442: Worcestershire Sauce

Molly 0:04

I'm Molly.

Matthew Amster-Burton 0:05

And I'm Matthew.

Molly 0:06

And this is spilled milk, the show where we cook something delicious sometimes eat it all when we used to tape together, but not right now. And you can't have any unless you make some your house to,

Matthew Amster-Burton 0:20

ya know that you can't have any as truer than ever.

Molly 0:22

It's true.

Matthew Amster-Burton 0:23

Not even to that part of the slogan Yes, right. No, I Well, I have a bottle of Western cheer sauce.

Molly 0:31

one two and I have I have a big surprise to share about this.

Matthew Amster-Burton 0:36

Okay, when I visited it's gonna be a mystery that I saw

Molly 0:40

out of the fridge first I started thinking about so this is a bottle of Lea and Perrins Worcestershire sauce.

Matthew Amster-Burton 0:45

And mine is to

Molly 0:46

when I pulled it out I started thinking about how sort of like old school the label is. Like I think this label has been the same since I was a child.

Matthew Amster-Burton 0:55

Oh yeah, for sure. And look in the bottle we'll talk about this but the bottle comes wrapped in paper which is very luxurious.

Molly 1:01

So then I started thinking about God I wouldn't I don't remember buying this like I wonder how long I've had it. And Matthew so they've printed the the expiration I don't know if you can see it's like printed over the one of the framing. I can't read it. Okay, because

Matthew Amster-Burton 1:17

it's there.

Molly 1:18

It took me a while to read it too because it's like over a line of copy it says best

Matthew Amster-Burton 1:23

went over the line.

Molly 1:25

Are you ready?

Matthew Amster-Burton 1:25

I'm ready.

Molly 1:26

This is best buy 03 dash 21 dash 0800 That's

Matthew Amster-Burton 1:34

amazing. I want you to taste it. See what happens so

Molly 1:38

wonder I don't remember buying this. I bought it at least

Matthew Amster-Burton 1:44

13 years ago. Yeah, you were a child when I bought that was like What are you even thinking what is the need with deed with Western share? So

Molly 1:52

I am 41 now i was i was no older than 28 when I bought this amazing

Matthew Amster-Burton 1:59

oh my god that is wild. So mine I bought this one recently because like we had had some and I think like we threw it out in a purge at some point. But then we needed some more. And I think we Why did we decide to do this episode we was on the show last week for some reason anyway.

Molly 2:16

Oh, last week, we taped chex mix and that

Matthew Amster-Burton 2:20

made the sheer sheer sauce there we go to this bottle expires. May 26 2021. Everyone listeners I'll put that on your calendar and send me send me an email on May 6 2021. To tell me to to immediately go out and purchase a new bottle of Western cheer sauce.

Molly 2:37

And how much of it Have you used

Matthew Amster-Burton 2:39

if I actually get one of these emails are going to be so happy? an oddly large amount and I don't remember what we got this for him who couldn't have gotten it that long ago because he hasn't expired yet.

Molly 2:50

I'm really excited to do this episode because I've used less than half of that bottle.

Matthew Amster-Burton 2:55

I remember what it's for. Oh, and so like this is the second Western share we've bought recently because I bought the store brand trying to save money. I know I told this exact story last week. And it was not at all the same thing. Like the ingredient list was completely different. The flavor was completely different. Just get the Li and parents will get into it.

Molly 3:13

We're gonna learn so much in this episode. I'm excited.

Matthew Amster-Burton 3:16

Yeah, so I remembered what what I've been using this for it is Kenji Lopez alt homemade barbecue sauce has like, several tablespoons in it. I think of what's your sauce,

Molly 3:26

we should definitely share that recipe because I think June would be into I think my whole family would like it if I would do more things with barbecue sauce.

Matthew Amster-Burton 3:34

I don't know. Yeah. And this homemade barbecue sauce is really good. I

Molly 3:38

feel that it's it's like borderline on American of me to do as little as I do with barbecue sauce.

Matthew Amster-Burton 3:44

Yeah, well, we remember we did the barbecue sauce episode and like, I think I think you really ended up enjoying the barbecue sauce a lot more than you expected. Yeah,

Molly 3:51

yeah, it

Matthew Amster-Burton 3:53

was really vindicating for me as the barbecue sauce person in the family.

