Native client for me traditionally means not interpreted by a virtual execution environment or sandbox but executed by the CPU and bound to the operating system (think Win32). I'd contrast native with HTML, JVM, CLR, etc.

Thick client for me traditionally means some business logic executing on the client, (think WPF, WinForms) as opposed to web/browser or other lightweight presentation container where most business logic is executing on the (web) server and minimal logic is executing on the client.

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Traditionally, the two distinctions are unrelated, with "native clients" often being "thick". However, with the introduction of devices this distinction has become skewed, since it's not crystal clear anymore if a native app on a little device can still be considered thick. Many people avoid saying "thick" and refer to "rich" instead.

Nishakant, since you asked this in context of my tweet, let me explain what i meant by it. Native in that context meant a native Windows 8 application, which in turn means an application conforming to the new modern UI guidelines, runs on WinRT and is downloaded and installed from Windows 8 Store and runs locally on the Windows 8 machine. It isn't a web application, but locally installed. You could co-relate it to thick client applications in regular desktop world.

While a native client may be about anything (for example a Native American paying you to write software for him), I'd say that in terms of software, a native client is some piece of software that is compiled to CPU bytecode, as opposed to a piece of software that's compiled to bytecode, which is compiled to CPU bytecode by an execution environment (Java, .NET, etc.) when run.

I'm pretty sure that at present, the term Native Client is only used to refer to Google Native Client (NaCl), which is a tool for running native code from within a browser, and yes in this case, Google definitely can explain it to you.

However the requirement is there, so the Native Client is a technology, which provides a sandbox, to run the Native code(not really native, just you wrote with typical native language) inside the web browser.

When I put a GW URL in the Native Client Launcher (Windows 10) it shows that the GW is running, however when I launch the project, it works fine until handing communication over to the client. Then it gives me:

If you're interested in the implementation of Native Client, you're in the rightplace. We're moving our implementation information to subpages of this one, butsome information exists in other websites (such as the nativeclientproject, which has awiki that was used for somedocumentation previously). The following search field covers all these websitesplus groups.

The native launcher looks like it is receiving project data that indicates that your project does not have fullscreen mode available. Try putting this URL into a browser on a client machine and see what it returns:


As we have upgarded our Sep to 14 MP 2 and we have SQL 2008 r2 databse installed on remote computer . now we want t omigrate our database to sql 2016 on different server and in order to perform the same we need to upgrade native client also but we are unable to found sql natvi client 2016 . please suggest. could we use any older version of nativ client than SQL 2016 ?

Thnaks a lot, awaiting for the above information. actually i had also tested with Sql 2008 native client with SQl 2016 databse (on remote host) and it was working on UAT server but having some hesitation to apply in production hence raised this query.

Is there a way or website document that tells which version of SQL server like use which version of native client.

I cannot find it.

Does it matter I use SQLNCLI11.1. or SQLNCLI11 for the connection string on SQL server 2017 and SSIS 2017?

You can find the dlls for the drivers in the Windows\System32 folder. Then in that folder, search for: sqlncli*.dll

That should pull up the sql native client drivers. You can right click on the dlls and select properties, then details and the Product Version should have the full build number to see what you have.

The Ignition Gateway contains downloadable native executables that can launch Clients directly without invoking Java Web Start. Using the native executables you can set up Clients in ways that are impossible to achieve with Java Web Start, such as being able to launch Clients automatically as part of a machine startup script.

Note: The Native Client Launchers require Java to be installed on the Client machine.The following feature is new in Ignition version 7.9.10

 Click here to check out the other new features Native Client Launchers now have Java 9 embedded in them, so Java no longer needs to be installed on the client machine.

Native client launchers for Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX are available on the Gateway Home page. Click on the Download link to download the native launcher that you need for your operating system. You can hide the native client launcher section on the Gateway Configure page by disabling the section under the Gateway Settings > Homepage Config tab.

Open the downloaded .tar.gz file using an archive manager, or use tar -xvf on the command line. Run (the file is already executable, so you can simply double-click on the file).

Ubuntu 14.04 users! Starting in 14.04, Ubuntu has turned off the list of execution options that pops up after double-clicking on a .sh file (display the file, execute directly, or execute in a shell). This means that double-clicking will open the text editor and display a bunch of garbage. To re-enable the list of execution options, open a File Manager. Navigate to the Edit menu -> Preferences and click on the Behavior tab. Change the Executable Text Files setting from "View executable text files when they are opened" to "Ask each time".

When the client launcher opens for the first time, you must select a Gateway on the Gateway Configuration screen. If your Gateways have multicast enabled, and multicast transmission is allowed on your network, you can see a list of Gateways under the Available Gateways tab. Select a Gateway from the list and click the Select Gateway button. The client launcher will attempt to connect to the Gateway that you selected.

After you selected a Gateway, the client launcher will attempt to contact the Gateway and will update the Status field at the top of the screen. If there was an error while attempting to contact the Gateway, you can hold your mouse over the Status field to see what the error was. You can also check /.ignition/clientlauncher-data/clientlauncher.log for error information. Keep in mind that you cannot use a client launcher to connect to older Gateways. The minimum Gateway versions that can be used by client launchers are 7.5.11 for the 7.5 Ignition platform and 7.6.4 for the 7.6 Ignition platform. Any 7.7 or later Ignition platform can be used with the client launchers.

The client launcher is typically used to open different projects residing on a single configured Gateway. However, you can also create temporary connections to other Gateways by checking the "Temporary Connection" checkbox on the Gateway Configuration screen. This prevents the selected Gateway from being saved in launch.xml, which may be helpful if you have already configured a default Gateway and you do not want to lose its connection settings. After the connection has been established and saved, the Projects screen will be shown for the temporary Gateway. You can then launch a project or the Designer as you normally would. If the "Create desktop icon" checkbox is checked for the launched project, the temporary Gateway network address is saved in the desktop shortcut.

The client launcher can be pre-configured locally and then deployed to remote client machines via a zip file. Using this capability allows a client launcher to immediately connect to a Gateway on the very first launch.

The client launcher can take advantage of a redundant Gateway setup. Whenever a connection is established with a master Gateway, the backup Gateway IP address is automatically stored in the client launcher configuration file. If the master Gateway cannot be contacted the next time the client launcher is run, an attempt is made to contact the backup Gateway. If the backup cannot be contacted, the client launcher switches between contacting the primary Gateway and the backup Gateway until one responds or the user closes the launcher.

It is possible to configure the client launcher to always start on the Gateway Configuration screen. This allows you to connect to any number of Gateways using the same launcher. To enable this configuration, open the launch.xml file (details on this file are in the Custom Launch Settings section below). Set the initconnect property to false and save the file.

If you are managing multiple Gateways, it may be helpful to mark some Gateways as favorites. These Gateways are always listed first when accessing the Gateway Configuration screen. You can also filter out non-favorite Gateways by checking the Favorites Only checkbox on the Gateway Configuration screen. By setting the initconnect property to false (as documented above in the Managing Multiple Gateways section), you can force the client launcher to always display your favorite Gateways list any time you start the launcher.

After the Gateway has been configured, you can launch a client project or the Designer from the Projects screen. After a project has been launched, a desktop shortcut is created. You can use the desktop shortcut to directly launch the project from the client launcher without needing to select the project again from the Projects screen. A client project will not be visible for launch unless all the conditions below are satisfied: ff782bc1db

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