Fix Spotify keeps pausing - ITPROHELPS

Spotify gives you access to a variety of music including your favorite artist, album and playlist. Many times, Spotify keeps pausing and you have to tap on play to continue. Here are some easy fixes for the issue Spotify keeps pausing. Read on to get simple solutions for your problem.

Fix Spotify keeps pausing - ITPROHELPS

Methods to Fix Spotify keeps pausing:

1. Check if you have Repeat enabled: may-be you have not enabled Repeat and when you reach the end of playlist, it does not repeat automatically.

2. Keep your Spotify up to date: an outdated version of Spotify has many issues including Spotify keeps pausing. Simply uninstall your current version of Spotify and download the latest version of Spotify. Install the newer version of Spotify. Remember, doing this will clear your app settings.

3. Clear Spotify cache: close Spotify running currently, go to File Explorer and type- %APPDATA%/Spotify in the address bar. Go to the Users folder and delete ad-state-storage.bnk and prefs files. Open Spotify now, if it is working fine then the problem was probably due to ads. If the problem persists, then see the next fix.

4. Use Private Session: switching to private session has helped many users to fix this issue. to try this method, go to the settings and scroll down to social. Enable Private session. See if you are able to use Spotify properly now.

5. Disabling Hardware acceleration: disabling hardware acceleration is another proven fix. Go to the settings and scroll down to find “Show Advanced Settings”. Click on it. Go to Compatibility by scrolling down. Now enable Hardware Acceleration.

Some quick fixes to solve the issue of Spotify keeps pausing

You can also use below fixes, these are simple and don’t require much expertise:

· Check your Wi-Fi or data settings. Change it to remain always on during sleep mode.

· Disable power or battery saving modes.

· Make an exception on third-party battery saving or memory cleaning apps for Spotify.

· Restart the computer, phone or tablet in which you are using Spotify.

If the problem is not solved yet, go to and go to the Account Overview page after logging in. Scroll down to find the option to “Sign out everywhere”. You will be signed out of Spotify from every device you have logged in. Log back into your Spotify account. Hopefully, the problem has been solved now.

If still, you have the same problem then take the help from Spotify community website.