Molly 3:57

Yeah. Wait, are we a family now? Oh, that's right. We're married. Oh, but we're still not married.

Matthew Amster-Burton 4:02

We're still we're still not there. Molly. families come in a lot of different forms. Maybe you haven't heard that. I

Molly 4:06

should know. Okay. Okay, so

Matthew Amster-Burton 4:08

let's talk about what's your share sauce, shall we?

Molly 4:11

Wait, we haven't done memory lane.

Matthew Amster-Burton 4:13

Let's go down memory lane. Okay, wait, do you do you mean that memory lane is going to be something completely separate from talking about what's your share sauce because I want to suggest that this being the western share sauce episode, that we go down memory lane and talk about our memories of what's your share sauce, not just general Memory Lane? Oh,

Molly 4:30

okay. Okay. Can I start? You may? Well, so one of my memories is that at some point, probably in 2007. I made something with worse tissues. And I bought a bottle of Worcestershire sauce. So that constitutes part of my memory lane.

Matthew Amster-Burton 4:47

Yeah, absolutely.

Molly 4:48

I remember this being something my parents always had in the fridge door. I think that my dad used to use it in in hamburgers, like I think he used to mix it into the ground meat. Does that sound right?

Matthew Amster-Burton 5:00

Oh, absolutely. Yeah, it's I mean, it is what we'll get to this, but it's it's an umami delivery system. That's why it exists.

Molly 5:08

I think that that is probably why my parents had it. Maybe my mom also used it in meatloaf.

Matthew Amster-Burton 5:13

Yes, it is definitely a classic meatloaf addition.

Molly 5:16

Yeah, so I think of it as showing up wherever ground meat can be found.

Matthew Amster-Burton 5:21

I bet I don't have any Worcestershire sauce memory lane. By the way. My memory lane is a week ago, we taped an episode and started talking about what's your share sauce and we were like, let's do a Western share sauce episode.

Molly 5:32

Remember your parents having it though? Was this always in the fridge?

Matthew Amster-Burton 5:36

I think I think this is maybe like the most interesting condiment that is widely found in American pantries.

Molly 5:43

Oh, now that you mention it, I'm willing to buy that in part because it's sort of this like mystery bottle like yeah, it nobody really knows what's going on in there. Nobody ever goes in. And nobody ever comes out.

Matthew Amster-Burton 5:57

No, but this during this episode, we're going to take you on an incredible journey inside of Worcester sheer sauce bottle. Everyone's gonna get really tiny word in it. It's gonna be like magic school, but it's gonna be like magic school bus or inner space. Incredible Journey. Let's start again. No Fantastic Voyage. Okay, we've made this mistake before incredible journeys and movie where like some animals cross America to get back to their owners or something. And Fantastic Voyage is something where people get small and go inside of human

Molly 6:27

Well, I'll be Miss frizzle

Matthew Amster-Burton 6:28

and I will be Dennis Quaid people people have been writing Mrs. viscious phrasal Dennis Quaid erotic fan fiction for so long. And now we're going to act it out. Okay,

Molly 6:41

so who Dennis? Is that the throttle symmetric school bus? What do I do? Know Miss frizzle knows how to operate the Magic School Bus. What am I thinking horse? Yeah, Dennis Quaid? Say,

Matthew Amster-Burton 6:54

this isn't like a speed situation where you know Sandra Bullock suddenly knows how to drive a bus and yet and she's like helping her drive the bus even though he knows know more about bus driving than she does?

Molly 7:06

No, I would like to take back what I just I would just like to take back my Miss frizzle impersonation because yes, frizzle is a total super person who definitely knows how to drive that bus.

Matthew Amster-Burton 7:18

If that's true. I definitely know what you mean. And the bus I mean, the school bus Yes. Is that which is added Dennis coats pants. Okay, so what is what's your share sauce? And where did it come from? I feel like every time you do research for the show, you get the full story like, you know, be probably because you've solved so many mysteries in your life. You You really know how to dive in and bring back the goods. Whereas every time I try and do research for the show, I come up with like, well, I learned some things and like raised more questions than I was able to answer.

