An M3U file is a plain text file that specifies the locations of one or more media files. The file is saved with the "m3u" filename extension if the text is encoded in the local system's default non-Unicode encoding (e.g., a Windows codepage), or with the "m3u8" extension if the text is UTF-8 encoded.[9]

I have a file called mystream.m3u8 that I'm trying to open from my iphone. I can see it on my server but when I open it from my iPhone and iPad it shows me 404 error. Not really sure why it's happening.

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I have an m3u channel list from my provider, yes. I am putting m3u8 in that m3u list the same as the rest of the channels from my provider. Then putting that m3u into Live TV on Emby and all those channels work, except the m3u8 one from twit, which doesn't.

Where VIDEOURL is the webpage where the video player resides and VIDEOURL is the stream URL (the m3u8 url).

I need a way to forward the webpage URL as well as the stream URL to the playing system in Kodi.

And this page does not work in Chrome, Safari, on my iPhone. The html5 video tag examples on w3schools work fine on my computer, and the official Apple overview mentioned above gives an HTML example very similar to my page. Nevertheless, my video player is completely unresponsive when I visit my own .m3u8 page.

m3u/m3u8 files must be stored on a server and streamed in order to be played(I know it sounds not reasonable, but Apple did it again). You must use HLS, which basically means you should store the file on a server and directly access it from there. You can as well create a local Server inside your app using a framework like GCD WebServer.

Hope this is the correct place to post this topic.

Trying to create a m3u8 playlist for my ruizu D29 mp3 player mix English and Mandarin songs.

All the English songs - no problem

All the Mandarin songs - not showing on the playlist except 1 song with English Filename but Artist/Title are all in Mandarin. The tag is ID3v2.3(ID3v2.3) as shown per tag column

This is what the mp3 folder shows. The ones with Mandarin Characters are the folder and the ones with English are from the m3u8 playlist :-

IMG_20200726_16584630004000 1.97 MB IMG_20200726_16591415002000 1.05 MB

Don't understand the question.

The English file names are as per the names in the folder and as per the m3u8 playlist. The Mandarin songs don't show on the playlist....If I use the m3u8 playlist created by VLC player without changing the files location, absolute path, the VLC player can play the songs with no problem.....

Tried that....Used one of the Mandarin song and rename it to a English name....the File Name field as per the program joy....Still shows on the folder itself by not on the playlist....

Is there any program that can look at the raw data of the m3u8 file itself? As in showing all the formatting control characters e.g. [LB], [LN] and whatnot?

Can anybody note any difference in the 2 flies? The top can be read and shows on the mp3 Playlist, a English file name song but the 2nd/bottom is a Mandarin file name which do not shows/list in the m3u8 Playlist :-

compare2files816809 150 KB

I believe that the Mandarin Character of the Song and Artist...The File Name is "The Foreigner...."

I was hoping that it will show the difference, different byte and whatnot, as to why the top file can be read by the mp3 but not the bottom file where the File Name is also in Mandarin.....but the Start and End byte are the same.... you question....I put all of the songs into mp3tag saved Than use VLC to create the m3u8 Playlist....

That's sad.

I think by now we have tried more or less everything on the input side - it looks to me like a player problem e.g. that the player cannot cope with m3u8 playlists ...

I am afraid I cannot say anything more about the problem.

I have a video URL that ends with the m3u8 extension. I am trying to use VLC Media Player to stream this video to an MP4 file, but I am having an issue with the stream downloading only the video without the audio. Why is this happening and how can I resolve this issue? I am trying to output to an MP4 file, but if necessary, I can use a different file type as well so long as the video and audio remain high quality.

Hello, I was wondering if Http Live Streaming (HLS), that is, a Media File with URL ending with .m3u8 extension, are currently supported by the Unreal Engine. I tested UE4.11 and 4.12 and I cannot get it to work.

m3u8 works fine on vanilla Android (example), but the Media Framework doesnt seem to like it.

But, now I see that something has changed in the new Apple toolset. The Variant (master) Playlist creator is doing something different, the end result is different and when we play the master playlist (m3u8) our streams no longer adapt - or up-shift. Videos which were produced before the upgrade continue to play correctly. Here is what an older playlist looks like, created before we updated our tools:

** can someone explain what i am doing wrong regarding the m3u8 , and , the XMLtv not working as the epg. I apologise i am a novice and if you have a simple examples or explanations i would appreciate it.

