491: Biscotti

Molly 0:00

Hi. I'm Matthew and I'm Molly.

Matthew Amster-Burton 0:05

And this is Spilled Milk The show where we cook something delicious. Eat it all and you can't have any.

Molly 0:10

Today we are talking about biscotti or be Scotty or you try saying it

Matthew Amster-Burton 0:16


Molly 0:17

be scatti

Matthew Amster-Burton 0:19

does that make friend Scotty? He's a dried cookie.

Molly 0:22

This episode I think was maybe suggested by somebody or maybe one of us.

Matthew Amster-Burton 0:27

Yeah, look to see if I can find the the origin of the of the biscotti suggestion by Robert Ludlum. And it turns out Robert Ludlum suggested this.

Molly 0:36

Okay. Well, so Matthew, I want to start us off on memory lane because when I started thinking about my biscotti Memory Lane, it was actually like, longer and more colorful than I realized.

Matthew Amster-Burton 0:49

Okay, I'm glad

Molly 0:50

and by colorful, I mean, the actual colors of the ingredients of the piscotty.

Matthew Amster-Burton 0:55

Okay, yeah, my memory lane is short and terrible. So

Molly 0:58

okay, great. So, as everyone knows, from our many holiday cookie episodes, my mom used to do this Christmas baking every year with Barbara Fretwell it would go on for multiple weeks, they would make like 12 different types of cookies. One of the things that they made was biscotti, and they made cranberry pistachio biscotti. And they made them a little smaller than you often see them. They were like, maybe the length of a pinky finger.

Matthew Amster-Burton 1:24

Yep. Always holding up a pinky finger, not her own oddly,

Molly 1:27

no, strangely not my own. And anyway, what I have to say about the cranberry biscotti, the cranberry pistachio is quite limited because I never tasted it.

Matthew Amster-Burton 1:42

Because you thought it would you wouldn't like it.

Molly 1:44

Yeah, I just it looked so boring. I mean, even though it had like, you know, the red cranberry, the green pistachios, and it was a cookie, I still was utterly disinterested. So I never tasted it. But that I think was my first introduction to the idea of biscotti and then the first piscotty that I really cared about was,

Matthew Amster-Burton 2:09

we all remember the first biscotti really, yeah,

Molly 2:11

you never forget your first was the biscotti at Cafe Lago here in Seattle. Okay, so around the time that Brandon moved to Seattle and joined me here, this was like 2006, Brandon met this guy named Sam. And through Sam, we met a woman named Carla, Carla lunardi, who owns cafe Lago here in Seattle. And we had the great joy that I hope everyone gets at some point in their lifetime of eating in a restaurant with the owner of the restaurant, so they kind of like they show you all their favorite stuff. You know, they make sure that you order the right stuff.

Matthew Amster-Burton 2:47

They make waitstaff really nervous, I think.

Molly 2:50

Yeah, that part's not so fun. But anyway, I remember that Carla made sure that at the end of our meal, that we got a few of their biscotti and a few small glasses of vinsanto. So this Tuscan fortified wine. We'll talk more about that in a second but cafe loggos biscotti I remember has allmand in it, maybe anise seeds, and definitely like orange peel and orange oil. It's like the most kind of nubbly flavorful biscotti I've ever had. It's so good. I wish I could tell you whether they still make it now. Lastly, my memory lane has a cameo from WOTSL. Oh,

Matthew Amster-Burton 3:30

wow. I wasn't on this at all.

Molly 3:33

Yeah. So as I was researching this episode, I was like, I wonder if I wrote on my blog ever about biscotti Hmm. I went and looked and I didn't. But I once wrote a post about the cookbooks that I used most often. And one of them at that time was the Grand Central baking book.

Matthew Amster-Burton 3:50

Oh, wonderful book,

Molly 3:51

I know is also in heavy rotation at your house, Matthew. And on that blog post. This was from 2015 wife of the show, Laurie left this comment. I guess I had mentioned the Irish soda bread recipe from that cookbook. She says I haven't tried the Irish soda bread yet. But among the recipes I've baked from Grand Central my favorite art jammers, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, and the sesame cookies. I am not a big fan of biscotti. But I baked the almond anise biscotti from this book and friends said it was the best ever.