Molly 7:53

I feel like that's exactly what I do too. So once again, we're we're married, we're not married and we're the same person and we're not the same person. So go on,

Matthew Amster-Burton 8:01

but we are a family and we are Tennant. Dennis Quaid and Mrs. frazzle and this is our curtain golf. Okay, so let's start with Lea and Perrins, which is it's a brand synonymous with Worcestershire sauce in the same way that Heinz is synonymous with ketchup. I feel like you know, there are other brands we'll get into like, what's your sheer sauce refers to a wide variety of different things now, but if you get something other than Heinz ketchup, people are gonna be like, really, if you're like me, and you try and save $2 by buying the store brand of Western cherry sauce, you're gonna get home and be like, why? So leighann parents did not necessarily invent this kind of sauce, although they may have. But they popularized the term Westar share sauce, they may have coined the term. And according to the lean parents corporate history Liyan parents first launch in Worcester back in 1837. I'm reading from the website when local chemists john wheely Lee and William Henry parens, which are great names, concocted a new condiment, which after 18 months, they found had matured into a delicious sauce. So delicious, in fact that they decided to put it on sale. So when they say chemists, I think we're talking about like pharmacists.

Molly 9:16

Hmm. Do you think that they did this on purpose? I'm glad you asked. Because if they were chemists, this seems a little bit like outside their usual daily routine and 18 months for it.

Matthew Amster-Burton 9:28

Yeah, I think this dates to a time when like a pharmacist, a cook, and a doctor and a pastry chef, were all kind of the same thing. And you could just kind of float between those professions and no one thought it was weird. Whereas now like if my doctor brings me a milkshake, I'm like, should I drink this? And I mean, of course I'm gonna drink the milkshake. So there is an apocryphal or there are actually multiple apocryphal origin stories for Western share sauce. The best known one is that like they mixed the up This sauce, they tasted it and they were like, if this is gross, let's leave it in our basement for 18 months. And then 18 months later, they'd forgotten about it. They were puttering around in the basement looking for erlenmeyer flasks or something and found this sauce and we're like, oh, let's taste this old sauce. That was bad The last time we tasted it. And then by the end, it had fermented and matured into a delicious, you know, mellow, well, harmonized sauce. I don't think this story is true.

Molly 10:28

To be clear, I can think of plenty of people not going to name any names, who would definitely mix up a batch of something tasted decide it's terrible, and leave it in their basement for 18 months. I can definitely think of a lot of people who would do that.

Matthew Amster-Burton 10:44

Yeah, definitely one person that you're thinking of

Molly 10:47

where this story really tricky for me, is that they tasted it again. Right.

Matthew Amster-Burton 10:54

But I you know, I think these were these were sauce, you know, mad sauce scientists. I think I don't I don't think this was just a thing that happened accidentally, like, you know, this is our first time making sauce. woopsie.

Molly 11:09

What do you think they were aiming for when they made this? Like, what do you think they were trying to do?

Matthew Amster-Burton 11:15

Okay, so I think they were trying to make a tasty sauce. And I think I, you know, I think I understand, like, where the, the components of the sauce came from? And the idea of like, yes, you

Molly 11:27

so I want to know, like, why it's this particular sauce, because for instance, like, there's so many other tasty sauces like bearnaise sauce, or the bread sauce.

Matthew Amster-Burton 11:38

I think those are much harder to bought or Manny's,

Molly 11:41

like, why this sauce? What did they want to do with this?

Matthew Amster-Burton 11:46

So I think the idea of long fermented sauces was well known already. So the idea of leaving a sauce to ferment in order to improve the flavor and keeping qualities was was not a wild idea at the time. Okay, in particular, so like soy sauce was well known. that's a that's a fermented sauce. And there are fish sauces, going back to ancient Roman times. And what's your share sauce is a fish sauce, like the main umami component of Western sheer anchovies is anchovies. And also also soy sauce, which is like now been replaced with hydrolyzed vegetable protein, but a base source of MSG. So there is clearly some relationship between old school European fish sauces, and Western share sauce. As far as I've been able to tell, doing minimal research, fish sauces, which are very similar to Southeast Asian fish, fish sauces, were popular in Europe from like ancient Rome to like the 16th century, then kind of declined in popularity and then sort of reappeared in the form of Western share sauce.