An m3u8 needs to be in an m3u to function. In Channels, you can reference an m3u as a URL, a local file, or text directly. Without any particular details about your situation, I would say the text method is your best option. Here is an example where I use an m3u8 in just such a way:

I have a m3u8 link. How do I convert that to the format I need to have a custom channel? Where do I get the information for those other fields? When I use the EXTINF w/ the m3u8 link at the end, it doesn't work.

it seems to be that everything in Traktor 3 is exactly as it was in Traktor 2, even the fact that files ending in .m3u8 can not be opened with the "Right click - Import Playlist" context-menu. That brings me back to @Kaiwan_NI : It seems you are working in the NI-headquarters in Berlin :-) Would it be possible for you to pass on a feature request to the development team: Allow selection of m3u8 files in the import dialog. Certainly you might also just kindly redirect me to the feature request area which I was too lazy to look up by now.

And yes @lord-carlos , you are right, from a technical point of view, m3u8 is exactly the same as an m3u file but it claims that it's contents (aka the list of paths/files) is utf-8 encoded. The problem with m3u/m3u8 is that they are "only" de-facto standards that most people are referring to as this wikipedia entry being the source-of-thruth: . Frauenhofer, which I think invented it back when they invented the mp3 format, did not define a proper standard for it. So this is all we've got.

As far as I understand it and sincde I was contributing to a FOSS project recently that required me to code generation of M3U lists, I do think that Traktor 3 already supports the reading of utf-8 encoded filenames within a textfile named "playlist.m3u", even if the file should properly be named "playlist.m3u8" - The current workaround certainly is to just rename the file's ending to being m3u. I am not 100% sure if this last paragraph is all true and there might be assumptions. I'll try to do my homework and some more tests but in the meantime @Kaiwan_NI , this might be stuff for the coffee/cigarette break with the coding team :-)

I removed a bunch of chars and replaced them with "[random characters]". The URL is invalid because it only contains a file name; the domain name is missing. Also it points to m3u8 file. I don't think it makes any sense.

I tried to use HLS to construct a video element from m3u8, then create a videoTexture and Sound obj from the video element respectively.

It works only on Android, Mac Chome and PC Chome, but not on Mac Safari nor iOS Safari, where only plain stereo audio can be heard.

I tried several versions of safari and iOS, none of them work with HLS/m3u8. I also tried to use the MP4 URL to construct the video element, then created the video texture and spatial Sound. It worked with all my versions of iOS/Safari, as long as they meet the version requirement of the panner node.

I've just upgraded a theme for a client and encountered found that the m3u8 that's generated for a product video has a different duration than the mp4 version, where it's much longer and most of it is just the last frame.

It appears to have been due to the frame rate the client was using, as the original timeline was created using still images, they used 2fps to create the effect. However this causes a miscalculation in the duration with the m3u8 streaming method.

I have created my own set of m3u8 and .ts files. This set works perfectly when played via video.js, when served from Apache, Microsoft IIS, or NginX. Surely AEM can perform the same simple server task.

How do I upload this set of files to AEM, so that they are not altered by AEM in any way, so I can play them via my video.js video player?

(I simply want to serve .m3u8 and .ts files over HTTP via AEM. I do not need any fancy "asset" tags, nor video re-encoding, nor streamed via an Adobe 'video' service of any kind)

Errorcode 311 is HLS_NETWORK_MASTER_PLAYLIST - Failed to retrieve the master playlist m3u8 file with three retries. Developers need to validate that their playlists are indeed available. It could be the case that a user that cannot reach the playlist as well.

First of all, thank you so much for clicking. I'm considering the option to convert some files client-side, if possible! I'd like to convert audio to HLS deliverable files mpeg2-ts (.m3u8, .ts), are there any libraries available to Swift at all?

Live streams start at the input, which is usually either a live event or a static file that is being streamed. For live events, the server requires a media encoder, which can be off-the-shelf hardware, and a way to break the encoded media into segments and save them as files. These files are then categorized into a playlist file, usually with a file extension .m3u8. 2351a5e196

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