Matthew Amster-Burton 4:22

Oh, but you remember that? I mean, I remember when WOTSL made every cookie recipe in the Grand Central baking book, but I don't remember the biscotti specifically

Molly 4:35

somehow I didn't understand that Watson has a history of like being a what what do you call serial Baker? Know when someone is like a completest? A completist? Yeah, I didn't know that. That she had a history of being a completist.

Matthew Amster-Burton 4:50

Yes. Like Like, they made a movie about her. The history of being a completest catchy I was trying to make a joke on the movie a history of violence, but I doubt it. I don't know what that movie. I haven't seen that movie and it's probably not funny. So

Molly 5:08

well this this joke is going really well.

Matthew Amster-Burton 5:10

Yeah, I know. But we'll punch. We'll punch it up in post.

Molly 5:13

Oh, I can't wait to see how abby saves this joke.

Matthew Amster-Burton 5:17

Well, she does have a history of violence. So she's gonna punching things.

Molly 5:20

Oh, there you go. You finally got it. All right.

Matthew Amster-Burton 5:23

So I am also not a big fan of biscotti. And until maybe yesterday, I had never really had tasted a biscotti that I liked. Like, it always seemed like, over baked cookie. That was a mistake. But I because we're doing this piscotty episode. I'm like, I need to make homemade biscotti. And I did and I kind of like,

Molly 5:44

Okay, hold on. We're gonna get there. We're gonna go. Okay, I want to welcome our guest host Wikipedia. Okay, who who's basically our guest host on on every episode, we just would never

Matthew Amster-Burton 5:53

guess his Wikipedia is voice sound like let's hear that.

Molly 5:56

It sounds like a whole lot of voices rising up and yelling together. Okay. Okay,

Matthew Amster-Burton 6:02

I was I was thinking would sound more robotic, but I guess Wikipedia isn't a robot. It's just a bunch of people working together.

Molly 6:08

Yeah. Okay, so anyway, Wikipedia says correctly that biscotti is Italian for twice cooked. But, and I didn't really fully understand this distinction. Matthew. In Italy. This cookie is called cantucci.

Matthew Amster-Burton 6:25

Do you know what that literally translates to?

Molly 6:27

Yep, we're about to get there. Okay, great. Okay. So Mr. Edtomology Here we go. So can to Chico is an old Italian or that means like little place or Nook or corner. But it was also used to indicate like, the heels of bread the pieces with Okay, so it makes sense then that you would wind up calling this cookie, which is kind of all about crunchy, crusty ness. cantucci. So this cookie originated in the Tuscan city of Prato in the 1300s. Actually, and and it's intended to be crunchy and on the dry side, it's because you're meant to dip them in a drink.

Matthew Amster-Burton 7:08

Was it invented before or after fried cheese sticks? Oh, that's

Molly 7:12

a really good question. Right? Do you remember that?

Matthew Amster-Burton 7:16

I remember talking about it. It was like it was like the 14th century or something.

Molly 7:21

Well, that's what this was the 14th century. So anyway, on these cookies are intended to be dry and crunchy because they're intended to be dipped in a drink. And traditionally, that drink would be vinsanto, which again, is okay. fortified wine from Tuscany. So everybody, I'm going to have an office for the first time in my life. I'm going to have a room with a door that I can close but what it means is that between now and then you're going to hear some real background noise here on spilled milk as our friend Joe does some drilling and saw Yeah, hello, me. Anyway. Okay, so yeah, so this cookie originated in Tuscany in the 1300s. And here's the thing. They I think maybe part of the reason that they've had the traction that they had is that they were very useful during journeys and and wars and expeditions and things because they had such a life.

Matthew Amster-Burton 8:13

Oh, when you said traction that you're gonna say people like a fixed them to the bottom of their ship.

Molly 8:18

Yeah, yeah. So instead of chains on on the wheels of various wagons, or carriages or things, they would just lay cantucci crosswise on the wheel.

