Srijanshala - The EduFun Sunday Camp for Students

An effort to groom generation alpha into change agents to meet the challenges and opportunities offered by Industry 5.0 in the 21st century.

Every Sunday, at AHOBHAG a free weekly enrichment camp is organized for students from class 1 to 5 from any school, who wish to enjoy learning in a fun manner in the serene and natural environment of a herbal garden. Here we attempt to implement best practices from various premier schools and micro schools around the world.

Mentors and volunteers use Socratic dialogue, activity-based personalized learning and blended learning with an emphasis on our glorious culture and traditions to cultivate the habit of innovative thinking, collaborative problem solving and self-learning by the students. This enrichment program is very broad-based in its scope and vision.

Activities here range from meditation and yoga to playing educational games like Jenga and puzzles like Sudoku, to gaining hands-on experience in cutting-edge techniques in organic farming. Educational documentaries are also shown to students as part of the blended learning paradigm to enrich their knowledge and understanding. Even advanced topics like colouring problem in Graph theory, phenomena of surface tension etc are introduced to them in a conceptual manner with relevant experiments and activities.

We try to identify and nurture the child's passions, as we believe all children are inherently inquisitive and have a strong desire to learn, therefore it is our duty to facilitate learning on demand. Unlike the industrial education system where pressurizing students with tests and grades is the norm, we focus on competency-based learning and developing strategic thinking in the child.


Yoga training for complete well being.


Meditation for improving the mental powers of concentration and memory.

Organic Farming

Training on pesticide-free, fertilizer-free, wholly organic farming.


Training on Agro-Homeopathy, the natural way of treating various plant diseases.

Educational Documentary

Learning made fun by watching educational documentaries.

Mentally Stimulating Activities

Training to solve sudoku puzzles - a treat for brain

English Book Reading

Learning English the fun way - read exciting stories.

Science Based Fun Projects

Learn scientific principles in a practical and fun way.

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