

[Jan-2024] V. Sreekanth received Chancellor's Publication Excellence Award & Chancellor's Award for Extramural Grant at the recently concluded Amrita Innovation and Research Award (AIRA) ceremony at Amritapuri campus of the  university, 2024

[Dec-2023] Paper titled "Rotating Bose-Einstein condensate stars at finite temperature" got published in Physical Review D (American Physical Society)

PS Aswathi, PS Keerthi, OP Jyothilakshmi, Lakshmi J. Naik and V. Sreekanth, Phys. Rev. D 108, 123001, (2023)

Impact Factor: 5.4

[October-2023] V. Sreekanth participated and delivered invited talk in the "India-JINR workshop on elementary particle and nuclear physics, and condensed matter research" held at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia. Scholar Lakshmi J. Naik also attended the conference online.

[October-2023] Lakshmi J Naik & V. Sreekanth participated and presented  contributory & invited talks respectively at the international conference "Workshop on Dynamics of QCD Matter - II - 2023" in NISER, Bhubaneswar

[July-2023] Scholar Jyothilakshmi attended  international "Summer School on Gravitational Wave Astronomy" organised by ICTS Bangalore.

[March-2023] Scholar Lakshmi J Naik  won Stefan Prize for the best student's presentation at the international conference "Workshop on the QCD equation of state in dense matter Heavy Ion Collisions & Astrophysics" in Kovalam, organised by Alexander von Humboldt foundation & FIAS - Frankfurt.

[March-2023] OP Jyothilakshmi, Lakshmi J Naik & V. Sreekanth participated and presented talks at the international conference "Workshop on the QCD equation of state in dense matter Heavy Ion Collisions & Astrophysics" in Kovalam, organised by Alexander von Humboldt foundation & FIAS - Frankfurt.

[Feb-2023] Lakshmi J Naik & V. Sreekanth participated and presented talks at the international conference "Emerging Trends in Relativistic Hydrodynamics, Chirality, Vorticity and Magnetic Field" in Puri.

[Jan-2023] Paper titled "Second order dissipative hydrodynamics based on effective kinetic theory and  electromagnetic signals from QGP" got published in Journal of Physics G: Nuclear & Particle Physics (IoP, Bristol, UK)

Lakshmi J. Naik and V. Sreekanth, J. Phys. G 50, 025102, (2023)

Impact Factor: 3.519

[Dec-2022] DST Project titled "An archeotechnological innovation orchestrating a sustainable architecture towards functional food contact metallic surfaces for the indigent and ethno-classical art-theatre percussion instruments" got accepted under prestigious SHRI scheme [December 2022, Rs. 70,0000/- 2 Years

PIs: Dr. K. M. Sreedhar, Dr. K. M. Sreekanth,Dr. V. Sreekanth, Dr. G. Sivasubrahmanian (Amrita)

[Nov-2022] Paper titled "Hyperon bulk viscosity and $r$-modes of neutron stars" got published in Monthly Notices to Royal Astronomical Society (Oxford, UK)

O. P. Jyothilakshmi, P. E. S. Krishnan, P. Thakur, V. Sreekanth and T. K. Jha

Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 516 (3), 3381-3388 (2022)

Impact Factor: 5.287

[Nov-2022] Jyoti Lakshmi participated & presented our work "Bulk viscosities and r-mode of massive neutron stars" in 66th DAE International Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Guwahati


[Oct-2022] Lakshmi J Naik participated in The XXVI International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (AYSS-2022) Dubna, Russia and presented the talk "Second order viscous hydrodynamics within an effective kinetic theory and thermal particles from QGP

{May-2022} V Sreekanth & Lakshmi J Naik participated and presented talk in Hot QCD Matter 2022, held at IIT Goa