Matthew Amster-Burton 8:29

But flusher times they would just lay like pave the entire road with cantucci.

Molly 8:34

Yes, yes. Anyway, I found an NPR article that implied that that Christopher Columbus took something like biscotti on his sailing expeditions.

Matthew Amster-Burton 8:44

I mean, it does seem sort of like the hard tack of cookies.

Molly 8:48

It is so okay, this same NPR article implied that the idea for hard tech actually came from biscotti or cantucci what and I don't know if I buy that. I'm pretty sure that we have some food historians here among our listeners who can set us straight on that. Wow.

Matthew Amster-Burton 9:05

So like how would that have worked? Because like, like biscotti I think of as being like highly flavored with like various you know, essential oils and nuts and dried knots and stuff

Molly 9:16

not originally originally I think that they pretty much always had had almonds involved but not necessarily so many spices. Here hang on we're gonna get there. So for anyone who's ever made biscotti or seen it being made, you'll know that it is the dough is shaped first into kind of this big like squat like slab blob and I was trying to find like the right visual and I realized that a blob fish is kind of roughly the shape Oh,

Matthew Amster-Burton 9:44

I think I know this fish you clean click

Molly 9:46

on the link I put here in the agenda. Matthew. This is the shape that you shape your your biscotti dough into me

Matthew Amster-Burton 9:56

like you know, I As I mentioned, we've been watching a lot of great British British Bake Off and there was a biscotti challenge and some of the Baker's got dinged for having like the the ends of their biscotti log rounded so that the biscotti came out like not perfectly even. And like I kind of I kind of internalized that. Yeah, I made my own biscotti I tried to make it more rectangular and less blob fishy. Okay. Oh, why? Why do I care?

Molly 10:27

Why, who cares. Then after the first baking, you slice them crosswise. So you wind up with these oblong cookies that are flat on one side, the side that would have been in contact with the sheet pan. So here's the thing, the word biscotto biscotti originates from medieval Latin. cockatoos are twice.

Matthew Amster-Burton 10:49

That's a funny word.

Molly 10:51

That's pretty great, right? It's

Matthew Amster-Burton 10:54

like to cockatoos.

Molly 10:58

And so of course this word shares its its origin with biscuit or be squee, which is French for cookie. And then of course, biscuit in British English is what? That's what they call cookies. What we call cookies in American English. God, this is getting confused.

Matthew Amster-Burton 11:12

Yeah, no, no, I'm following

Molly 11:14

you following Okay. Yes. So here's the thing. Here's the thing today in modern in modern Italian biscuit dough or biscuit tea, that that refers to cookies in general.

Matthew Amster-Burton 11:25

Okay, so like, in general, like an espresso bar in Italy and asked for a biscotto they'll say like, which kind?

Molly 11:33

Exactly, yeah, that's exactly what they'll say in English. Yeah. No, but what they would label them. cantucci there. Okay. Okay. And and

Matthew Amster-Burton 11:44

also, which means little crusty boys.

Molly 11:47

Little crusty boys.

Matthew Amster-Burton 11:48

Yeah. That's what you said earlier. Right. Something like that. Yeah.

Molly 11:51

Little crusty boys.

Matthew Amster-Burton 11:52

That's what I said. The team, the teams call everything boys, or at least they did like a couple years ago. And I picked it up and I say it all the time.

Molly 12:00

Okay, okay. Well, so anyway, I hope it goes without saying but um, you know, the, the way that the word biscotto or be squee, or biscuits is used now is kind of severed from its original origin of being twice baked. Okay, except in the US where you know, here in American English, we call cantucci biscotti and they are still twice baked. Oh my God, I've gotten myself so confused. Anyway, so apparently in France, they call this cookie a cocoa, which basically means crunchy, okay. Crunchy noun,

Matthew Amster-Burton 12:37

a noun. You know what I think? I think this cactus is one of the crunchiest now.

