Hi! I'm Sridhar Venkatesh, a 6th year PhD student at the University of Michigan. My advisor is Mircea Mustaţă.
I'm broadly interested in singularities in algebraic geometry. More specifically, I've been trying to understand the recently defined notions of higher Du Bois and higher rational singularities. Recently, I've also been thinking about toric varieties.
Here is my CV.
I am currently on the job market!
Email: srivenk[at]umich[dot]edu
Derived characterizations for rational pairs à la Schwede-Takagi and Kollár-Kovács (with Pat Lank, Peter McDonald). (2025). arXiv.
Duality of differential operators and algebraic de Rham cohomology (with Caleb Ji, Casimir Kothari, Oliver Li, Svetlana Makarova, Shubhankar Sahai). (2024). arXiv.
(This came out of the 2023 Stacks Project Workshop.)Triangulated characterizations of singularities (with Pat Lank). Submitted (2024). arXiv.
The intersection cohomology Hodge module of toric varieties (with Hyunsuk Kim). Submitted (2024). arXiv.
On Lengths of F_2[x,y,z]/(x^{d_1}, y^{d_2},z^{d_3}, x+y+z) (with Fiona Han, Jenny Kenkel, Daniel Li, Ashley Wiles). (2024). arXiv.
(This came out of a LoG(M) undergrad project done by Fiona, Daniel, Ashley, where Jenny and I were the mentors.)Local vanishing for toric varieties (with Wanchun Shen, Anh Duc Vo), manuscripta math. 175, 617–634 (2024). (journal) (arXiv).
On k-Du Bois and k-rational singularities (with Wanchun Shen, Anh Duc Vo). Submitted (2023). arXiv.