Other than the graphics, which are great, I, personally, don't see how anyone would consider this a great S.T.A.L.K.E.R. mod/game. Constantly dying from stumbling into the numerous anomalies that are everywhere isn't much fun, as there doesn't seem to be a anomaly detection system----and really, that's pretty much an integral part of all of the STALKER games, and without that feature, one can't really call this a true STALKER game. Also, the artefacts are a ridiculous joke. Why in the world would anyone make most of the artifacts "junk", and expect most 'real' stalker players to be impressed. I don't know about anyone else, but I play these games for enjoyment, and not having a working anomaly detection system, and pretty much destroying most of the artefacts-[ not to mention some of the ridiculous weights they have---in the original games they all only weigh .5kg , and are described as small crystal-like substances, so those new weights they have don't even make sense ]- makes it hard to consider it worth the effort of playing, and for me, it certainly isn't. Fixing those two MAJOR issues would make this an incredibly good mod, and definitely worth playing. Until that happens---which is probably never---prepare to be as disappointed as I was when I started playing and wound up dying constantly from the overly numerous anomalies scattered everywhere. There are a lot of really good mods available to play, and I've played many of them. Hopefully the issues I found with this one will be addressed one day.

Edit: My bad regarding the anomaly detection---Ajaxc very helpfully pointed out the setting for it, so I've started playing again, and so far, admittedly, this mod is turning out to be much better than I expected, bordering on great, actually.

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Thanks, Ajaxc. I really appreciate your pointing out the anomaly detection setting, as [ my bad ] I totally missed seeing it. I'm going to give this game another shot, as I really liked the quality of the graphics. I'm still not happy about the "junk" artefacts---they should have remained useful, but that's my problem, and I'll deal with it. Thanks again for pointing out that obvious setting to me.

There are many dangerous areas in the Zone, some of which were purposefully corrupted as part of the C-Consciousness experiment. Each and every anomaly has different effects upon the player. Almost all of them are dangerous and eventually fatal, with the notable exception of the Space Anomaly.

In game, anomalies appear alone or in clusters. The player is always carrying a detector which beeps when anomalies are near. The higher the frequency of beeps, the closer the anomaly. In anomaly-heavy areas, an extra precaution is to throw metal bolts, of which the player has an infinite amount. Note that metal bolts only help to reveal the anomalies, not remove them (although a few anomalies can be passed through without danger immediately after tossing a bolt at them).

After the second Chernobyl disaster, most of the Zone was littered with spots where the laws of nature and physics had been corrupted. These small oddities are called anomalies. They are hazardous, often deadly, towards human beings and other creatures as they can deliver electric shocks or burn, corrode and distort physical objects. Most anomalies produce visible air or light distortions, so their extent can be determined by throwing anything that is made of metal, like bolts, to trigger them. The anomalies seem to emit a powerful magnetic field, so it is logical to assume that the anomalies are triggered by anything made of metal that enters the magnetic field. However, although humans tend to carry metallic equipment, it is not clear why anomalies react to other living creatures, given that living creatures have an extremely low quantity of metal in their blood and organs (less than ten grams for an adult human male, and much less for a female). Anomalies also do not react to bullets and other projectiles. There are therefore ill-understood and complex interactions relative to many variables -- biological temperature, radioactivity, base metals, heavy metals, mass, velocity, and volume -- that determine whether an anomaly will react to the presence of a creature or other object.

Backpacks are essential and increase your carry weight while equipped. Bolts - a vital tool for traversing anomaly fields that we often take for granted - are also limited when playing on the hardest difficulty. 2351a5e196

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