Molly 12:46

Anyway, they're also similar cookies with different names in parts of Spain, different names for different regions and municipalities. So actually, what I was surprised by was when I looked up biscotti on Wikipedia, there was almost as much stuff about like Spain as there was about so that that surprised I didn't know this at all. Yeah, so yeah, the the, you know, the idea came about in the 1300s. But apparently, these days this sort of original, quote unquote, biscotti recipe is said to be from a pastry chef in Prato named Antonio matej, who founded or developed it or whatever in the 1800s I guess he found something referring to that old cookie from the 1300s. And he was the first one maybe to write it down. Okay, and make it a thing. I don't know. Anyway, he brought his biscotti or cantucci to the World's Fair in Paris in 1867.

Matthew Amster-Burton 13:45

Oh, so this was this was like, we recently had someone write in and suggest that we do fairground food which I think we should do like once we can actually go to a fare to get a

Molly 13:55

new bus this this guy. Exactly.

Matthew Amster-Burton 13:57

This was like an early early State Fair, or like, I don't know if they have states in, in France.

Molly 14:04

Oh my god. I am really excited for whenever we do the fairground food episode. I think that we should definitely expand it to the World's Fair. Okay,

Matthew Amster-Burton 14:12

yeah, yeah. Okay, well, yeah, wherever, wherever the World's Fair is being held. If this ever happens again, we should go.

Molly 14:19

Wait two people. Do they still hold the World Fair?

Matthew Amster-Burton 14:21

I do not know.

Molly 14:23

I don't think so. I mean, I think of it as being I mean,

Matthew Amster-Burton 14:25

I went to the 1986. You did? Yeah. It was in Vancouver.

Molly 14:30

I don't remember. I feel like the way that I learned that there ever even was a World's Fair was when I moved to Seattle 19 years ago and learned that the Space Needle was built for the 1962 worlds. Yeah, I

Matthew Amster-Burton 14:42

think that 62 is right. All right. I'm looking this up. Okay. 2020 and Dubai was postponed. There's a 2023 World's Fair set for buenos itis 2025, Osaka

Molly 14:56

and so many cities does everybody like bring their biscotti everyone

Matthew Amster-Burton 15:01

I think there's a lot of funnel cakes. Yeah, there's some there's some shitty amusement park rides or maybe not been safety inspected big piles of strawberry shortcake maybe corn dogs, corn dogs of all nations i think is every time I wonder

Molly 15:16

what the corn dog of Dubai would have been is

Matthew Amster-Burton 15:19

the core dog of Dubai get in touch? Yeah contact podcast.com

Molly 15:24

Okay, anyway so Antonio Mattei you know in the in the mid 1800s his dough so this is getting to sort of maybe what an original biscuit dough was like his dough was flour, sugar, eggs, pine nuts and raw almonds and it had no yeast like no leavening and no fat and I feel like that takes the things that I don't like about this Gotti and intensifies I think you're right, because Wikipedia describes the dough as barely wet the bear dough was then cooked twice once in its slab form and then again after slicing and of course the second baking is what determines how crunchy you're right God ER and there are still plenty of variations of his original in quotes

Matthew Amster-Burton 16:08

sold there plenty of like original that he baked ideal around. There's

Molly 16:12

one guy man I bet like maybe there's like a museum like the history of Prato. And you can go and you can see one of the biscotti that traveled to the 1867 World's Fair in Paris. Yeah,

Matthew Amster-Burton 16:26

but you know, they have a huge problem. Like throughout like, like Western Europe with art thieves because because there's so many like world treasures. I bet some hungry art thief to snarf that that original Matteo biscotto right out of the case mm cantucci can Tuco

Molly 16:43

can to Cho, maybe chill See I? Oh would be Cho.

Matthew Amster-Burton 16:50

Okay. Is that how you form the singular from the plural? I don't know.

Molly 16:53

Well, I saw the word cantucci Oh, okay, on Wikipedia. And as we know Wikipedia is never wrong.

Modern biscotti recipes also contain other nuts such as you know, my mom and Barbara Fretwell is pistachios hazelnuts are also popular. Is that what you got there? Matthew. So I got there and then they frequently contain spices like aniseed or cinnamon. Also, baking powder and eggs. Yes,

Matthew Amster-Burton 17:24

I had baking powder and baking soda.

