Monthly School E-newsletter 

April 2024

Highlights of the April 2024

From the Editor’s Desk

Preserving India's Rich Cultural Tapestry

India, with its diverse landscapes, languages, and traditions, is a treasure trove of cultural heritage. As custodians of this rich legacy, it's imperative for us to understand, cherish, and preserve it for generations to come.

Our cultural heritage is not just a collection of artefacts or monuments; it is a living, breathing entity that shapes our identity and connects us to our roots. From the majestic forts of Rajasthan to the serene backwaters of Kerala, every corner of India tells a story of resilience, creativity, and harmony.

One of the most fascinating aspects of India's cultural heritage is its tapestry of festivals. Whether it's Diwali, Holi, Eid, or Christmas, each celebration reflects the unique blend of traditions and beliefs that make India truly remarkable. These festivals not only bring communities together but also foster a sense of unity in diversity.

Moreover, India's cultural heritage encompasses a plethora of art forms, including classical dance, music, painting, and literature. 

From the intricate steps of Bharatnatyam to the soul-stirring melodies of Hindustani classical music, these art forms are not just sources of entertainment but also windows into our rich history and philosophy. However, despite the wealth of our cultural heritage, it faces numerous challenges in the modern world. Urbanization, globalization, and changing lifestyles threaten to erode the traditions that have stood the test of time. It's crucial for us to strike a balance between embracing progress and preserving our cultural identity.

As young ambassadors of India's cultural heritage, we have a responsibility to actively engage in its preservation. By learning about our traditions, participating in cultural activities, and promoting awareness, we can ensure that our heritage continues to thrive.

Let us pledge to cherish and protect the vibrant mosaic of India's cultural heritage. Together, let's celebrate our diversity, uphold our traditions, and leave a legacy that future generations will be proud of.

Jyoti Kumar, PRT English

Accolades and Achievements

26th Jigoro Kano Judo Championship

26th Jigoro Kano Judo Championship was held at Deaf School, Gurugram on April 28, 2024. Students from our school participated in different categories and won laurels.

The winners in different categories 

Beyond Strength, It’s about Technique and Heart

Inter- Salwan Science and Innovation Fest 2024

A team of three teachers accompanied twenty-one students to participate in Inter- Salwan Science and Innovation Fest 2024 on Tuesday, 9th April 2024 at Salwan Public School, Trans Delhi Signature City (Tronica City), Ghaziabad, U.P. Our students participated in all the categories and performed very well, clinching two trophies.Arni Arora and Aryan Mookhnath Nair - Second position in The Spark of Ingenuity – An Exhibition in category – 2 which was for classes 9th and 10th. Aayansh Borgharia and Saurish Mittal - Second Position in Scratch Mania – Theme Based Game Creation

Igniting Minds, Inspiring Hearts

Events & Celebrations 




Salwan Education Trust in collaboration with the Indian Trust for Rural Heritage and Development, marked World Heritage Day on Thursday, 18 April 2024 as a milestone of completing one purposeful year of Upnidhi-The Youth Heritage Club through the Heritage Exhibition and presentations of Annual Reports by the Club representatives. The occasion served as an opportunity to appreciate and perpetuate our cultural heritage and to involve robust community engagement through a showcase of empowered Salwanians’ efforts to preserve India’s vibrant heritage and culture. 

The initiatives taken under Upnidhi were envisioned by the Chairman, Salwan Education Trust, Sh Sushil Dutt Salwan, and guided by the Chairman, ITRHD Padmabhushan Sh S.K. Misra. The event unfolded with the inauguration of the Heritage Exhibition showcasing various activities performed by all the students of Salwan Schools during the year 2023-24 under the planning designed by the core members of the Clubs that included the revival of visual art forms originated in different states of India, Tribal mask making activity, traditional weaving, and fabrics.

