Lex Jura as Knowledge Partner to 1st Virtual Shri Ramswaroop Memorial National Moot Court Competition, 2023

Institute of Legal Studies, Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University, is pleased to announce its 1st Virtual Shri Ramswaroop Memorial National Moot Cour Competition, 2023 that is scheduled to be held (Virtual Mode) from 24th April - 26th April, 2023, which shall allow students to deal with an exceptionally crafted hypothetical case to showcase their argumentative skills. The event shall be held with an expert panel of eminent personalities judging the rounds, aiding students in gaining experience and knowledge like never before!


Students duly enrolled and pursuing a 5-year integrated undergraduate law program or 3-year graduate law program from an institute/college/university, which is recognized by Bar council of India, may apply to participate in 1st SRMNMCC, 2023. Each team shall comprise of three members (two speakers and a researcher). Two-member teams are strictly ineligible to participate in the 1st SRMNMCC, 2023.

Important Dates

 Release of Moot proposition- 31st March 2023

 Last date for Registration- 12th April, 2023 (extended)

 Last date for seeking clarifications- 13th April 2023

 Submission of Memorials – 16th April 2023, 11:59 PM

 Oral Rounds- 24th April – 26th April, 2023

Registration Fees

All the teams registering for the 1st SRMNMCC, 2023, are expected to make a single final payment of INR 2000/- per team. All information regarding mode and account details shall be communicated via the official rulebook for the competition.

Registration Form Link

Awards and Prizes

 Cash Prizes upto Rs. 21000/- 

 One month internship in Jus Corpus for all the participants

One month internship in the blogging wing of Lex Jura Law Journal for winners and runner ups. 

 20% Scholarship to all the participants on all the courses by Lawctopus Law School .

Contact Details

In case of any queries, please contact the undersigned: 

Mr. S A Rishikesh (Student Convenor): +91 9140530206

Mr. Lakshman Singh (Student Co-Convenor): +91 8317021704

Or email at: srmumcc@gmail.com

For more details and moot proposition, please visit https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nbVxSHR93u2RXfDyo68sJ_0h76YVSxjm/view?usp=share_link