Molly 17:26

Ah, okay. And then now of course frequently dipped in chocolate and butter. Ah, excellent. Okay. Tell Tell me about well, actually, no. Before you tell me about yours. Wait a minute, Matthew. Just Just wait. I know. You're I know you're dying over there. I think of biscotti as being sort of a very 90s cookie in the us very much so because that was when like, cappuccinos became a thing like espresso drinks and and you know, Starbucks took the world by storm. And I think of every single chain coffee shop at least having a cookie jar filled with gigantic Yeah, biscotti at least you know, this is in the US. Do you ever buy biscotti in a coffee shop? Or did you

Matthew Amster-Burton 18:12

No, never but I have been to coffee shops that will give you a small con to to like one individual small one of these things with like, poured over a particular espresso drank like a cappuccino or a macchiato. That's classy. I love that. Like I love like put it on the saucer. And if I get that, I will eat it. And I'll even dip it and

Molly 18:35

it's always better than you expect. Like it's always very satisfying, don't you think?

Matthew Amster-Burton 18:40

I mean it's got a satisfying crunch. Like I'm, I'm having very like I am undergoing like like a little biscotti transformation in the same way that biscotti transform from soft to hard in the oven. Like my heart is transforming from hard to soft. Because Because like I baked these thinking like okay, like I need to like have this experience for the show, but I'm not really going to like them. And like when I first ate one like it wasn't fully cool that I didn't really like it. But like then I keep going back and like snacking on them which I won't do with a cookie that I don't like

Molly 19:15

have you tried dunking it in? Well actually I know that the tea usually make at home is sentia right?

Matthew Amster-Burton 19:21

Yeah, I don't think I don't think Dunk Dunk well in my usual tea and we don't usually have coffee around but I certainly think this would be good dunked in coffee

Molly 19:29

you know if I had any reason to drive across town and be in your part of town today I would come get some of those and then I would test them out for you done yeah, coffee.

Matthew Amster-Burton 19:37

I can make them again sometime we get we get added to the list. Okay. Okay, so they were fun to make. Hold on. I want to get back to that. Wait, ask an important question. Yes, we're bisque biscotti are cantucci enjoyed by land explorers or only sea explorers.

Molly 19:53

You know, for some reason, I saw them frequently being mentioned in the same sentence, as Like sailors,

Matthew Amster-Burton 20:01

okay surely

Molly 20:02

you would think that like, you know, troops marching across

Matthew Amster-Burton 20:07

I feel like sailors and like sailing and seafaring like has sort of gobbled up a large proportion of like, like historic tales despite the fact that like, whenever it comes down to it most shit happens on land.

Molly 20:23

They cornered the market on sea shanties. I mean there's no quit there's land shanty.

Matthew Amster-Burton 20:27

There's no land shanties. I mean, I guess there's like folks, I'm like, but no, there let's stick let's stick with this bed. Like is there are no land.

Molly 20:37

Bad for land. I mean, everybody always forgets that like land is so storied. And everybody's always just like, oh, the sea. Yeah, brandy. You're a fine girl. You can almost draw me in from the sea, but the sea is so beautiful that I'll never leave it.

Matthew Amster-Burton 20:53

That's exactly right. Uh, yeah, I love I love I don't know what song you're talking about.

Molly 20:58

Brandy You're like my lover my lady is the sea doo doo doo doo doo Dude, you don't know that.

Matthew Amster-Burton 21:07

Right? Exactly. There's that there's that video where Russell Crowe is on a boat and like singing a song about how like you sailing the oceans that's a great video it's it's Yeah, it's time it's time like like land gets its do I think like there's there's all sorts of like, you know, people get called land Lubbers and other and other

Molly 21:28

white people. You know, people call really big old cars like boats or land sharks. You know, why don't we

Matthew Amster-Burton 21:36

stop? Do they call big Cars Land sharks? Yes. I've

Molly 21:40

always heard that like with fins. You know, like, okay, go like Cadillac. So what do we do the opposite like, do we call? Like

Matthew Amster-Burton 21:49

boats? Like a sea? Buick? Yeah.