 Subsequently, the audience at the auditorium was mesmerized by the blissful Invocation Dance by students of Salwan Public School TDSC followed by the welcome address by our Principal, Ms Rashmi Malik. During her address, Ms Malik emphasized that Salwan Education Trust spearheaded the commemoration of World Heritage Day as a significant event in 2019, envisioning an educational platform where students could grasp the essence of our cultural legacy and understand the responsibility of preserving it for future generations.

A pivotal component of the programme was ‘the curtain raiser episode’ of SPS DIALOGUES on the theme of 'Hamara Itihas Hamara Prayas'  through an insightful conversation amongst the student members of Upnidhi with the experts in the field, Mr Madan Sawhney and Ms Lehar Zaidi. The interactive session provided profound insights into the imperative of safeguarding and promoting cultural heritage among the youth. They apprised the audience of the programmes and initiatives they are involved in with the mission of preserving our heritage.  They voiced concern over the oversight of historical marvels such as Kashmiri Gate, Sultan Garhi, and Bauli.

The day also witnessed glimpses of rich Indian heritage through a cultural presentation on Tribes of India by the students of Salwan Public School, Rajendra Nagar followed by a purposeful presentation with the amalgamation of rendition of Shabad, Sufi dance, Kathak dance, and a Nukkad Natak with the message of communal harmony.

The focal point of the programme was the delivery of the annual reports of the Youth Heritage Club 'Upanidhi' by all core members, highlighting the remarkable achievements and initiatives pursued by each club in the domain of heritage conservation. 

A particularly memorable moment of the event was the inspiring video address by Padma Bhushan S.K. Mishra, Chairman of ITRHD (Indian Trust for Rural Heritage and Development). 

The event culminated with a heartfelt gratitude by Abeera Iqbal of Grade X to all who were connected both offline and online, to the participants from our sister schools, and especially to the Chairman, Salwan Education Trust, Sh Sushil Dutt Salwan, ensuring that through Upnidhi the future of our heritage in safe hands.  

Heritage Day: Preserving Our Past, Celebrating Our Future

Earth Day: Uniting for a Sustainable Tomorrow

“The only way forward, if we are going to improve the quality of the environment, is to get everybody involved.” - Richard Rogers 


Salwan Public School, Gurugram celebrated the 54th World Earth Day on April 22, 2024, Monday. The theme for the Earth Day 2024 observed across the world is ‘Planet vs Plastics’ to advocate for widespread awareness on the detrimental health risk of plastics, rapidly phase out all single use plastics, and demand an end to fast fashion. The day was observed with great enthusiasm and gaiety by the students. 


A series of activities was conducted in all classes to instill awareness about the detrimental effects of plastics on human health and environment.

Class III-V- Cleanliness Drive: Students of primary wing took the initiative to clean the school campus and spread awareness that, to live a healthy life our surroundings should be clean. Class III students conducted the drive in A block (floors, corridors and classes). Class IV and V executed the drive in school ground and park. The students were thrilled to participate in the cleanliness drive to keep our Mother Nature clean.

Class VI - Talk Show: A talk show was conducted where learners discussed the impact of plastic pollution on health and environment and shared their unique ideas on how to reduce plastic waste in the school setting and their surroundings. 


Class VII - Green School Initiative: “Green School” campaign was initiated where students and teachers discussed the impact of microplastics and how to identify and implement eco-friendly practices in the school, such as reducing plastic waste, conserving energy. To raise awareness about the impact of plastic pollution on health and the environment, quizzes focusing on the theme 'Planet vs Plastic' were also conducted. 


Class VIII -Clean-Up Drive: Clean-up drive was conducted where students picked up litter and learnt about the importance of keeping the environment clean. 

One period with nature: Switch off and Switch on campaign. This initiative aimed to cultivate a deeper connection with nature and promote sustainable habits.  


FOLLOW UP - Young ambassadors of the Green School Initiative, pledged to lead regular awareness campaigns and track progress in reducing the school's plastic footprint. 

