2nd International Workshop on Self-Protecting Systems (SPS'20)
Part of the ACSOS Workshops series held in conjunction with
1st International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems - ACSOS 2020
Mon 17 August 2020 Washington, DC, Washington, United States
Workshop registration
For registration check the instructions here: https://2020.acsos.org/info/registration
Workshop Program
Time is EDT or UTC -4
9:00 9:05 Welcome from chairs
9:05 10:00 Invited talk: Performance Security Tradeoffs of Moving Target Defenses, Daniel A. Menasce'
10:00 10:20 Designing a Methodological Framework for the Empirical Evaluation of Self-Protecting Systems, A. Montemaggio, S. Iannucci, T. Bhowmik and J. Hamilton
10:20 10:40 Security Fault Tolerance for Access Control, D. Jang, M. Shin and D. Pathirage
10:40 11:00 Break
11:00 11:50 Invited talk: Runtime Application Self Protection (RASP), Craig Shorter
11:50 12:10 Detection of Similar Functions Through the Use of Dominator Information, A. Schäfer, W. Amme and T. S. Heinze
12:10 12:30 Normalization of Severity Rating for Automated Context-aware Vulnerability Risk Management, V. Ahmadi, P. Arlos and E. Casalicchio
We are organizing a special issue in a IEEE or ACM journal. Authors of selected workshop papers will be invited to submit an extended version
Camera ready submission
Instructions for camera ready submission are available here
Our hearts go out to all those who may be battling COVID-19. For more information about how COVID-19 might influence the ACSOS conference and related workshops, please read conference statement at https://2020.acsos.org/news#Statement-about-COVID-19
Invited speakers
Daniel A. Menasce' (George Mason University, USA)
Craig Shorter (National Strategic Planning & Analysis Research Center, MSU, USA)
Call for Paper
Effectively protecting computer systems from cyber-attacks is a challenging task due to their large scale and the heterogeneity of the underlying hardware and software components. Furthermore, when trying to defend from an attack, the time factor is critical and any non-guided human resolution attempt could introduce a significant stress and delay to the execution of the proper response. This situation provides the attackers more time to accomplish their objectives.
Several organizations, including the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), have released guidelines and best practices to manage cyber-security related risk (e.g., the NIST Cybersecurity Framework 1.1). However, despite a growing interest in the area in the last 5 years, automation of cyber-security operations is still at its early stages.
Automatically defending a computer system encompasses a large number of activities, that range from data capture, management and analysis, to automated decision making and automated system operations.
In this workshop, we solicit high quality contributions that fit with the overarching idea of creating a fully automated protection system. The aim of the workshop is to share new findings, exchange ideas and discuss research challenges on the following topics (not an exhaustive list):
Distributed System Monitoring
Secure Monitoring
Feature Selection
Automatic Data Correlation (Batch/Streaming)
Intrusion Detection
Anomaly Detection
Threats Detection
Cyber-Deception: approaches, analysis, honeypots, metrics, moving target defense
Software engineering for self-protecting systems: System architectures, services, components and platforms, Goal specification and policies
Risk Management
Intrusion Response
Attack Modeling
Defense Modeling
Implementation of prototypes that integrate cutting edge technologies, e.g., Software Defined Networks, Container-Based systems, applications based on micro-services
Non-Stationary Systems Modeling
Behavioural Modeling
Cooperative/Competitive Multi-agents modeling
Furthermore, we solicit submissions that examine the self-protection problem from an holistic perspective, that is, that will consider the overall picture and propose novel software architectures, frameworks and technologies to ease the realization of self-protecting systems.
Send your enquire at sps20@easychair.org
Paper submission: June 7, 2020 (23:59 AoE)
Author notification: July 1, 2020
Final Manuscript (camera-ready paper): July 22, 2020
Instruction for camera ready submission are available here
Accepted papers will be included in the ACSOS'2020 Companion Volume published by IEEE Computer Society Press and made available as a part of the IEEE Digital Library. Papers must thus be in the same format as the conference proceedings and may not be more than 6 pages in length.
Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF format according to the instructions on the submission website and review criteria
Submission website: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sps20
Previous Workshop edition
Emiliano Casalicchio, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Stefano Iannucci, Mississippi State University, MS ,USA
Byron J. Williams, University of Florida, FL, USA
Technical Program Committee
Vincent Bindschaedler, University of Florida
Andrea Montemaggio, Mississippi State University
Cihan Tunc, University of Arizona
Sherif Abdelwahed, Virginia Commonwealth University
Long Cheng, Clemson University
Muhammad Nadeem, Mississippi State University
Tanmay Bhowmik, Mississippi State University
Eric Yuan, Aerospace Corporation
Kazi Zakia, Montclair State University
For information about Registration, Conference Location, VISA, Transport and Accommodation please check the conference web site https://2020.acsos.org/