Yeah, let's use the ocean as a garbage pit and just like see how long it takes us to fill it up?

Molly 22:02

What a good idea. Let's start today. Oh, okay. Anyway, hold on Matthew. I'm

Matthew Amster-Burton 22:07

not done.

Molly 22:08

So my dad in addition to being the the, the inventor of altoids and being an end dive man, he was a biscotti, man. Okay, that makes sense. Yeah. He was the person the one person who would be like, Yes, I'd like my cappuccino. Oh, and I'd like one of those biscotti in the glass cookie jar.

Matthew Amster-Burton 22:28

And the people in the coffee shop would be shocked. Yeah, we have one of those cinsaut for

Molly 22:35

Anyway, there were a few occasions when I remember like taking a bite and I always enjoyed it, but I just I never think to order it.

Matthew Amster-Burton 22:42

No, like, whenever I've had one. I'm always like, I don't get it. Like, it seems like you could have made a soft cookie with the same ingredients and why didn't you do that? Okay. Okay, but but again, like my heart is starting to melt, I think okay, because I'm going to talk about the biscotti that I made and they're pretty darn good. Talk about it. Okay, so I wanted to make biscotti. I don't know I'm saying the word like it's kind of like in an uncanny uncanny valley by like an Italian pronunciation. Scotty

Molly 23:12

I think I've said it like 18 different ways since we started this episode.

Matthew Amster-Burton 23:16

So I wanted to make one using stuff that I had around the house. And I just ordered a bag of roasted Oregon hazelnuts, which is which is real tasty. They call it filberts in Oregon, of course. And so I knew I wanted hazelnut and chocolate. And so I just googled hazelnut chocolate biscotti and I got this recipe from from Epicurious, that is credited to the Bakehouse in Bloomington, Indiana. And I don't know if that's still there because they published it in 1999. I think they were really fun to make it's a very easy the dough comes together very nicely. I made I made the the log the blob fish which was very satisfying to shape because it's kind of it's kind of a dense dough and so you can like really form it for me It felt like Fimo modeling clay kinda. And then I baked it I let it cool for a little bit but not too long. I cut it with a bread knife into slices basically just restating every biscotti recipe. Anyway, so then they are tasty like I'm gonna crunch one right now they've got a good crunch.

Molly 24:19

Do you find that they've gotten better you know with a little bit of rest a little bit of age. I love that you wrote on the agenda. The flavor is good, the texture is biscotti.

Matthew Amster-Burton 24:29

But they have kind of like a you know that you put some ground hazelnuts in the dough also. And that gives it kind of a nutty sand Enos that does get better like they're certainly better the second day and they have a good level of salt also because it uses used salted nuts, which I don't think the recipe specified either way, but I would use salted nuts. And we'll link to this recipe by the way. Awesome. So yeah, so so I kind of like this cookie and I think I'm probably gonna make it again because I always have this stuff around, so I don't know.

Molly 25:01

I remembered that I have this Alice medrich book. Am I saying her name right or is it medrich?

Matthew Amster-Burton 25:07

I knew the answer to this at some point,

Molly 25:09

Judy amster I am sorry that I don't know this I know Judy knows this.

Matthew Amster-Burton 25:14

I mean, shouldn't you be apologizing to Alice?

Molly 25:17

I think I should but I feel like judy is more likely to listen to this and she's gonna be disappointed in us. Probably specifically in me. But anyway, this book chewy, gooey, crispy crunchy, which came out a number of years ago now really beautiful book of I think

Matthew Amster-Burton 25:34

we have that book too

Molly 25:35

beautiful book of cookies from the legendary Alice medrich she has a whole section called crunchy crunchy cookies. She's got cornmeal and olive oil biscotti Okay, which she adds walnuts and pears too, but I kind of just want to have the cornmeal and olive oil biscotti like somehow I feel so good. cornmeal and fruit biscotti?

Matthew Amster-Burton 25:58

Yeah, I feel like pears is a dangerous addition.