Molly 12:53

Interesting. Yeah, it's really interesting, huh?

Matthew Amster-Burton 12:55

Yeah. So the other component of Worcestershire sauce, like there's there's a bunch of things in there like let's just look at the ingredient list here. distilled white vinegar. This is the American version, which is slightly different from the from the English version, distilled white vinegar, molasses, sugar, water, salt, onions, anchovies, garlic, cloves, tamarind extract, natural flavorings, chili pepper extract. So tamarind extract, I think clearly came from India.

Molly 13:22

I was gonna say that this is like a real spice root in a bottle spice route.

Matthew Amster-Burton 13:27

Yes, it totally is. And in fact, there's

Molly 13:30

so much stuff in here that would have never been found among the native plants of England. Right. So

Matthew Amster-Burton 13:36

there is, like I said, a second apocryphal origin story for Western Shere sauce, which is that a British aristocrat returned from India, and like went to his local chemist Lee and parents and said, Can you recreate my favorite chutney that I ate with fish? And they were like, Well, I mean, maybe it was tamarind? And maybe there were some anchovies in there. And I don't know let's put this in the basement and see what happens. Also definitely not true. But tamarind chutney would have been already known in England and there is clearly some sort of lineage there.

Molly 14:08

Wow. All right. This is interesting. So

Matthew Amster-Burton 14:10

this is a very cross cultural sauce.

Molly 14:13

This is a sauce that is the child of colonialism.

Matthew Amster-Burton 14:17

Yes, it is. Yeah, like I said there was soy sauce in there too. So it was really a matter of like these guys were like here are some like tasty, intensely flavored things that we know about. Let's mix them all together and see if it's good let's try ferment again and see if it's better. I think that's the whole story.

Molly 14:32

I love this that I'm but I'm getting this now I understand what's happening. And Matthew, if you were going to take a whole bunch of flavors that you liked, and put them together and then ferment them for 18 months in your basement.

Matthew Amster-Burton 14:47

Oh, what would they be such a good question. Okay, so peanut butter, first of all, lime juice. What was I saying? Oh, jalapeno, like pureed jalapenos. Okay, sour patch like this. Just the the powder that falls off of Sour Patch Kids I don't want like actual chunks of Sour Patch Kids but like that citric acid powder, okay. And some some sort of brown sugar

Molly 15:12

and essence of Matthew's palate.

Matthew Amster-Burton 15:15

Yeah. What else do I like? I don't know. Like, like red pepper flakes. Oh, I

Molly 15:19

like the sound of nice.

Matthew Amster-Burton 15:21

I don't think fermented peanut butter is probably a good idea. Well, and I feel like they would have heard of it.

Molly 15:27

I'm trying to imagine the collision of peanut butter and citric acid powder. Yeah, and that just seems pretty iffy. But hypothetically, when I think about all these flavors in my mind's mouth, it sounds pretty nice.

Matthew Amster-Burton 15:40

That's pretty good, right? I mean, what's what's your what's your what's your share sauce? Oh, God.

Molly 15:44

Okay, so this is really tricky, because while I think I am more condiment friendly than you are like, you are still a bit of a condiment. phob if i if i may put the words in your mouth. Yeah.

Matthew Amster-Burton 15:57

Are you just gonna say cranch?

Molly 15:58

No, no, no, no. Wait, what is cranch?

Matthew Amster-Burton 16:01

It's and ranch. We did an ad for it once.

Molly 16:04

Yeah, no, I don't want that. I still struggle to think about like, I'm still not a real condiment person. And it's hard for me to think about bringing together flavors with the purpose of putting it on something else. Do you know what I mean?

Matthew Amster-Burton 16:20

I sort of know what you mean. Except that is a thing I do all the time.

Molly 16:24

That's true. That's actually how we cook.

Matthew Amster-Burton 16:26

I mean, that's the way I cook is I like to take different ingredients and put them together. Oh my god. If they were one thing,

Molly 16:37

yes. Oh, wow. I'm learning so much with this episode.

Matthew Amster-Burton 16:41

Sometimes I take a noodle and I combined it with a tomato and you won't believe what happens next. Wow.

