<1D Domain Wall Motion Simulator>

<Fig. 1 Output dialog box of the simulator>

  • This is the standalone DW (Domain Wall) motion simulator based on the well-known 1D collective coordinate approach in E. Martinez, S. Emori, N. Perez, L. Torres, and G. S. D. Beach, JAP 115, 213909 (2014).

  • The simulator adopted all known influences including the 3-dimensional external fields, spin transfer torque with non-adiabatic contribution, spin Hall effect, Rashba effect, and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction.

  • The detail information and usage of the simulator are presented in <H. Kim, S. W. Heo, Chun-Yeol You, AIP Advances 7, 125231 (2017)>.

  • It can calculate the DW position, velocity, the internal magnetization angle of the DW, and DW tilting angle as shown in Fig. 1.

  • The definitions of the angles and the coordinate system is shown in Fig.

  • The simulator is implemented for Windows® and running with the MATLAB® runtime library.

  • You can download the <executable>

  • The executable requires proper Windows 64-bit version of the MATLAB Runtime for R2016b),

  • Installer will install MATLAB Runtime automatically.

  • You can open input dialog box as shown Fig. 2.

<Fig. 2 The input dialog box>

<Fig. 3 Definitions of the angles and coordinate system>

  • The input parameters for material layers and running options are given in the configuration dialog window shown in Fig. 2.

  • You can save and open all parameters as a plain text file, and your calculation results are saved as a plain text file separately.

  • Fixed current density : If you set step and stop for current density to zero, the simulator calculates results only for a specific current density.

  • Multiple current densities : If you set appropriate non-zero values for the step and stop for current density, it calculates simulation results for each current density and shows the results together

  • For the multiple current densities, the simulator also calculates the DW velocity vs. current density results in the separated new windows as shown in Fig. 3.

<FIg. 4 The output dialog box for multiple current density calculations>

  • The code is developed by MATLAB, and only executable file will be distributed (not source code), and if you have any question, suggestion, and help, contact to me. (cyyou@dgist.ac.kr)