If you have access to it, you're better off using Developer Edition because it supports more features and larger databases. For example, if you want to restore a 50gb database from your production server onto your workstation to do testing, you'll need Developer Edition.

I need a safe (i.e consistent, robust) way of detecting whether or not the sql server I'm accessing is Sql Express. I think I'd prefer to be able to do this from TSQL, since I already have a connection string and all the libraries I need to execute TSQL (this should help avoid issues with whether or not WMI is installed/running, the user has permissions to access the registry etc).

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PS: Basically I want to do this so I can monitor my database size against the 4gb limit and take action when I approach it... but if I'm running on a full Sql Server edition then I don't want the code to worry about it since there is no (practical) hard coded limit. I could put in a manual setting in my program, but it would be much nicer if the code just did the right thing automatically, hence the need to know if the server is the 'Express' edition or not.

You can install just the SQL Server client components on a computer that is running client/server applications that connect directly to an instance of SQL Server. A client components installation is also a good option if you administer an instance of SQL Server on a database server, or if you plan to develop SQL Server applications.

On an internet server, such as a server that is running Internet Information Services (IIS), you will typically install the SQL Server client tools. Client tools include the client connectivity components used by an application connecting to an instance of SQL Server.

Although you can install an instance of SQL Server on a computer that is running IIS, this is typically done only for small Web sites that have a single server computer. Most Web sites have their middle-tier IIS systems on one server or a cluster of servers, and their databases on a separate server or federation of servers.

If the database is a "contained" database, then that's pretty much all there is to it. However, it's most likely not a contained database meaning you also need to consider the recreation of any related server-defined logins.

This seems to have the advantages of distributing disk I/O across servers while saving massive $$$ (since small 15K drives and used dual core servers are both inexpensive). If at some point we need too many servers, we can upgrade to SQL Server ... but with dozens of internal users this just seems too expensive right now (particularly since we'd need a failover box).

SQL server likes lots of RAM. The more the better. As the SQL Server can't load data into cache that'll put additional load on the disks. You should look at the Web Edition or Workstation edition of SQL Server. Those editions have higher limits than the Express edition, but cost less than Standard Edition.

alternatively, you might buy a Developer version for 50 dollars and replace the express instance with that instead; you cannot upgrade an express version, i think; that would require backing up the databases scripting out all sorts of settings , roles and users , uninstalling express, and installing Develoepr(or any otehr fuller version), and finally running the scripts and restorign the databases.

One thing to think about... how much are you saving by using express instead of standard edition when you add in the cost of the DBA's to work on scripting out jobs manually? If it forces you all to need to hire an additional DBA, you may just be costing yourself money.

In my opinion, SQLExpress is appropriate for 1) Configuration databases that are rarely updated (when they are they should be manually backed up and copied off server), and 2) testing complex scripts or commands that you're nervious about running on a DEV server the first time.

Since the application requires server name and database name, the differential factor would be the DB name and the server would be its IP address. As for redundancy or HA, I would like the second server to be a failover server for SQL server as well. Should the primary server go down, the secondary server takes on the load. Of course, the data would need to be replicated across both servers to ensure real time data. I know this can be done on Windows Server 20xx.

You can either add a new probe to do this or update the existing sqlinfo.ps1 script to filter out SQLServerExpress editions. To test for SQLServerExpress you can probe for the serverproperty 'edition'.

"Starting with SQL Server 2012, these memory limits are enforced only for the database cache (buffer pool). The rest of the caches in the SQL Server memory manager can use much more memory than is specified by these edition limits. For example, a SQL Server 2012 Express edition can use only a maximum size of 1.4 GB for its database cache. Other caches (such as the procedure cache, the metadata cache, and so on) can consume memory up to the size specified by the "max server memory" configuration."

So what does this have to do with database mirroring? Well, it seems that the mirroring endpoint that you have to create between mirror and principal servers is really nothing more than a Skydrive link. Although it doesn't actually use Skydrive, it performs the same function. So in effect, the following statement:

The 5022$ "port" is actually a hidden system directory on the principal and mirror servers. I haven't quite figured out how the log files are included in this, or why you have to SET PARTNER on both principal and mirror servers, except maybe that mklink has to do something special when linking across servers. I couldn't get the above statement to work correctly, but found that doing mklink to a local Skydrive folder gave me similar functionality.

One wrinkle you will encounter is that the mirror server will show the data and log files, but you won't be able to attach them to the mirror SQL instance while they are attached to the principal. I think this is a bug in the Skydrive, but as it turns out that's fine: you can't access a mirror while it's hosted on the principal either. So you don't quite get automatic failover, but you can attach the files to the mirror if the principal goes offline. It's also not exactly synchronous, but it's better than nothing, and easier than either replication or log shipping with a lot less latency.

If you have a scenario that requires a larger amount of storage, you can usesharding across multiple DB instances to get around the limit. This approachrequires data-dependent routing logic in applications that connect to thesharded system. You can use an existing sharding framework, or you can writecustom code to enable sharding. If you use an existing framework, the frameworkcan't install any components on the same server as the DB instance.

To use these features, we recommend that you install SQL Server on an Amazon EC2 instance, oruse an on-premises SQL Server instance. In these cases, the EC2 or SQL Serverinstance acts as the Master Data Services server for your SQL Server DB instanceon Amazon RDS. You can install SQL Server on an Amazon EC2 instance with Amazon EBS storage,pursuant to Microsoft licensing policies.

The Microsoft SQL Server database engine uses role-based security. The master user name that you specify when you create a DB instance is a SQL Server Authentication login that is a member of the processadmin, public, and setupadmin fixed server roles.

To set up auditing, set the parameter rds.sqlserver_audit to the value fedramp_hipaa. If your DB instance is not already using a custom DB parameter group, you must create a custom parameter group and attach it to your DB instance before you can modify the rds.sqlserver_audit parameter. For more information, see Working with parameter groups.

I'm doing overall upgrade planning on our infrastructure and saw SQL Server 2014 SP3 will get out of mainstream support in july 2019 identified which systems still run this version, Backup Exec server being one of them. Even if the extended maintenance support continues, MS will definitely limit their efforts for 2014 in favour of 2016 and newer. Thus I'd like to get all our DB instances upgraded in time - where possible to the same versions on the whole infastructure so that we have to keep an eye on less software version to keep patched and maintained.

Sorry for asking it here as it's a pain to talk with the veritas support, we are planning to migrate our Backup exec from an old server to a new one but we can't proceed with it using the backup exec migration assistant as we are having errors with SQL permission and SQL compatibility, found out that the installer only includes a SQL 2014 x86, so I'm thinking if we can update the SQL 2012 from the source to atleast 2014, we might also get rid of the perms issue? cause for some reason we are also getting no access permission to the database even though the same service account was used.. I was sitting with the support for a few hours and we were not able to fix the issue at all, hoping for a reply and advance thank you!

How Can i make sure that connectivity from DBConnect app is established with the DB server.

I have already make allow of port 1433 in Firewall settings.

SQL Server browser service is running.

TCP port is enabled in management Studio.

That's not quite correct and I'm sure this is a source of much confusion. You can still create DBs in SQL express (desktop or workgroup edition DB server) wirh ArcMap and then work with them just fine in Pro.

My opinion - I can understand the use cases for SQL Server express DB's but find that the limitations they impose (from the MS side more than Esri) creates issues overall with performance and size limits. 

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