Molly 16:47

Have you ever tried when you when you have your tomato noodles?

Matthew Amster-Burton 16:52

Tomato new.

Molly 16:53

Have you ever tried taking some ground beef, shaping it into spheres? in with your tomato noodles,

Matthew Amster-Burton 17:03

I have heard of beef spheres. And I've been wanting to try them out okay. The Origin Story of beef spheres is right here and no other ingredients right? No like salt or seasons or any kind just a literally a sphere of beef.

Molly 17:18

And you just put it raw.

Matthew Amster-Burton 17:24

And by the way, my tomato noodles like you there's no cooking involved. It's just like a whole tomato with like a penny sticking out of it.

Molly 17:33

And then you then you impale the beef sphere on top. Oh, yes.

Matthew Amster-Burton 17:37

Oh, it looks like a little snowman only. The body is a tomato in the head. It's beef.

Molly 17:44

And that's what we call a cooking.

Matthew Amster-Burton 17:46

That's what we call cooking.

Molly 17:57

I realize now what? What an idiot I am. Oh, so I don't know how to take different flavors and imagine putting them into something else.

Matthew Amster-Burton 18:08

like making like a spread to spread on something. Yeah,

Molly 18:13

I think that I would love to. I'm kind of amazed you didn't include kimchi in yours are like

Matthew Amster-Burton 18:19

Oh, yeah, I made like the kimchi fried rice the other night juice from kimchi. Yeah, definitely empty juice in there.

Molly 18:27

That would play really well with your peanut butter. And I think with your citric acid.

Matthew Amster-Burton 18:30

Yep. Plays Well With peanut butter. That's what always said on my report cards.

Molly 18:34

Yeah. Okay. All right, Matthew, let's let's move on. What so? Okay, so can you just tell me again, what's in this stuff?

Matthew Amster-Burton 18:41

just recap it one more time. Okay, so like most bottled sauces, it's mostly sugar and vinegar. And then in addition to that, onions, anchovies, garlic, tamarind, natural flavorings, chili pepper extract, okay. And in England, the only difference between the American recipe and the British recipe is the British recipe has malt vinegar instead of white vinegar.

Molly 19:02

That seems like a good idea.

Matthew Amster-Burton 19:04

It sounds good, right?

Molly 19:05

Yeah. Well, so wait a minute. Okay. So you went to the store and you bought like generic storebrand? Where's your sauce? Yeah. How is it that that could be different from Lee and pay?

Matthew Amster-Burton 19:14

I mean, it didn't have fish in it. For one thing. It didn't it didn't have fish or tamarind? It was just sort of like sweet and sour sauce, basically.

Molly 19:23

So what is worse to share sauce? Can you divorce it from Liyan? parents?

Matthew Amster-Burton 19:27

That's a good question. Let's talk about that. So, Lee and parents puts Worcestershire sauce on the market in 1837. And in 1876, the High Court ruled that lien parents did not have exclusive rights to the term Worcester shear, and it went into the public domain and has been a generic term ever since. And as a result of that, not only can you get crappy store brand Western shear saws, but there are a variety of related sauce sauces and sometimes really tangentially related sauces around the world. That are called Western share sauce. And for example, in Japan, what's your share sauce is something a lot more like tonkatsu sauce. So okay, like thick and fruity Li and parents like and like their, their, you know, regional variations around the world. And like there'll be like a local brand that's very popular that may be more or much less likely. And parents, Lee and parents itself is super popular in El Salvador, where it appears on most restaurant tables. It's called salsa parents, okay. And per capita consumption consumption, at least as of the 90s was the world's highest half a bottle per person per year.

Molly 20:38

Wow. And so so there it would be like, just shaken on to ready to eat food. Have you ever done that with?

Matthew Amster-Burton 20:45

I haven't done that. And I don't even know if I've ever tasted it straight. And so I'm pouring a little into it into a dish, and I'm going to try some right now. You want to do

Molly 20:53

okay, yeah, hang on. Just a sec. I mean, I feel like mine is a whole other experiment because my wish to share sauce expired. 12 years ago.

Matthew Amster-Burton 21:01

Was it in the basement?

Molly 21:02

It was in my fridge. Okay.

