Srivastava Lab at WKU

Srivastava Lab is interested in understanding the contributions of a specialized form of Extracellular Matrix (ECM) called the Basement Membrane to normal development and disease pathogenesis. Several projects in the lab are aimed at understanding this problem. We are also interested in deciphering the role of proteases during normal development and disease conditions like cancers.  To this end we have demonstrated the involvement of Matrix Metalloproteases and a Cathepsin L in normal development of fly organs as well as in invasive cellular behavior.

Life Cycle of Drosophila melanogaster

Expression of a Novel Gene in Drosophila invasive tumors.

Wing Imaginal Disc with Labeled Basement Membrane (Green)

Drosophila Wing Imaginal Disc with Labeled Basement Membrane (Green)

Drosophila eye phenotypes as a result of a developmental gene's overexpression. Fields & Srivastava - unpublished. SEM help from Dr. John Andersland

Several projects are available for talented MS, BS, and Honors Thesis students to pursue in the lab. If you are interested, then please e-mail Dr. Ajay Srivastava ( about your interest and the possibility of working in the lab.

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Copyright: Ajay Srivastava