Molly 26:01

It's dried pears though. Right? Okay. She's got a whole wheat biscotti. This was kind of it that this book came out sort of at the beginning of the like, not like alternative flowers. Yeah, appreciation movement. Whoa. weipa Scotty sounds great. And these have either walnuts or pecans breakfast biscotti here.

Matthew Amster-Burton 26:18

She's got you can you can breakfast any biscotti

Molly 26:22

I mean, what's not to love all men biscotti which

Matthew Amster-Burton 26:25

is what makes it breakfast biscotti does it have Captain Crunch in it?

Molly 26:28

Oh, she says. Here's the head note. nubbly crumbly, crunchy. I think of these as ot bisco D Hmm. Yeah, they smell comfy and delicious. Lee and wholesomely American rather than Italian when they come out of the oven. So it's half white flour, half wheat flour, brown sugar, oats, butter, so on and so forth. Walnuts current and cinnamon sugar.

Matthew Amster-Burton 26:54

Yeah, you know the other thing when I made these I'm like, there's no way teenager teenager the show December is gonna like a hard cookie. And then and then like, like after after dinner they like they're like

Molly 27:04

I'm gonna grab one of these weird kids are endlessly strange. I love them. Hold on. We've got almond biscotti here. Chocolate biscotti chocolate chip biscotti anyway, I got to say that I haven't I haven't thought of this book in a long time. And I'm so glad that I got it out because i think that i think i'm going to make one of these. So again, that's chewy, gooey, crispy, crunchy,

Matthew Amster-Burton 27:27

new segment every week. You You just like read a section of a cookbook, just like the just like the recipe titles allowed. Okay.

Molly 27:34

It was really interesting, wasn't it? It was now Matthew The last thing I want to say I think about Okay, Scotty is that when I googled the word biscotti I found a marijuana strain by the same name with the following description. Okay, I want to share this with you. All right, ready? biscotti is a potent indica dominant hybrid marijuana strain made by crossing gelato. 25 and sour. Sour Florida. Oh, gee. I'm pretty sure that's not how you make biscotti the cookie.

Matthew Amster-Burton 28:03

I mean, have you tried it?

Molly 28:05

I haven't tried it. Okay, so it's a cross of gelato. 25. with sour Florida Oh gee. This strain produces a cerebral high that leave consumers feeling relaxed, creative and buzzy from head to toe. The effects of biscotti are known to creep up on customers so it's best to take it slow with this strain in terms of flavor biscotti tastes like sweet cookies with undertones of diesel biscotti was originally bred by cookies farms.

Matthew Amster-Burton 28:32

Sweet cookies.

Molly 28:33

Anyway, I'm curious to try it.

Matthew Amster-Burton 28:35

I mean, that does make it sound good. Like I think every every marijuana strain is described in some way that makes it sound good. Even though they're all kind of.

Molly 28:43

I can't say that I've ever thought of sweet, sweet cookies with undertones of diesel.

Matthew Amster-Burton 28:49

Yeah. Do you think like if you go into the pot shop and ask for it using like your most Italian pronunciation, like, I don't understand the word you just

Molly 28:59

especially if I go in and I'm like, do you have any cantucci? Exactly. cantucci Yo,

Unknown Speaker 29:06

yo, please stay in the car.

Matthew Amster-Burton 29:10

And they'll be like, I don't know what you're saying. But you're not the weirdest person currently in the store.

Molly 29:16

All right. Oh, Matthew. Let's go into segments.

Matthew Amster-Burton 29:20

Let's go into segments. All right, let's let's divide ourselves into segments. Okay. Let's begin with spilled mail.

This is not a question. It's just an important message from listener bryden. Who writes Good evening Matthew. In your podcast mozzarella sticks. you requested a letter written by fountain pen so here you go. This is a pinel pen made locally in Saskatoon these are available at Sol paper.ca and this was sent as a an attachment listener bryden wrote wrote the note with the fountain pen, took a photo of it and sent sent it to me so they did not send me a free pen. I want to be clear

Molly 30:00

I just have to say, I know I've said it before and I'll say it again. We have the best listeners.