Matthew Amster-Burton 21:04

I bet like whether you refrigerate your Western share sauce is something that, like we did a poll, an online poll, people would have strong opinions on. I don't think it needs to be refrigerated. But if you're gonna

Molly 21:14

keep this I've always refrigerated it because my parents did. But now you mention it doesn't say refrigerate anywhere on it.

Matthew Amster-Burton 21:20

No, and it's got salt.

Molly 21:23

And yet it still says 80% less sodium than soy sauce.

Matthew Amster-Burton 21:28

Oh, I didn't notice that.

Molly 21:29

I know. That's what my bottle says. So

Matthew Amster-Burton 21:31

my bottle as we as we've determined is no it still says 80% less sodium than soy sauce. Interesting.

Molly 21:37

And you're supposed to shake the bottle. Did you do that?

Matthew Amster-Burton 21:40

I did not. Hey, look, I don't play by the rules of some dead English guys. I make my own rules. And you don't play by the rules have expiration dates. We're rebels. We are like hardcore rebels. How is it?

Molly 21:54

You know, I'd like it to be saltier, actually. Yeah, I

Matthew Amster-Burton 21:57

can see that. I

Molly 21:57

think mine is very tasty. It's very tangy. It had a moment of spiciness to it that passed and now the spiciness is gone and I'm left with this sort of residual fruity vinegary flavor. I can totally get how it This could be like a cousin to tonkatsu sauce.

Matthew Amster-Burton 22:16

Okay, you know, you know what this is very similar to in flavor and and kind of viscosity is Chinese black vinegar. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Right. Yeah. It's got that fruit fruitiness and and acidity. Yeah. And

Molly 22:29

and a touch of funk.

Matthew Amster-Burton 22:31

Yeah, no. And also like just tasting it reminds me a lot of eating Chex Mix because it is really distinct flavor of chex mix.

Molly 22:38

Yeah, totally. So what do you do with this now clearly, I'm not doing very much with it. Given that I still have this ancient bottle. Go put this bottle in my basement. I think you should go put it in your basement and

Matthew Amster-Burton 22:50

come back to it. Well, we'll do another wondershare episode in a couple years or 18 months is that how long? yeah and and we'll we'll see if it's matured Great. Well, it was it we'll see if we've matured not likely now. Okay, wait so I do want to talk about like what to do with Western share but also like I learned some more information about Liyan parents and co parenting sauces. So first of all England Liyan parents is literally made in like right in the middle of the city of Worcester. Where is the city of Worcester in England? I don't know. Some somewhere in the countryside maybe the the Lake District maybe it's in the Lake District.

Molly 23:29

I love that and so they put Shire on the end. Well, I

Matthew Amster-Burton 23:33

think the Shire is like the county Okay, Worcester is this is like the county seat.

Molly 23:38

I thought the Shire was where the hobbits live.

Matthew Amster-Burton 23:41

It is and they work like a lot of hobbits are employed at the factory lately and parent were and parents were actually hobbits. I forgot to mention that in the corporate history. The American version is made in Pittsburgh does your bottle say that? It's from Pittsburgh

Molly 23:58

mind says Fair Lawn New Jersey.

Matthew Amster-Burton 24:01

Oh, interesting. So mine says Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. So maybe maybe they have like a network of factories or maybe their factory has moved? I don't know. The the American one comes with the paper wrapped bottle which the English one does not I think the paper at bottle is a great marketing innovation. I'm surprised we don't see more paper wrapped bottles because it is when you see it on the shelf is like I want one of those.

Molly 24:23

The only thing I can think of it feels very like apothecary Yes. Like branding

Matthew Amster-Burton 24:30

as what they were they were apothecaries they probably helped out Romeo and Juliet once upon a time

Molly 24:36

probably no, I think about different types of bitters often come wrapped in papers. And those also come in these kind of like plain brown bottles with sort of off white packaging underberg comes wrapped in paper, right, doesn't it?

Matthew Amster-Burton 24:51

What is underberg?

Molly 24:53

It's an herbal digestive, okay, it's a tight digestive bitter, made in Germany. But yeah, makes sense based on the name. Yeah. So I guess all these things that are sort of maybe that like have kind of a history in the apothecary world.

