Sruthi Gorantla

PhD Candidate | Google PhD Fellow

Interests: Fairness, Algorithms, and Optimization

Department of Computer Science and Automation, IISc Bangalore.

Google Scholar  :  DBLP  :  Github  :  LinkedIn

Hi, I am a fourth-year PhD candidate in computer science at IISc Bangalore, where I am advised by Anand Louis. I am also closely collaborating with Amit Deshpande from Microsoft Research and Sara Ahmadian from Google Research. Prior to this I finished my masters in computer science at CSA, IISc Bangalore, and bachelors in computer science at NIT Warangal.  My research is supported by a Google PhD Fellowship award.

Publications ( *Shared first authorship )

Sruthi Gorantla*, Anay Mehrotra*, Amit Deshpande, Anand Louis.

AIES 2023

Sruthi Gorantla*, Kishen N. Gowda*, Amit Deshpande, Anand Louis.


Sruthi Gorantla, Amit Deshpande, Anand Louis.

IJCAI 2023

Sruthi Gorantla, Amit Deshpande, Anand Louis.

ICML 2021

Lin Qiu, Sruthi Gorantla, Vaibhav Rajan, Bernard C. Y. Tan.

Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS) 2021.

Sruthi Gorantla, Anand Louis, Christos H. Papadimitriou, Santosh Vempala, Naganand Yadati.

NeurIPS Workshop on Real Neurons and Hidden Units, 2020.

Devamanyu Hazarika, Soujanya Poria, Sruthi Gorantla, Erik Cambria, Roger Zimmermann, Rada Mihalcea.

COLING 2018.

Devamanyu Hazarika, Sruthi Gorantla, Soujanya Poria, Roger Zimmermann.

MIPR 2018.

Devamanyu Hazarika, Rajiv Bajpai, Kunal Singh, Sruthi Gorantla, Erik Cambria, Roger Zimmermann.

CICLing 2018.