Matthew Amster-Burton 30:05

We have the best listeners in the world and Canada. Yeah. Which is part of the world, which is the best part of the world. And again, you know what, you know where listener bryden lives, land lay again.

Molly 30:16

Land wins,

Matthew Amster-Burton 30:17

Sky, I would wager like the vast majority of our listeners are on land. I mean, at the same time, like if someone is listening to us on a boat, that's pretty amazing. So like, I take back everything I'd said about the sea.

Molly 30:28

Okay, so Matthew, here we go. I Oh my god. Sorry, I opened up the cute animal that I need to know. And I'm watching it as I talk and I'm feeling pretty incoherent because Wow.

It's so cute.

Matthew Amster-Burton 30:45

So this is called Red Panda meets with raccoon friend wanders freely around zoo. I like how it's written as if it's a very serious news news headline, lightning you know this might we received an intercept. And the thing I liked best throughout this video The reason I chose it is because I thought you would appreciate that the red panda has to travel through a series of what seems to be beaded curtains in order to get to the raccoon friend.

Molly 31:11

I love it so much. Oh my god, Here he goes. It's like he's you know, he's walking on this this walkway. And it's like he's been looking for his friend and now he's found his friend. Is he going to go is he going to be Oh my God, look at the red panda. Oh my god. Is he gonna be allowed to go inside with these raccoons who look like they are? I

Matthew Amster-Burton 31:28

don't know. I didn't watch the whole video. I just saw a cute a cute Panda and beaded curtains like this is the one well if it doesn't have an unhappy ending, what I

Molly 31:37

love is that you can see the raccoons in the enclosure like wrestling with a tin can. Trash panda as they are

Matthew Amster-Burton 31:46

like does does Zoo usually have raccoons? Well, I don't know where this zoo is. Like I feel like like the zoo doesn't usually have an exhibit of like a local pest.

Molly 31:57

Ah, hold on. I'm trying to see where this is. I think this is somewhere in Asia. So that makes sense. Yeah.

Matthew Amster-Burton 32:04

Oh my god. I

Molly 32:05

love this red panda.

Matthew Amster-Burton 32:07

I know. Right? This

Molly 32:08

is the first red panda we've had many more what I really love is how stumpy his legs are. Yeah, but they

Matthew Amster-Burton 32:16

get around. He does he gets around our red pandas like giant pandas in that like you really have to work to get them to mate. Or do you think red panda is just like I just like doing it constantly.

Molly 32:28

I have no idea okay. Oh my god it's so cute Matthew

Matthew Amster-Burton 32:33

all right while you're while you're watching that I will I will do my now but wow cuz it's my week for now but wow I believe

Oh my god, it's so cute. And my now but wow. This week is a book it's called there's no such thing as an easy job byKikuko Tsumura. And that's Tsumura, you are a and this is a novel told in five long chapters by a woman who the protagonist has left her job. And his 10 takes a series of odd temp jobs that turn out very differently than then she expected. There is some magical realism to it. There is some like light satire on like the world of modern work, but that really isn't. It's not. It's not like a heavy handed meditation on that. It's just a very unusual and beautiful book that goes places you absolutely will not expect and I loved it.

Molly 33:36

Fun. Okay, thanks, Matthew. Our producer is Abby circuit tele.

Matthew Amster-Burton 33:40

Yeah, speaking of there's no such thing as an easy job. Imagine being our producer.

Molly 33:46

And you can rate and review us wherever you get your podcasts.

Matthew Amster-Burton 33:49

That is an easy job. Yeah. Although like have you ever like gone to rate and review a podcast and you're like five stars? Now I realize I do not know what to say and everything I write I feel sounds really silly.

Molly 34:02

Whenever I've left a review whether it's like on Amazon or whatever, I totally become verbally constipated instantly and I'm like

Matthew Amster-Burton 34:10

I can't can't say anything anyway. You can talk with other people will love the show on reddit@reddit.com slash are slash everything spilled milk. And until next time, I'm Matthew Amster-Burton. Land Shark. Hi, Molly

Molly 34:24

weissenberg boat.

Got it. Sorry. I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out where to put this here in my closet.