Every Database Administrator, developer, report writer, and anyone else who writes T-SQL to access SQL Server data, must understand how to read and interpret execution plans. My book leads you right from the basics of capturing plans, through how to interpret them in their various forms, graphical or XML, and then how to use the information you find there to diagnose the most common causes of poor query performance, and so optimize your SQL queries, and improve your indexing strategy.

SQL Server Query Performance Tuning Distilled, Second Edition includes updated material plus one new chapter, and explains how to design and tune SQL Server applications to cope with ever-increasing workloads. With proven strategy, this book teaches you how to use SQL Server tools to identify a performance bottleneck, isolate the root cause, apply possible resolutions, and then quantify performance improvements. Also covered are crucial issues like index analysis and tuning, preventing deadlocks, optimizing workload, and minimizing costs.

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Defining a troubleshooting methodology is hard, because the actual methodology that I apply depends entirely on the specific problem that I am trying to troubleshoot for a specific environment. However, my basic approach, and the tools I use, remain constant, regardless of whether the problem is users complaining of slow performance, or if I am just performing a standard server health check.

There are a number of points in this troubleshooting process where it would have been very easy to jump to the wrong conclusion regarding the nature of the problem. For example, after reviewing the virtual file statistics and the performance counters for the Physical Disks in the server, it would be easy to conclude that the disk I/O subsystem for the server was inappropriately sized for the amount of work being done, and that additional disks needed to be purchased to handle the disk I/O demands for the server. Unfortunately, scaling up a disk I/O subsystem can be an extremely expensive solution if the problem happens to be a missing index related to a commonly executed query, or buffer pool memory pressure. It is possible that buying a large enough disk configuration will temporarily mask the problem, but since the underlying root cause has not been resolved, you can be sure that the same problem will recur later, as the system continues to grow.

As an example of this, any time that SQL Server has to wait while executing an operation or statement, the time spent waiting is tracked by the SQLOS, as wait time. This data is exposed, for each instance of SQL Server installed on a server, in the sys.dm_os_wait_stats DMV. The cause and length of the various waits that SQL Server is experiencing can provide significant insight into the cause of the performance problems, as long as you understand exactly what the wait statistics are telling you, and know how to correlate the wait information with the additional troubleshooting information such as the PerfMon counters, and other DMVs.

One of the challenges with querying the raw performance counter data directly is that some of the performance counters are cumulative ones, increasing in value as time progresses, and analysis of the data requires capturing two snapshots of the data and then calculating the difference between the snapshots. The query in Listing 1.5 performs the snapshots and calculations automatically, allowing the output to be analyzed directly. There are other performance counters, not considered in Listing 1.5, which have a secondary, associated base counter by which the main counter has to be divided to arrive at its actual value.

A lot of online references will tell you that if the Page Life Expectancy (PLE) performance counter drops lower than 300, which is the number of seconds a page will remain in the data cache, then you have memory pressure. However, this guideline value for the PLE counter was set at a time when most SQL Servers only had 4 GB of RAM, and the data cache portion of the buffer pool was generally 1.6 GB. In modern servers, where it is common for SQL Servers to have 32 GB or more of installed RAM, and a significantly larger data cache, having 1.6 GB of data churn through that cache every 5 minutes is not necessarily a significant event.

The Memory Manager\Memory Grants Pending performance counter provides information about the number of processes waiting on a workspace memory grant in the instance. If this counter has a high value, SQL Server may benefit from additional memory, but there may be query inefficiencies in the instance that are causing excessive memory grant requirements, for example, large sorts or hashes that can be resolved by tuning the indexing or queries being executed.

In my experience, the Plan Cache in SQL Server 2005 and 2008 is one of the most underused assets for troubleshooting performance problems in SQL Server. As a part of the normal execution of batches and queries, SQL Server tracks the accumulated execution information for each of the plans that is stored inside of the plan cache, up to the point where the plan is flushed from the cache as a result of DDL operations, memory pressure, or general cache maintenance. The execution information stored inside of the plan cache can be found in the sys.dm_exec_query_stats DMV as shown in the example query in Listing 1.6. This query will list the top ten statements based on the average number of physical reads that the statements performed as a part of their execution.

Additionally, the sys.dm_exec_query_plan() function can be cross-applied using the plan_handle column from the sys.dm_exec_query_stats DMV to get the execution plan that is stored in the plan cache. By analyzing these plans, we can identify problematic operations that are candidates for performance tuning.

Jonathan Kehayias is currently employed as a Principal Consultant and Trainer for SQLskills, one of the best-known and most respected SQL Server training and consulting companies in the world. Jonathan is a SQL Server MVP and one of the few Microsoft Certified Masters for SQL Server 2008, outside of Microsoft. Jonathan frequently blogs about SQL Server, presents sessions at PASS Summit, SQLBits, SQL Connections and local SQL Saturday events, and has remained a top answerer of questions on the MSDN SQL Server Database Engine forum since 2007.Jonathan is a performance tuning expert for both SQL Server and hardware, and has architected complex systems as a developer, business analyst, and DBA. He also has extensive development (T-SQL, C#, and ASP.Net), hardware and virtualization design expertise, Windows expertise, Active Directory experience, and IIS administration experience.Outside of SQL Server, Jonathan is also a Drill Sergeant in the US Army Reserves and is married with two young children. On most nights he can be found at the playground, in a swimming pool, or at the beach with his kids.Jonathan can be found online as @SQLPoolBoy on Twitter, or through his blog ( ) 0852c4b9a8

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