In this post I want to highlight an interesting capability of Spring Boot; within many of the client-side guides we utilized Spring Boot to stand up a Tomcat instance and serve static content. In these guides we are demonstrating JavaScript client code, not Java or Groovy! If you are already familiar with Boot, then you can probably guess the punchline. To accomplish this, there is no configuration, and almost no server code required.

While this may not be a new revelation to those of you that have been following Spring Boot since the SpringOne announcement, there is one detail for which you may not be aware. Spring Boot will automatically add static web resources located within any of the following directories:

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To review, web AutoConfiguration is executed when Spring Boot identifies a class with the @Controller annotation. The result is that you can place static web resources in any of these locations, and those static assets are then served by Tomcat when you access your application.

By default, Spring Boot serves static content from a directory called /static (or /public or /resources or /META-INF/resources) in the classpath or from the root of the ServletContext. It uses the ResourceHttpRequestHandler from Spring MVC so that you can modify that behavior by adding your own WebMvcConfigurer and overriding the addResourceHandlers method.

There's no need to write any code to add another location for static resources in addition to what is already provided. Looking at org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.ResourceProperties from v1.3.0.RELEASE, I see a field staticLocations that can be configured in the Here's a snippet from the source:

As mentioned before, the request URL will be resolved relative to these locations. Thus src/main/resources/static/index.html will be served when the request URL is /index.html. The class that is responsible for resolving the path, as of Spring 4.1, is org.springframework.web.servlet.resource.PathResourceResolver.

Suffix pattern matching is enabled by default which means for a request URL /index.html, Spring is going to look for handlers corresponding to /index.html. This is an issue if the intention is to serve static content. To disable that, extend WebMvcConfigurerAdapter (but don't use @EnableWebMvc) and override configurePathMatch as shown below:

I didn't need any other code to allow my static content to be served, however, I did put a directory called public under src/main/webapp and configured maven to point to src/main/webapp as a resource directory. This means that public is copied into target/classes, and is therefore on the classpath at runtime for spring-boot/tomcat to find.

I had a problem like this, getting 405 errors, and banged my head hard for days. The problem turned out to be a @RestController annotated controller that I had forgot to annotate with a @RequestMapping annotation. I guess this mapped path defaulted to "/" and blocked the static content resource mapping.

Another thing that needs to be commented here is that those default resource locations (/static, /public, /resources and /META-INF/resources) will be registered only if there isn't already a resource handler mapped to /**.

From this moment on, if you have an image on src/main/resources/static/images named image.jpg for instance, you can access it using the following URL: :8080/images/image.jpg (being the server started on port 8080 and application deployed to root context).

I think the previous answers address the topic very well. However, I'd add that in one case when you have Spring Security enabled in your application, you might have to specifically tell Spring to permit requests to other static resource directories like for example "/static/fonts".

Just to add yet another answer to an old question... People have mentioned the @EnableWebMvc will prevent WebMvcAutoConfiguration from loading, which is the code responsible for creating the static resource handlers. There are other conditions that will prevent WebMvcAutoConfiguration from loading as well. Clearest way to see this is to look at the source:

Option #1 - Stop using @EnableWebMvc annotationThis annotation disables some automatic configuration, including the part that automatically serves static content from commonly-used locations like /src/main/resources/static. If you don't really need @EnableWebMvc, then just remove it from your @Configuration class.

In case the issue surfaces when launching the application from within an IDE (i.e. starting from Eclipse or IntelliJ Idea), and using Maven, the key to the solution is in the Spring-boot Getting Started documentation:

I am using 1.3.5 and host a bunch of REST-services via Jersey implementation. That worked fine until I decided to add a couple of HTMLs + js files.None of answers given on this forum helped me. However, when I added following dependency in my pom.xml all the content in src/main/resources/static was finally showing via browser:

so here is my hack to make sure my app serve resources again. I simply have a controller that maps to my resources. since spring will match a direct route first before any that has variable, i decided to add a controller method that maps to /imgaes/{name} and repeated same for other resources

In my case I have a spring boot application which is kind of mixing spring and jaxrs. So I have a java class which inherits from the class org.glassfish.jersey.server.ResourceConfig. I had to add this line to the constructor of that class so that the spring endpoints are still called: property(ServletProperties.FILTER_FORWARD_ON_404, true).

No coding required, the trick is that you must use the menu option New->Source Folder (NOT New -> Folder) to create the static folder under src/main/resources. Don't know why this works, but did new -> source folder then i named the folder static (then source folder dialog gives an error for which you must check: Update exclusion filters in other source folders to solve nesting). The my new static folder I added index.html and now it works.

The reason for it could be that you wanted to map @PostMapping to /foo but forget about @RequestMapping annotation on the @RestController level. In this case all request are mapped to POST and you won't receive static content in this case.

I have a Spring Boot web application, and I would like to serve static content located in a shared Dropbox directory on my Linode VPS (~/Dropbox/images). I've read that Spring Boot will automatically serve static content from

Springboot (via Spring) now makes adding to existing resource handlers easy. See Dave Syers answer. To add to the existing static resource handlers, simply be sure to use a resource handler path that doesn't override existing paths.

There's a property spring.resources.staticLocations that can be set in the Note that this will override the default locations. See org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.ResourceProperties.

In the next example, given a request that starts with /resources, the relative path isused to find and serve static resources relative to /public under the web applicationroot or on the classpath under /static. The resources are served with a one-year futureexpiration to ensure maximum use of the browser cache and a reduction in HTTP requestsmade by the browser. The Last-Modified information is deduced from Resource#lastModifiedso that HTTP conditional requests are supported with "Last-Modified" headers.

The question is about the beans that are used in a lot of different places. Making them static would remove the dependency, but I'm not sure about what would be the consequences, and if it is a good/bad design.

It increases the coupling between classes, as some classes need other classes, and so on. Having static beans would mean you call them whenever you want, without them actually interfering in your attributes: it would be like calling utility methods, but they are written elsewhere.

Any use of static access to spring beans is being evaluated, and either adding the bean as a constructor method, if there is a reasonable means to do so, or being converted into a static utility method for now, because some of the things we gear up an entire bean for are also not right. I know static utility objects aren't the best and part of how we got in this mess, but it's become problematic enough that we need to break this pattern as soon as possible.


I want to add a form to a human task in Java Spring Boot distro. According to this tutorial, I put my form inside resources/static/forms directory, and set the forms attributes of my human task as below:

Hi @Ingo_Richtsmeier,

Thanks a lot for your explanations.

I just found out what was the problem when using camunda-forms:/forms/pin-code.form as form key. I had added static.forms as a directory in resources directory. I removed it and added first static directory and then forms directory inside it. Now, it is working fine!

Hi, a common application pattern is to define a java backend subproject, and an SPA frontend project driven mainly by npm/yarn. The frontend files could be packaged as a webjar and served from the backend as static files.

Paths used in a client app to access static assets, such as CSS or JavaScript, may not resolve when a user accesses the client app through a Spring Cloud Gateway for VMware Tanzu service instance. For example, a CSS stylesheet file path in a client app, where the path is relative to the client app context, would not be accessible if the app is being accessed through the Gateway.

To make static assets available when a user accesses a client app through the Gateway, you must add configuration in the client app. Some configuration varies depending on the template engine used in the client app. See below for information about configuring client apps using several major template engines.

Your client app must set the configuration property spring.freemarker.request-context-attribute for use in static asset URLs. You must also set the server.forward-headers-strategy property to framework. For information about this property, see the Spring Boot documentation about Running Behind a Front-end Proxy Server. 006ab0faaa

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