Earth day: Celebrating, Protecting and Cherishing our Planet

Special Assemblies 


At Salwan Public School, we believe in holistic education, encompassing not only academic learning but also the values and traditions of various cultures. To deepen our students' understanding of the spring harvest festival, Baisakhi, the learners of Montessori classes to Grade II celebrated the festival on Friday, April 12, 2024. The assembly commenced with the recitation of 'Ek Omkar' by educators, setting a positive and spiritual tone for the event. Following this, teachers from Montessori classes explained the cultural significance of Baisakhi to the young learners using an informative powerpoint presentation. On the other hand, Grades I and II presented a role play highlighting the history and significance of the Baisakhi festival. The atmosphere buzzed with energy as students showcased their Bhangra performance. Engaging activities such as cotton dabbing, kite making and finger painting/ bindi pasting on dhol and kites added vibrant colours to the celebration. The celebration was a culturally enriching experience for all, fostering a sense of unity and appreciation for our diverse heritage.

Innovation, Collaboration, Excellence: Our Pathway Forward

Special Assembly on Earth Day

The class assembly conducted by the students of VA on April 24, 2024 effectively highlighted the Earth Day theme, leaving a lasting impact on the school community. After a brief introduction of the theme and a dialogue between two students, a moment of reflection and unity was created through a thoughtful prayer followed by the ‘Thought of the Day’ which encouraged contemplation on our role in preserving our environment.

The assembly seamlessly integrated educational elements with the ‘Word and Plant of the Day’ segment, enhancing vocabulary and introducing a plant along with its benefits. The inclusion of news updates, ranging from international to school- specific, further contributed to the assembly’s informative depth. A captivating review of the book The Last Bear engaged the audience, urging them to join the vital mission of preserving our wildlife and protecting the planet for future generations. A meticulously crafted Nukkad Natak, a heartfelt song and a captivating dance performance centered around the theme resonated with everyone, earning widespread admiration. The assembly was an amalgamation of dance, music and theatrical display. Students participated with complete confidence and excitement. Parents rejoiced and appreciated the programme presented by their wards.

From Classroom to Community: Making a Difference

Workshops and Training Sessions

International Symposium on ‘Holistic Development in Early Years-Integrating all aspects of well-being’ 

Salwan Education Trust in collaboration with Early Childhood Education Forum (ECDF) organised the International Symposium on ‘Holistic Development in Early Years-Integrating all aspects of well-being’ on April 20, 2024 at Salwan Public School, Gurugram.  Mrs. Rashmi Malik, the school Principal, accorded a warm welcome to the distinguished guests, speakers and delegates. Dr.Vasaavi Acharjya, Founder Chairperson of ECDF, highlighted the importance of including peaceful pedagogy in early years that would lead to emotional intelligence, resilience and creativity amongst students. 

Keynote speaker Prof. Venita Kaul emphasized the need for a holistic approach to early childhood education. Booster sessions discussed raising emotionally intelligent humans and revising early childhood program standards. Panel discussions focused on curriculum design, pedagogy, infrastructure, and skill development. Workshops explored the synergy of AI and heartfulness practices, embracing growth mindset, and assessing early childhood development using AI. The event concluded with awards recognizing exceptional contributions in education and a vote of thanks from Ms. Sona Gombar, Headmistress, Salwan Montessori School. 

 A Transformative Journey: Nurturing mind, body and spirit

 Workshop and visit to United Institute of Design, Gurugram 

The Fine Arts and Fashion Studies students of class XII, SPS, Gurugram embarked on an enriching journey to the United Institute of Design in Gurugram on April 10, 2024. Our eager minds immersed themselves in a tapestry of design disciplines, from avant-garde fashion to cutting-edge graphic arts. With each step through the institute's hallowed halls, students learned about the secrets of craftsmanship, techniques, and inspiration that will shape the future of design. Professor Amrita Madan, Director of UID, conducted an enlightening session on design thinking for students. With her expertise, she navigated through the intricate process of problem-solving and innovation. Emphasizing empathy and creativity, she elucidated the significance of human-centric design solutions. Through interactive discussions and practical examples, students gained insights into the iterative nature of design thinking.


