You have to run this line when the sprite has just been changed, so ideally just after the "sprite_index" variable is changed. If you don't change it, just set image_speed to zero in the creation code.

To rotate a sprite in GameMaker, you can use the built-in variable image_angle. This variable sets the angle of the instance's sprite in degrees, where 0 degrees is pointing right, and positive values rotate the sprite clockwise.

Sprite Maker Download


In case you need to rotate a sprite around a specific point and not its origin, you will have to modify the image_xscale, image_yscale, and possibly also adjust the x and y position of the sprite to keep it centered.

Keep in mind that rotation might affect collision checking if the sprite's bounding box changes. If precise collision checking is needed after rotation, appropriate collision masks should be used, or consider using precise per-pixel collision checking.

These variables are included by default with GameMaker objects and are all related to the sprite assigned to the instance in the room. These variables can be accessed at any time within the code or actions for an instance and used to change what is drawn and how.

Hey everyone, I had posted this in finished projects, not realizing there was a game engine resources forum, so here it is again. I just finished up putting together a .blend file to allow a friend of mine to render 3d models as limited color old school orthographic game sprites. I thought it might be a worthwhile tool to toss up here for anyone else wanting to create similar things through blender.

I actually have edge rendering in there, but its set to only use it on layer 1, and I think I forgot to set the default layer back to one. Move you objects to that layer and then use the nodes to control thickness and blending.

I will play with it again when i get more time to experiment. For now I just Select all transparent, shrink selection x 1 pix , and floodfill RGBA 0,0,0,255 with image magic script. i can do an entire folder with 1 mouse click, so it is really no big deal that I do not render them with the edge in the first place.

Now that our dancers are holding hands properly, we can recolor their hair and clothes to make different dancers. And since we kept our two base sprites on separate layers while working, we can also change whose face we can see more of to make our dancers seem even more unique.

We can then make events that have their Stepping and Direction Fix options checked so that our dancers can happily dance in place forever. Since we have their directions fixed, we could even have them move around the dance floor without worrying about their colors changing no matter which direction they move in.

Our kiss will take place between two separate characters, in this case Priscilla and Michelle, in the middle of a cutscene so we need to be able to separate them so their events can move around as needed later.

Rayg Sprite Maker, also referred to as Rayg Sprite Generator is a free sprite generating site programmed by Cee-estee to create Rayg sprite sheets by selecting torso, joints, mask and other colors for the sheet. The latest version is 2.5.

Despite the program being outdated, with the latest available sprites being the Piraka, it is still commonly used due to the fact that it solves the problem of recoloring Rayg (and also that most Rayg character sheets are Matoran or Toa), which has been found to be a hard thing to do.

A Scratch sprite is the character that your Scratch code controls. For example, you may write some code to make your sprite move around or talk. These sprites can be all sorts of things, ranging from people to animals to objects. All Scratch programs are loaded by default with a cat sprite but you can choose anything you want!

Click on the "Images" tab to see image results. Then click on "Tools" and under the drop down open "Usage Rights" and then select Creative Commons licenses. Now you'll be able to see all the images that aren't copyright, that you can use for your fun project. Save one to your computer.

Now you know all the different ways to introduce custom sprites in your Scratch program! Show off your animated Sprites and find some fun-to-use Sprites in our kids coding project library. Next, check out this Scratch tutorial for kids or build a geometry dash in Scratch.

Written by Sophie Andrews, a Create & Learn instructor. Sophie Andrews is a student at Stanford University studying Math and Computational Sciences. She loves teaching and is a teaching assistant for Stanford's introductory computer science classes. Her work focuses on data science. Last year she built the online National Vote Trackers for The Cook Political Report, and she currently leads the Data Team at The Stanford Daily. She's also interned with the FCC and the National Renewable Energy Lab.

There is a bit of setup required before we can really use this function effectively. We are going to define these arguments as variables, and throw all of it into a script so it can be used on any object.

By setting the sprite variable to sprite_index, it will use the sprite that the object has set. While we are creating scripts, we may as well create a couple of helper scripts we will need later. Create a new script called approach and add the following lines:

This script allows you to increase a value by another value, until it reaches a maximum value. I'll show you what we can do with this a little later. Next, create another script and name it player_buttons. Add the following code:

Now that we have our animation_init script ready to go, we are ready to start drawing, that is, once we have a sprite to draw! Create a new sprite, and name it sprPlayer_Idle. Make sure this sprite has multiple frames, and each frame is different. Otherwise you won't be able to tell it's animating. Set the sprite origin to the x center, and y bottom. If you are using the sprites that I am using, that is 16 and 32 respectively.

Now we are almost ready to run the game and see our sprite being drawn on screen. Create a room, name it whatever you want, and place your oPlayer object in the room. When you run the game you should see the sprPlayer_Idle sprite being drawn. However that sprite isn't animated, and it doesn't move. It's just sitting there being boring. Let's fix that.

Assuming that your sprite has multiple frames, we need to animate that sprite. Since we are manually drawing the sprite, we can't use built-in variables like image_speed to animate. However we did already define our own image_speed equivalent with frameSpeed. Create a new script, name it frame_counter, and add the following lines:

The first script, frame_counter, will increase the frame we are drawing by the frameSpeed. The following script is there to keep frame from counting on forever and ever. This is also useful for animation purposes later. The sprite_get_number() function returns the total number of frames in any given sprite. So if our frame is greater than or equal to that number, reset frame to 0. If you need to change the animation speed of your sprite, all you need to do is change the value of frameSpeed.

Go ahead and run the game. You should see your sprite animating. Depending on your frameSpeed, the animation may not look correct. Try adjusting the frameSpeed value and find something that looks right to you.

The guy on the left is animating at a frameSpeed of 0.10. His hyperactive friend on the right is animating at a frameSpeed of 1. This is running at 60fps in game. The number above their heads indicate the current frame of animation they are on.

Let's move on to the x and y scaling. We will start by flipping the sprite to the left and right. This is something that I've seen a lot of folks use the image_xscale variable for, and you don't necessarily want to do that all the time. Image_xscale will flip the sprite, but it also flips the sprite mask, which can cause problems. Part of the reason we are using draw_sprite_ext(); is that we are bypassing all of these built-in variables that can cause issues.Add a couple more lines to the step event, below the code we just added:

Run your game, and if everything was done correctly, you should be able to flip the direction your newly animated sprite is now facing by pushing the left and right arrow keys. This is because in the Draw event, we are multiplying xScale by facing. The best part about this is that your sprite mask is not changing when your sprite is flipped. Now, do you remember the Approach script we added? Using that to make your sprites squash and stretch is a great way to add some life to your animations. Add the following lines below what we just added:

Run your game and hit the space bar. Your sprite should grow by 50% and then shrink back down to normal scale. Adjusting the x/y scale of your sprite can have a huge impact on the feeling of your game. Experiment with this a bit and find some values that feel right to you. I like to create a squash_stretch script because I use this trick all the time. Here is what that script looks like:

Up next we have angle, which is basically just rotation. When using angle, be sure to use values between 0 and 360. I'm sure that by now you can figure out how this will work. Go ahead and try to adjust the angle using the up and down arrow keys. Did you have any luck? Check out the code below and see if your code is similar:

The next argument is color, which specifically refers to color blending. Whatever color you put in here (such as c_red) will blend your current sprite into that color. We are going to use c_white for now, which means there is no color blending, and your sprite appears as normal. 152ee80cbc

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