away or being caught. I always awoke from this dream feeling tired, frightened, and frustrated. Finally, one night, I became an observer of this dream. My body was still running away from the bear, but I was aware that it was a dream and that I no longer had to be victimized or deluded by it. All I have to do is wake up, I told myself. I began making an all-out effort to open my eyes. It was a tremendous battle. My eyelids felt as if they had fifty-pound weights attached to them, but I refused to give up. At last, I managed to open the eyelids only a tiny crack, but it was enough to let the light come through. The light woke me up and the dream disappeared. It tried several more times to frighten me as it had done so many times before, but each time I promptly opened my eyes, let in the light, and awakened.

All of that took place over sixty years ago and it has only been quite recently that my Friend, Preceptor, Father, and Lord, Sathya Sai Baba, has bestowed on me the necessary experiences and understanding to put the same technique into practice in regard to the waking dream. He has told us many times that all of these worldly experiences are illusory. Specifically, He states, All this is a dream and you are all actors.(2) And He explains:

The Non-Dualists say, "Whatever portion you may allot, remember this: the Cosmos does not exist. It is an illusion. It never is, has been, or will be. The Creation of the Cosmos, the dissolution of the Cosmos, these billions of individuals emerging and merging, all this is but a dream. There is no individualized Jivatma at all, no separated Atma. How can there be billions of Jivatmas? There is only One Indivisible Complete Absolute. Like the one Sun reflected as a billion suns in a billion lakes, ponds, and drops of water, the Jivatmas are but reflections of the One in the minds that it shines upon. This is what Bharatiya thought emphasizes most clearly through the Adwaitin thinkers. Those, who cannot grasp this truth, are under the influence of Maya or Delusion, it can be said.

Dreams, too, have to be based on reality. Without a basic reality, the dependent idea or fact cannot exist. Without a basic thing, subsequent beings cannot manifest. That base is God or Iswara. He is Full; He is the Mind, the Body, the Atma. You are only as real as a dream. For the eye that can see reality, the Cosmos is not this multiplicity of name and form. It is Being-Awareness-Bliss. Just think of your dream. It does not arise from somewhere outside of you, nor do the varied images and activities disappear into some place outside you. They arise in you and disappear into you. While dreaming, you consider the events and persons as real, and you experience, as really as in the waking stage, the feelings of grief, delight, fear, anxiety, and joy. You do not dismiss them at the time as illusory.

The Cosmos is the dream of God; it arises in Him and merges into Him. It is the product of His Mind. These lives and repeated arrivals are all the fanciful weavings of Maya, unreal fantasies, illusory agitations, unreal appearances. You are the Full; you are God. God is You. Those, who have experienced this highest wisdom, can attain oneness with the One, here and now.(7)

Baba has said, What you see and feel in a dream has some basis in what you have seen and felt in the waking state; so too, what you see and feel in the present life has as its basis what you have seen and felt in other lives, previous lives.(8) I have experienced the truth of this statement somewhat dramatically in this lifetime.

According to, she began to exhibit strange behavior around the age of 18. She left a home for the blind where she had spent her teen years and returned to live with her family in what is now North Macedonia. She began to have visions and strange dreams, and would speak to the dead.

Like in English, the latter root .., repeated twice, is related to the word for counting. Thus, this choice of words hints that the second dream relays important number information. Notably, only the second dream has a number at all.

To deal with this problem, Pirson suggests one further way of reading the second dream: If we add the sun and the moon (1+1=2), and multiply this by the stars (2x11=22), we get the number of years between Joseph having his dreams and the brothers bowing before him, their ostensible fulfillment.

The reading here is detailed and creative, and tries to hit every bar, but as a straightforward peshat reading, it is difficult to accept. First, Nahmanides has Joseph pretend the brothers are spies only so that Benjamin could bow to him and fulfill the eleven-star dream. This ignores all the other motives Joseph likely had for these actions (teaching them a lesson, testing how they treat his brother, etc.).

Finally, as already noted, the entourage explanation is problematic, but even if we accept it, the Torah never describes the entourage bowing to Joseph. Yet this is the supposed denouement of the dream fulfillment, which Nahmanides believes is the key to the whole story.

[13] This is the text as it read in Nahmanides original commentary. Later in his life, when Nahmanides had moved to Israel and revised his commentary, he cut most of this and argued that, in fact, no dream at all had come true at this point, but that seeing his brothers bow gave Joseph the idea to manipulate them into bringing Benjamin, to make the first dream come true, after which he would reveal himself and have his father and entourage brought in to make the second one come true:

It was in the year 1916that a Madrasi Bhajani Mela (Party of the Ramadasi Panth) started on a Pilgrimage to theholy city of Banaras. The Party consisted of a man, his wife, daughter and sister-in-law.Unfortunately their names are not mentioned. On their way, the party heard that therelived at Shirdi in Kopergaon Taluka, Ahmednagar District, a great sage named Sai Baba, whowas calm and composed, and who was very liberal and who distributed money every day to HisBhaktas and to skilful persons, who went and showed their skill there. A lot of money inthe form of Dakshina was collected daily by Sai Baba and out of this amount, He gave dailyone rupee to a three year old girl Amani, the daughter of a Bhakta Kondaji and Rs. 2 to 5to some, Rs. 6 to Jamali, the mother of Amani and Rs. 10 to 20 and even Rs. 50 to otherBhaktas as He pleased. On hearing all this the party came to Shirdi and stayed there. TheMela did very good bhajan and sang very good songs, but inwardly they craved for money.Three of the party were full of avarice, but the chief lady or mistress was of a verydifferent nature. She had a regard and love for Baba. Once it so happened, that when thenoon-day Arati was going on, Baba was much pleased with her faith and devotion, and waspleased to give her darshan of her Ishtam (Beloved Deity). To her Baba appeared asSitanath (Rama) while to all the others the usual Sainath. On seeing her beloved Deity,she was very much moved. Tears began to flow from her eyes and she clapped her hands injoy. The people began to wonder at her joyful mood; but were not able to guess its cause.Late in the afternoon she disclosed everything to her husband. She told him how she sawShri Rama in Sai Baba. He thought that she was very simple and devout, and her seeing Ramamight be a hallucination of her mind. He poohpoohed her, saying that it was not possible,that she alone should see Rama while they all saw Sai Baba. She did not resent thisremark, as she was fortunate enough to get Ramadarshan now and then, when her mind wascalm and composed and free from avarice. e24fc04721

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