The second session was taken by Mr. Sagar Singh, who demonstrated various tie and dye techniques including twisting, folding, and binding fabric to create different patterns. Students were provided with plain white muslin fabric, dye, and thread to create their tie-and-dye designs. Throughout the session, he provided individualized guidance and support to students, helping them colour their fabrics. Students were encouraged to experiment with different colors, patterns, and folding techniques to unleash their creativity and explore the possibilities of tie and dye. Also, the best three designs made by students were appreciated.  

Students were also taken on a Campus Tour where they were shown various labs like Cutting Lab, Designing Lab, Pottery Lab, Makers Lab, and Mac Lab. The students were shown the Fitness Club where there was a Gym, swimming pool, shooting range, salon etc. As the session concluded, students departed with newfound inspiration and a deeper appreciation for the transformative power of design. The visit marked the beginning of endless creative possibilities. 

Crafting Ideas into Reality

Session with Principal Ma’am

The students of classes VI-VIII had a session with Principal Ma’am. In her session, ma’am guided the students about the goal- oriented studies, our role towards the environment, cyber safety tips and behavioural changes.

Journey of Learning, Destination Success

Exuberant Expressions


Taking a moment

on this family day,

to think about all those

that make us feel okay.


Put down your heavy school bag

after a tough day,

but mom would still treat you

in the same, soft way


For she won't make you feel

like you're just a stray;

so let us take some time

to thank our mothers today.


But if you happen to mistake

what your mother wants to say,

your siblings will understand

and give you space to convey


For they won't let others

confound you and make you pay;

so I believe we should all

thank our siblings today.

And if your father scolds you to do

something you can't obey,

realize that maybe you'll understand

his caring intentions someday


For you mean a lot to him

despite all that happens midway.

So for that, we truly should

thank our fathers today.


Or if even after all,

your head continues to replay

and no one seems to understand,

your teachers will surely stay


For they will not let anyone

affect you in the wrong way.

What you think about yourself

is all that matters anyway.


So let us thank Salwanians;

our peers, our mentors,

And cherish our bonds with our families,

on this family day.

                                                     - Pankti Class XII

Whispers of Clouds

Those clouds up in the sky

Moving every second just wanting to cry,

 They are also exhausted up there

 Wanting to vent all out rarest of rare


Darkness and emptiness all across the region   

Couldn’t tell anybody the real reason

They were shy, scared and tether,

The terror inside ‘em was pulling ‘em apart

Leaving them as dead as feather


They cry, crib and shout all at once

 to wear out the other day,

This practice turned into a routine                  

Which they wanted to stay


Advice gave the stars

To talk to the sun and moon,

They won’t understand

 Bold of them to assume


Day after day when sun came and the moon

Couldn’t hold themselves back

Clouds said “Are we going to see the next afternoon”

They showed them the children playing in the garden Asking parents if it’s monsoon.

Realizing how everyone is affected by their presence They felt coming out of their cocoon!!

Wanted to bring a change with all might and main to get to the core of the heart to know,

Why are they feeling this pain?


It was tough to keep body and soul together

But the motivation was to keep growing into someone better

 not just for the sun and moon but for the world


Here comes the moment of changing perspectives

which everyone deserved.

                                         Anmoldeep Kour, Class XII

My Shadow

My shadow is just like me

But has no face of mine

 It likes to be with me

Even during my play time.


My shadow does nothing

And whole day has no work

I can’t do anything it wants

But it can only lurk


My shadow has no brain

Even though I have one

My shadow is dark and plain

But without a brain knows to have fun


My shadow is a copycat

It does what I do

And when a shadow belongs to a bat

It follows that animal too

 Yashika, Class VII

Art Expressions

School in Media