Dissolved oxygen

Dissolved oxygen parameter video transcript

Healthy water bodies require a level of six parts per million of dissolved oxygen or above for aquatic animals to survive. Dissolved oxygen in water is derived from the absorption of oxygen from the air, water plants and the aeration of water.

To measure the levels of dissolved oxygen in the water at Longneck Lagoon EEC you will need a dissolved oxygen ampoule and test tube from your grey kit and the colour comparator from the black case.

Place the dissolved oxygen test tube under the water until it is full. Do not use the water sample bottle to fill your test tube as this will add oxygen to the sample and give a false reading.

Place the glass ampoule into the water sample with the pointed end towards the bottom. Place your index finger over the ampoule and press down to break the seal at the pointed end.

Invert the ampoule several times to mix the contents. Wait 2 minutes then compare the colour of the ampoule with the colour standards on the comparator. Your results are in parts per million.

Dispose of the ampoule in a chemical waste container.