1. Engine stops as directed by Officer

a. At fire

2. Firefighter gets off engine

a. SCBA placed on ground at rear of engine

i. Donned as soon as practical after equipment is removed

3. Equipment is removed from engine

a. Appliance

b. Spider

c. Double female

d. Hose clamp

4. LDH removed from Oasis

5. LDH with female end stretched

a. 50' coupling drops at tailboard

i. Return to tailboard with female end in hand

6. 50’ coupling and female end gathered

a. Required hose is stretched maintaining female end and 50’ coupling

i. In the intended direction of travel

7. Firefighter anchors supply

a. With hands

8. Firefighter signals Driver

a. To “take off”

9. Engine lays supply hose

a. To water source

10. Supply line is clamped

a. Water is called for verbally, visually, or by radio

11. Set base

a. Attach appliance to base

i. Check for secure

ii. Lock mechanism

12. Extend LDH

a. Place first coupling in front of monitor

i. Loop formed with 50' of hose

13. Attention to neatness of LDH hose loop

a. 10’ straight back from monitor

14. LDH connected to monitor assembly

a. With double male

15. Chain/webbing secured at 50’ coupling in front of monitor assembly

16. Proper tip is verified

a. Fog

b. Smooth bore

17. Signal for water

a. Verbally, visually

18. Adjust direction of water flow

a. Slow, deliberate manner

i. No more than 45 degree’s either direction from center line

ii. Never below 35 degrees or manufacture’s recommendation

19. Inform Engineer of pressure to monitor

a. 80 psi on monitor gauge

i. Smooth bore

ii. Fog nozzle