Matthew Amster-Burton 25:09


Molly 25:10

The old school chemistry world maybe come wrapped

Matthew Amster-Burton 25:13

and we join the apothecary world. Yeah, let's do it, I guess. I guess that was like, sort of like, Williamsburg II thing to say.

Molly 25:22

Is it like an island? I can hop to an animal crossing or Oh, are

Matthew Amster-Burton 25:26

you playing Animal Crossing?

Molly 25:27

June is playing Animal Crossing, and has been teaching me how,

Matthew Amster-Burton 25:32

oh, I want to I want to know your world. Because like I've been hearing like everybody on every podcast I've listened to has been playing Animal Crossing, I don't have a switch, so I wouldn't use it or getting one if I need to get on these islands.

Molly 25:45

Brandon bought Juna switch and it comes over to our house sometimes when she comes to our house, and I have to say, I really enjoy it. I still don't really get it. I mean, it's pretty satisfying. I crafted my own fishing pole recently, in Animal Crossing, I haven't yet gotten to take it for a spin and actually catch any fish. But I can see how I could spend hours roaming around on this island shaking trees and getting tree branches.

Matthew Amster-Burton 26:11

I think you're gonna say shaking trees and getting fruit but you just shake the trees and like get tree branches for making Well,

Molly 26:17

if you go shake a tree that doesn't have any visible fruit in it, sometimes just leaves will fall out. Sometimes a tree branch falls out, you should pick that up. And sometimes a coin falls out and you should definitely pick that

Matthew Amster-Burton 26:27

up. Oh, that's the other way. The coins are bells. Are they bells?

Molly 26:30

I think they're bells. I'm very new to this. But a wait June just had a house built in Animal Crossing.

Yeah. And it seems that my family is just enacting in microcosm what we've been doing in real life for the past few years, which is that where we're all stuck on the same Island. Dino lancy. If I walk a few blocks, there's my ex husband's tent. And here's our kids house. also has a tent on Dino lancy.

Matthew Amster-Burton 27:08

Oh, you're gonna have to just like turn June's Animal Crossing world directly over to her therapist, right?

Molly 27:15

I pretty much pretty much anyway. And there's like a dog that walks around with a net and his name is Mac and it's just like my real life.

Matthew Amster-Burton 27:24

When you say a dog walks around with a net. What does that mean? Or

Molly 27:27

maybe it's not a net he walks isn't a no, his name is. I can't remember his name is Mac. But anyway, it's this dog that walks around. And he's holding something and I can't remember right now. But anyway, everybody. This is another one of those situations where all of our listeners are going to be screaming at their phones while they listen. Yeah, but they probably have the same dog on their island.

Matthew Amster-Burton 27:48

But this is this is like a pop culture phenomenon that you know way more about than I do. It's shocking. So that's that's good. You know what I realized? As you're talking Isn't it funny how a fishing pole and a fish stick seemed like they would be the same thing but are totally different things. Yeah,

Molly 28:03

it's true.

Matthew Amster-Burton 28:04

It's true. One more one more fact. Okay, first of all, Liam parents was here sauce is gluten free. I learned that there is a competing sauce in the UK called Henderson's relish, which is the most English thing I've ever heard.

Molly 28:18

It sounds delightful.

Matthew Amster-Burton 28:19

It's not it's not a relish in the sense of like a chunky condiment it is it is a bottled sauce called Henderson's relish.

Molly 28:26

I think that someday there's going to be a horse in the Kentucky Derby named Henderson's relish. I think you're absolutely right. So sounds like a horse's name? It does. Yeah, race horses name.

Matthew Amster-Burton 28:35

Oh, yeah. And Henderson's relish? Yes, I bet on Henderson to Dallas to relish to win place or show. Okay, all right.

Molly 28:45

Nice job woodwind player show.

Matthew Amster-Burton 28:47

We are horse experts

Molly 28:49

and Animal Crossing experts. It's all related. Really?

Matthew Amster-Burton 28:51

You know more about horses than I do more about animal crossing. Like I feel like this is this is

Molly 28:56

my episode.

Matthew Amster-Burton 28:57

This is my third episode. And this is my moment to learn. Yes. Okay. things you can do with with Worcestershire sauce. So like I said, it's a new mommy source. It goes in Bloody Marys very commonly

Molly 29:08

never. I never make those.

