

  • · Milano (Italy), 20-21 September 2019, International Conference ‘Per-formare il sociale. Formazione, cura e inclusione attraverso il teatro’: Processi di creatività nella drammaterapia (paper);

  • · Alcalà De Henares (Spain), 11-14 September 2019, 15th European Arts Therapies Conference ‘Imagining Windmills’: The art and madness of living in dramatic reality: Don Quijote as a source of reflection in dramatherapy (masterclass, with Susana Pendzik); The Dramatic Self Hypothesis. A paradigm of human identity according to dramatherapy (long paper);

  • · Cirencester (UK), 6-8 September 2019, BADTh Annual Conference ‘Psychological Trauma and Resilience’: The budding of catkins: a shared experience of healing (keynote workshop, with Bruce Howard Bayley, Mary Smail and others); Trauma and complexity: the Dramatic Self Hypothesis (paper);

  • · Bucharest (Romania), 17-19 May 2019, International Conference ‘50 Shades of Bullying. A therapeutic approach to the phenomenon of bullying’: I CREATE: how arts education can help foster empathy and creativity (lecture); Unearthing empathy in the dramatic process (workshop);

  • · Firenze (Italy), 28-29 June 2018, International Conference ‘The Future of Education’, I CREATE: a new paradigm for arts education (paper);

  • · Nürtingen (Germany) 27-28 April 2018, 4th European Dramatherapy Conference ‘Borders in Action’, From a seed to a sapling (keynote address, with Jessica Williams-Cymniewszki).

  • · Krakow (Poland) 14-16 September 2018, 14th European Arts Therapies Conference “Traditions in Transition”, Steps to a paradigm shift: intersubjectivity in the arts therapies (long paper);

  • · Seattle (USA), 27-30 October 2016, Annual NADTA Conference ‘The Power of Dramatic Play and Creativity: Sunshine Under the Umbrella‘: The Lost Treasure of Paidia: Creativity and Intersubjectivity in the Dramatic Process (keynote address); Fathoming Forgotten Simplicities: Play, Imagination and Intersubjectivity in Dramatherapy (Workshop);

  • · Cirencester (UK), 9-11 September 2016, Annual Conference of The British Association of Dramatherapy ‘On the Edge: from the margins to the mainstream’: Betweenness and the roots of empathy: an intersubjective approach to dramatherapy (paper);

  • · Bucharest (Romania), 5-7 May 2016, 2th European Dramatherapy Congress “Opening the Curtains”, Down to the roots: Unearthing empathy in the dramatic process (workshop);

  • · London (UK), 23 April 2016, Revd Dr Roger Grainger Symposium: ‘The space that divides and connects’: Betweenness and the intersubjective perspective (lecture); ‘Clear the space, claim the space, sanctify the space’ (workshop);

  • · Palermo (Italy), 16-19 September 2015, 13th European Arts Therapies Conference - ECArTE, “Cultural Landscapes”: Beyond Identities: The Intersubjective Dimension of Dramatherapy (masterclass);

  • · Cirencester (UK), 5-7 September 2015, Annual Conference of The British Association of Dramatherapy, The way of imagination. Using imaginative tools in supervision (workshop); Sailing with the Jumblies (closing workshop);

  • · Athens (Greece), 1-3 May 2015, 1st European Dramatherapy Congress “Opening the Map: Dramatherapy in Europe”, Intersubjectivity in the dramatic process: steps to a new framework for dramatherapy (keynote lecture);

  • · La Valletta (Malta), 19 May 2014, Forum “The Aesthetic Spectrum: Opening up the Stage to Performers with Intellectual Disabilities”, Drama as dialogue: Identity, diversity and creative encounter (keynote lecture);

  • · Paris (FR), 11-14 September 2013, 12th European Arts Therapies Conference - ECArTE, “Through the Looking Glass”, In Search of the Lost Mirror: What Autism can Tell Us about Human Nature (paper);

  • · Cirencester (UK), 7-9 September 2013, Annual Conference of The British Association of Dramatherapy, Crisis and Creative Change: Can Dramatherapy Help Us in Coping with Hard Times? (paper/workshop);

  • · Milano, 10-13 November 2013, WAPR (World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation) 11th World Congress, Drama and Rehabilitation in an Integrated Setting (paper, with Antonio Francomano and other authors);

  • · Scarborough, 8-10 September 2012, Annual Conference of The British Association of Dramatherapy, Walt Disney as Promper (workshop);

  • · Lucca, 21-24 September 2011; 10th European Arts Therapies Conference - ECArTE, “The Intelligence of Feelings”, Passions, Reason and Imagination in Blake’s Myth: A guide for Arts Therapists (paper); The serious play of bargain (workshop, with Vanni Quadrio);

  • · Scarborough (UK), 10-12 September 2011, Annual Conference of The British Association of Dramatherapy, The Half-Remarkable question (paper); Without Contraries is no Progression (workshop).

  • · Durham (UK), 11-13 September 2010; Annual Conference of The British Association of Dramatherapy, How Theatre Came to Earth (workshop);

  • · University of Essex, Colchester (UK), 4-6 September 2010, International Conference “Myth, Literature and the Unconscious”, Creativity in Blake’s Myth (paper);

  • · Prague (CZ), 18-19 June 2010; International Conference in Expressive Arts Therapies “The Space for Arts Therapies”, Creativity and Metaphor in the Arts Therapies (key lecture); Dramatherapy and ritual: Questioning the Eleusinian Mysteries (workshop);

  • · London (UK), 21-23 April 2010; International Conference “Theatre Applications: Performance with a purpose”, A journey across the borders: from dramatherapy to theatre and back (paper, with Anna Seymour);

  • · London (UK), 16-19 September 2009, 10th European Arts Therapies Conference ECArTE, “The space between: the potential for change”, Dramatic imagination and Betweenness: how dramatherapy nurtures people’s interpersonal abilities (paper);

  • · Oxford, (UK), 11-13 September 2009; Annual Conference of The British Association of Dramatherapy, Bleeding clowns: shades of the Sicilian Soul in Pirandello’s “Festival of our Lord of the Ship” (workshop);

  • · Exeter, (UK), 11-13 September 2008; Annual Conference of The British Association of Dramatherapy, Landscape knows everything (workshop);

  • · York (UK), 14-16 September 2007; Annual Conference of The British Association of Dramatherapy, The body’s inner poetry (workshop);

  • · Nottingham (UK), 15-17 September 2006; Annual Conference of The British Association of Dramatherapy, Dramatic Identity: the challenge of complexity (keynote lecture); The stories we are made of (workshop);

  • · Wakefield (UK), 1-4 September 2005; Annual Conference of The British Association of Dramatherapy, Creativity and power in the Sicilian spirit: the stories of Giufà, the wise and the fool (paper); Weird beings fair (workshop).