Shi-Sheng Sun 孫士勝
Intelligent System Integration Research Lab
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science & Master Program in Information Security
Email: sssun [at]
Tel: 02-2939-3091#67509
Office: Zhi-Xi Building 103
Lab: Da-Ren Building 303
Work Experiences
Aug. 2023~: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, National Chengchi University
2019~2023: Researcher and Section Chief of AIoT Lab, ITS Center, CECI. (China Engineering Consultants, Inc. )
2012~2018: Research Assistant, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica
Research Interests
IIoT and OT security
IoV/V2X security and privacy
ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems)
Blockchain technology and applications
Jiun-Ian Lee, Yi-Huai Hsu, and Shi-Sheng Sun, "A DRL-Based NOMA Power Allocation Scheme for LEO Satellite Networks," in 2024 IEEE 100th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2024-Fall), Washington DC, USA, Oct. 2024.
Yi-Fan Tseng, Raylin Tso, Shi-Sheng Sun*, Zi-Yuan Liu, You-Qian Chen, "ID-Based Traitor Tracing with Relaxed Black-Box Setting for Group-Based Applications," in 2024 19th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS), Tainan, Taiwan, Aug. 2024. (*corresponding author)
Shang-Te Wang and Shi-Sheng Sun*, "An Incremental Learning Model for Network Intrusion Detection Systems," in 2024 IEEE 10th International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI), Kyoto, Japan, Apr. 2024, pp. 362–364 (*corresponding author)
劉又升, 葉文健, 黃政嘉, 孫士勝*, "車聯網資訊安全通訊架構之國際標準研析與比較," 中華民國運輸學會112年學術論文研討會, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 2023, pp. 429–452. (*corresponding author)
曾一凡, 孫士勝, 呂宜學, "對WN23密鑰策略屬性加密機制之密碼分析," 2023NCS全國計算機會議, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 2023.
孫士勝, 王冠堯, 李怡穎, 蔡明志, 王穆衡, "從2022年智慧運輸世界大會展望國際智慧運輸發展趨勢," 中華技術, No. 138, pp. 146-169, Apr. 2023.
王冠堯, 王軒至, 蔡明志, 孫士勝, 王瑋萱, 許雅風, 王穆衡, 李霞, "我國智慧運輸建設計畫影響力評估初探," 中華民國運輸學會111年學術論文研討會, Keelung, Taiwan, Dec. 2022, pp.245-259.
Shi-Sheng Sun*, Ming-Chih Tsai, Ren Chen, Ming-Te Chou, and Wanjiun Liao, "Ethereum-based Blockchain Platform for Transportation and Its Integration with Taiwan Rural ITS Testbed," in 2022 28th ITS World Congress (ITSWC), Los Angeles, CA., USA, Sept. 2022. (*corresponding author )
王冠堯, 蔡明志, 王軒至, 孫士勝, "淺談國際推動車聯網與自駕車之現況-以歐盟為例," 中華技術, No. 134, pp. 128-152, Apr. 2022.
孫士勝*, 蘇凰儀, 蔡明志, 郭建志, "復康巴士多點路線排程平行化演算法設計," 中華民國運輸學會110年學術論文研討會, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 2021, pp. 307-331. (*corresponding author)
Shi-Sheng Sun*, Chi Lun Chang, and Mao-Nan Chen, "Applications on ITS Oriented Blockchain Model," in 2020 27th ITS World Congress (ITSWC), 2020. (Paper accepted, conference cancelled for COVID-19). (*corresponding author)
陳茂南, 張季倫, 孫士勝, 李淑卿, 陳燕梅, 劉又升, 詹博帆, 邱俊智, "行動即服務之資料視覺化及儀表板架構," 中華民國運輸學會108年學術論文研討會, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Dec. 2019.
詹博帆, 陳茂南, 孫士勝, "自駕車時代的車聯網概念與第五代(5G)行動通訊技術," 中華技術, No. 124, pp. 180-188, Oct. 2019.
Po-Han Huang, Shi-Sheng Sun, and Wanjiun Liao, "GreenCoMP: Energy-Aware Cooperation for Green Cellular Networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 143–157, Jan. 2017.
Po-Han Chiang, Po-Han Huang, Shi-Sheng Sun, Wanjiun Liao, and Wen-Tsuen Chen, "Joint Power Control and User Association for Traffic Offloading in Heterogeneous Networks," in 2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Austin, Texas, USA, Dec. 2014, pp. 4424–4429.
Shi-Sheng Sun, Wanjiun Liao, and Wen-Tsuen Chen, "Traffic Offloading with Rate-based Cell Range Expansion Offsets in Heterogeneous Networks," in 2014 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Istanbul, Turkey, Apr. 2014, pp. 2833–2838.
Shi-Sheng Sun, Yi-Chun Chen, and Wanjiun Liao, "Utility-Based Resource Allocation for Layer-Encoded IPTV Multicast Service in Wireless Relay Networks," in 2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Kyoto, Japan, Jun. 2011, pp. 1–5.
孫士勝, 蔡明志, 陳茂南, 陳仁, 廖婉君, 「可防止竄改偽造之方法」, 中華民國發明專利I789652號, 2023年1月11日, 專利權人:財團法人中華顧問工程司
孫士勝, 蔡明志, 周永暉, 陳仁, 周明德, 許馨云, 莊鎧爾, 廖婉君, 「利用梅克爾樹結合區塊鏈公鏈以防止資料竄改偽造之方法」, 中華民國發明專利I787972號, 2022年12月21日, 專利權人:財團法人中華顧問工程司
孫士勝, 李怡穎, 卓奕志, 蔡明志, 陳茂南, 陳仁, 廖婉君, 「可防止竄改偽造並結合區塊鏈公鏈私鏈之方法」, 中華民國發明專利I758981號, 2022年3月21日, 專利權人:財團法人中華顧問工程司
陳茂南, 張季倫, 詹博帆, 孫士勝, 邱俊智, 「互助服務交換平台系統」, 中華民國發明專利I752393號, 2022年1月11日, 專利權人:財團法人中華顧問工程司
孫士勝, 蔡明志, 周永暉, 陳仁, 周明德, 許馨云, 莊鎧爾, 廖婉君, 「利用梅克爾樹結合區塊鏈公鏈以防止資料竄改偽造之裝置」, 中華民國新型專利M620713號, 2021年12月1日, 專利權人:財團法人中華顧問工程司
孫士勝, 蔡明志, 陳茂南, 陳仁, 廖婉君, 「可防止竄改偽造之裝置」, 中華民國新型專利M610381號, 2021年4月11日, 專利權人:財團法人中華顧問工程司
孫士勝, 李怡穎, 卓奕志, 蔡明志, 陳茂南, 陳仁, 廖婉君, 「可防止竄改偽造並結合區塊鏈公鏈私鏈之裝置」, 中華民國新型專利M610380號, 2021年4月11日, 專利權人:財團法人中華顧問工程司
陳茂南, 張季倫, 詹博帆, 孫士勝, 邱俊智, 「配送貨物用之建築物內垂直移動路徑規劃系統」, 中華民國發明專利I717165號, 2021年1月21日, 專利權人:財團法人中華顧問工程司
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Carbon Asset Management Professional. Issued by AFNOR/BellCERT Group. Date of issue: Mar 1, 2024