Subhra Sourav Jana

Ph.D Scholar (PMRF)

Plasmonics and Perovskites Laboratory 

Department of Material Science and Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur


Research Motivation

About two third of the energy from industries is wasted as heat energy at the time of growing energy demand and grave concern of global warming. Recovering that waste heat and converting it into useful energy can open a new window to not only protect environment but also reduce the of fossil fuel burning. Thermoelectric generator (TEG) can be game changer to mitigate this energy crisis and protect environment. Thermoelectric materials, considered one of the finest discoveries in the history of science, took birth in the first quarter of the 19th century by German scientist Johann Seebeck and French scientist Jean Charles Athanase Peltier.

The goal of my current work (in Dr. Tanmoy Maiti's group) is to develop efficient thermoelectric material which can directly convert waste heat into useful electrical energy. My focus is to design oxide thermoelectric material because of its high temperature endurance as well as environmentally benignity. In addition, I also study structure property relation to develop profound understanding of electronic and thermal transport. 



Best PhD thesis award by MRSI 

Best PhD thesis award by DAE, India