A cloze test (also cloze deletion test or occlusion test) is an exercise, test, or assessment in which a portion of text is masked and the participant is asked to fill in the masked portion of text. Cloze tests require the ability to understand the context and vocabulary in order to identify the correct language or part of speech that belongs in the deleted passages. This exercise is commonly administered for the assessment of native and second language learning and instruction.

Words may be deleted from the text in question either mechanically (every nth word) or selectively, depending on exactly what aspect it is intended to test for. The methodology is the subject of extensive academic literature;[2] nonetheless, teachers commonly devise ad hoc tests.

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Students would then be required to fill in the blanks with words that would best complete the passage. The context in language and content terms is essential in most, if not all, cloze tests. The first blank is preceded by "the"; therefore, a noun, an adjective or an adverb must follow. However, a conjunction follows the blank; the sentence would not be grammatically correct if anything other than a noun were in the blank. The words "milk and eggs" are important for deciding which noun to put in the blank; "supermarket" is a possible answer; depending on the student, however, the first blank could be store, supermarket, shop, shops, market, or grocer while umbrella, brolly or raincoat could fit the second. A possible completed passage would be:

The definition of success in a given cloze test varies, depending on the broader goals behind the exercise. Assessment may depend on whether the exercise is objective (i.e. students are given a list of words to use in a cloze) or subjective (i.e. students are to fill in a cloze with words that would make a given sentence grammatically correct).

Given the above passage, students' answers may then vary depending on their vocabulary skills and their personal opinions. However, the placement of the blank at the end of the sentence restricts the possible words that may complete the sentence; following an adverb and finishing the sentence, the word is most likely an adjective. Romantic, chivalrous or gallant may, for example, occupy the blank, as well as foolish or cheesy. Using those answers, a teacher may ask students to reflect on the opinions drawn from the given cloze.

Recent research using eye-tracking has posited that cloze/gapfill items where a selection of words are given as options may be testing different kinds of reading skills depending on the language abilities of the participants taking the test.[3] Lower ability test takers are suggested to be more likely to be concentrating on the information contained in the words immediately surrounding the gap, while higher ability test takers are thought to be able to use a wider context window, which is also true for more capable large language models, such as ChatGPT, in contrast to less able older models.

A number of the methodological problems pointed out by researchers regarding the open-ended type cloze item (readers must supply a correct word from long-term memory, how to score acceptable responses that are not the exact replacement, etc.) can be solved by the use of carefully designed multiple-choice cloze items. See sample test and practice activity from a pilot study in a rural Latin American community.[4] Mostow and associates also showed how this approach is both practical and informative.[5]

Glover, 1989 compared different forms of recall and their effectiveness after time passed for forgetting to occur. Glover referred to cloze tests as cued recall, which was found to be less effective than free recall testing (generic cue was given to pupil, the pupil was expected to recall all they knew), but more effective than recognition tests.[8]

Cloze test is often used as an evaluation task in natural language processing (NLP) to assess the performance of the trained language models.[9] The tasks have a few different variants, like predicting the answer for the blank with[10] and without[11] providing the right options, predicting the ending sentence of a story or passage,[12] etc. Since BERT it is also used in pre-training language models, in which case it is known as masked language modelling.

In addition to pure literacy skills, comprehension depends on a mix of IQ, education, and background knowledge. Thus, to measure comprehension, you must test with real users from your target audience.

If users get  60% or more right  on average, you can assume the text is reasonably comprehensible for the specified user profile employed to recruit test participants. There's a clear difference between readability scores and comprehension scores:

A cloze test is a way of testing comprehension by removing words (usually every 5th word or so) from a passage or sentence and then asking the reader/learner to supply the missing elements. For this reason, it is also sometimes referred to as a gap-fill exercise.

In language learning, the closure aspect in Gestalt theory is applied by assuming that the brain views language as a whole, complete unit. The learner will naturally supply the missing elements based on their past experiences. The most common method of creating a cloze test is to apply the deletion to an entire paragraph of structurally correct and naturally occurring text. Learning focus can be applied nouns, verbs, function words, or a mixture of all types. Importantly, test designers can either allow learners to supply their own word(s) for the missing element, or give them a short list to choose from.

Learners can start using these types of tools almost immediately in the language learning journey, as long as the passages are level-appropriate. In these longer exercises, words are removed at intervals from passages about anything; cooking a meals, describing a medical problem, or running an errand. In language learning literature will sometimes refer to these longer passages as MCDs (massive context cloze-deletions).

Cloze exercises are beneficial for learners in many ways, but three most important are that (1) they have real-world application, (2) they provide learners with natural-like settings, and that (3) they can be flexibly and personally tailored to meet learning needs. The effectiveness of close deletion tests can and has been studied by applied linguistic researchers in a number of ways; a number of studies will be considered alongside these benefits.

In general, usage- or task-based techniques are the most effective language learning tools (Tomlinson). Studies have shown that young learners benefit far greater from interactive activities rather than individual work in coursebooks. Similarly, adolescent and mature learners benefit from task-based language learning that enhance and nurture their creativity, rather than simple learning by rote. Traditional vocabulary flash cards are useful for mapping individual words to their meanings, but limited in their real world application; cloze tests are the natural next step, bridging the gap between individual work and interaction. Cloze tests promote active production of vocabulary, not just recognition. They can be used to bolster vocabulary usage and free recall, reinforce grammatical knowledge and structural recognition, and strengthen overall comprehension.

A third benefit of the cloze deletion exercise method is its ability to change depending on the needs of the learner. Language learning is a series of elaborate cognitive behaviors working together, rather than a uniform process. Age, environmental language exposure, language-learning experience, classroom-instrument type, and personal attitude are all important variables for each individual. Shortcomings in one variable may be compensated for by another variable. For example, older learners who have a high amount of motivation may perform similarly to younger learners with low motivation (Masgoret and Gardner). Ajideh, et al. (2017) found that individual learning strategies had an effect on cloze test performance for a group of 158 language learners in Iran. Students who learned better through indirect mental processing techniques such as planning, evaluating, seeking opportunities, controlling anxiety, increasing cooperation and empathy, and focusing performed better on the cloze tests than students who relied on the direct mental processing techniques of memorizing, analysis, compensation, and transformation or synthesis of learning materials. Because cloze tests contain a large cognitive and reasoning component, learners who use indirect learning methods may perform better on these tasks.

Mostly 4-8 questions are asked from the cloze test topic in the major Government exams, especially SSC, Bank, Insurance and RRB exams and candidates can easily score marks in this section with sound knowledge of Grammar.

There are various benefits for a candidate if a cloze test is asked in the question paper. This is because to answer these questions, it does not take anything more than 30 seconds and anybody who has a good command over Grammar can easily score high for this topic, thereby increasing the overall scores.

The exam pattern for the various competitive exams may be different but the syllabus under each subject is the same. So, candidates who are preparing for any Government sector exam must be aware that questions from the cloze test may be asked in the examination.

Cloze paragraphs involve a chunk of text with entire words omitted. Your child has to fill each gap with the appropriate word so that the passage makes sense. Usually, a word bank is provided. This is an objective test, where there is only one correct answer for each deleted word.

Sometimes, your child might be asked to complete a cloze paragraphs test without a word bank. In this case, the answer is subjective: there are a number of possible words that your child could use appropriately. 2351a5e196

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