Matthew Amster-Burton 29:10

We made them for the Bloody Mary episode. That's the only time I've ever made one. It was

Molly 29:14

delicious. Why don't I keep doing that?

Matthew Amster-Burton 29:16

I don't know. It is a very common ingredient with in Caesar salad dressing. Where it's like taking the place of where you might use, like, anchovy paste or just canned anchovies. Okay, but you can spike your meat low for burgers or anything beat ball meats, beef spheres. I almost call them something weird. can go in any SuperSU I've read a bunch of things saying that it's that it's really good in lentil soup, which I'm sure is true. Oh, yeah. God, that sounds great. And it's a common ingredient in cocktail sauce, which we talked about a lot. The shrimp cocktail episode.

Molly 29:52

Oh, this is all making so much sense to me. Now

Matthew Amster-Burton 29:56

having said that, am I going to be using it frequently for things other than barbecue sauce? Probably not. But it was nice to learn about it.

Molly 30:04

Well, we should definitely link to Kenji Lopez alt homemade barbecue sauce.

Matthew Amster-Burton 30:09

Yep, we'll link to Lea and Perrins corporate history, okay, which is like one page on their website, okay, what it's so much more like, I feel like if someone is going to go, like kind of take the time to go to your corporate like the league or our story page on your corporate website, they don't want like the 30,000 feet version of your story. Like they are clearly some kind of big nerd. And they want like all the details, sometimes corporate sites deliver and like find out like who was on the board of directors in 1947, which is what I want to know. But often like the lien parents want it was it was disappointingly shallow, like this shallow dish of Western share sauce that I poured.

Molly 30:50

Maybe we should pitch ourselves as copywriters to them. They're gonna love us. They're gonna send us so much free wish to share sauce. I can't wait.

Matthew Amster-Burton 30:58

They're gonna really love the part where we're at the end. We say, are we going to be using Western share sauce very much now? Probably not.

Molly 31:04

Okay. All right. Well, Matthew, we should remind everybody that we still have a great new podcast out there that's free for listening. It's called dire desires.

Matthew Amster-Burton 31:15

It's a podcast about life lessons from classic erotic thrillers and you can subscribe and listen right now dire desires podcast.com or wherever you get your podcasts.

Molly 31:24

It features not only me and Matthew, but also host Abbey. I mean, who used to be well, who on this show is producer Abby. I know it's really tricky. Yeah, a new host producer Abby title. Anyway, we should also thank Abby. Thank

Matthew Amster-Burton 31:39

you, Abby, circuit Ella for producing this episode, as well as every episode of spilled milk. You can find us online at spilled milk podcast comm where we'll have those links to the barbecue sauce recipe and the lien parents website. You can find us on Instagram at spilled milk podcast and on facebook@facebook.com slash spilled milk podcast. Tell us what you do with with Worcestershire sauce. What's your fantasy involving Dennis Quaid and Mrs. frizzle?

Unknown Speaker 32:05


Matthew Amster-Burton 32:05

let us know if you are any classic characters.

Molly 32:08

If you want to write a whole script, we will consider acting it out for you.

Matthew Amster-Burton 32:12

Oh, that's an interesting idea that like someone is going to send us just like the most depraved script and we will act it out for them. Yeah,

Molly 32:21

I mean, we might not act it out and share it with you guys, but we'll act it out here in my closet and Matthews dining room.

Unknown Speaker 32:27


Matthew Amster-Burton 32:28

right. Okay, I'm looking forward to that. So start sharpening your script pencils everyone. booting up final draft.

Molly 32:36

Great. All right. Well, thank you for listening to spilled milk. You know, we should come wrapped in a cool paper bottle.

Matthew Amster-Burton 32:44

We should I was gonna say that paper wrap bottle.

Molly 32:47

We should come wrapped in paper.

Matthew Amster-Burton 32:49

We should come wrapped in paper. I'm Matthew Amster-Burton Eisenberg.

Molly's in the hallway. Didn't for breakfast. Didn't for breakfast. Indeed. What if it was missing and you had to solve the greatest mystery of your life?

Molly 33:11

Oh, my breakfast. What if my breakfast was missing? Exactly.