425: Korean BBQ

Molly 0:03

I'm Molly.

Matthew Amster-Burton 0:04

And I'm Matthew.

Unknown Speaker 0:05

This is spilled milk, the

Molly 0:06

show where we cook something delicious. Actually, today we did cook something we

Matthew Amster-Burton 0:10

did eat it all,

Molly 0:11

which will we ate as much of it as we could. Yeah,

Matthew Amster-Burton 0:14

and you can't have any. And that part's true. And today's episode is about Korean barbecue, which we are very full off

Molly 0:21

we are. You know, usually we taped this show starting around like 930 in the morning, which we did. We usually do two episodes. Today we started then we did an episode on Little Debbie snack cake,

Matthew Amster-Burton 0:33

which you've already heard, you may have

Molly 0:34

already heard. In fact, right now I'm eating a Little Debbie Nutty Buddy.

Matthew Amster-Burton 0:39

Yeah, no, and if you haven't heard that episode, you should go back and listen to it or this one won't make any sense. There's a lot of continuity issues.

Molly 0:46

Anyway, and then Matthew and I hopped in my car and drove to the U district, and had a little Korean barbecue lunch.

Matthew Amster-Burton 0:53

Yes. At palmi Korean barbecue on the AV in Seattle. And we liked it very much.

Molly 1:00

We did we did we are really fallen down memory lane because Matthew Hold on. Wait, I'm gonna go first. Today was my first time doing Korean barbecue.

Matthew Amster-Burton 1:08

I mean, sort of we've well Japanese style. So barbecue,

Molly 1:12

Matthew and I have now traveled to Tokyo together twice. And on this more recent trip, we went out twice for yakiniku which is grilled meats. Yeah.

Matthew Amster-Burton 1:22

And it's Japanese style Korean barbecue and it's not really super different. It's

Molly 1:27

not super different. What is awesome about it is you're allowed to cook with charcoal indoors there. Yes. So you know you're sitting at this like little charcoal grill type situation that has a hood directly over it. Still it is like scorching hot. Yeah, you leave there with like flushed cheeks. You definitely need a lot of like ice cold beer. While you're while you're doing your cooking anyway, and the quality of the meat in Japan is like outrageous. Yeah,

Matthew Amster-Burton 1:57

it's really nuts.

Molly 1:58

So anyway, it was like, I think, I think I'm gonna have to wait until Sunday. I go back to Japan again, in order to truly have that level of yakiniku greatness.

Matthew Amster-Burton 2:12

Yeah, like, I know, I've said this before. And like, it's not a new observation. But like, there are so many things in Japan that are done all the time. That would be illegal in the US, because they're dangerous. And yet people people in Japan live so long. It's actually a problem. So. So I don't know what the lesson there is. But I guess the lesson is, like, probably you should have a pile of burning coals at your your dining room table.

Unknown Speaker 2:39

Yeah, yeah, you'll

Matthew Amster-Burton 2:40

be fine. You will be absolutely fine. That is our promise to you.

Molly 2:44

So well, your children and

Matthew Amster-Burton 2:46

your children. We're going to put it in writing. Anyway.

Molly 2:50

But today we're not talking about yakiniku. We're also not talking about grilling.

Matthew Amster-Burton 2:53

We are talking about yakiniku because I put a whole section.

Molly 2:58

Okay, but anyway, first let's start out talking about But wait, this is still a Korean barbecue. It is still a Korean barbecue episode. Okay. I have no Korean barbecue on my memory lane.

Matthew Amster-Burton 3:09

Okay, memory lane still closed. Okay, um, I have some Korean barbecue on my memory lane. So I don't know when the first time we went there was there was a Korean restaurant in near downtown Seattle, that is now closed was called Shilla

Molly 3:24

drive past it all the

Matthew Amster-Burton 3:26

time is on Denny in Seattle. And it's it closed a few years ago in some kind of really weird scandal. And which I don't know, you can Google it. But my family used to go there. I think I think maybe even like, debt. No, definitely before we lived in Seattle, like when I was a kid, like that was my first Korean barbecue experience. And like, as a as a meat loving kid, this blew my mind that like they would bring you a platter of raw meat and you can cook it at your table. And it's still pretty great.

Molly 3:56

It is still pretty great. And what I think is interesting about it too, is like the assumption that you will want to cook your own meat and that you will know how to do it is fascinating to me. Yeah, like because I was gonna say I think that there are not a lot of like, traditionally like, what we think of as

Matthew Amster-Burton 4:20

Wow, you really you're really

Molly 4:22

trying to figure out how to say this in a way that is culturally sensitive. I was gonna say they're not like in the, in what we think of as like American food, like be it like food from like the southern states, like slave populations, bringing in amazing dishes. Or like among other populations in the US there are not a lot of like sit at the table and cook at the table. Things

Matthew Amster-Burton 4:50

are there. It's sort of like you know, backyard barbecuing is popular, but you don't usually like get a bunch of kids to like gather around the grill and grill their own burgers indoors right? So that's sort of like a Korean barbecue is like,

Molly 5:03

yes. I mean, I guess like, if you've got one, you remember on our raclette episode? Yeah. Does he do we what do you do? Maybe anyway, but where we asked people to send in a drawing of what they thought this raclette making device that I described would look like most of the drawings that came in looked like spiders. Yeah, not to pose Yeah. Anyway, I feel like that's the the French Korean barbecue.

Matthew Amster-Burton 5:34

Oh, right. clad is the French Korean bread guides. Yes. debate. I was like, why did you even bring up right clap but now I completely understand you're right. Yeah.

Molly 5:41

No, you're you're cooking around this like central device at the table?

Matthew Amster-Burton 5:45

Well, it's it's fondue fondue. It's like the Swiss hot pot.

Molly 5:50

It's okay. Okay, great. Okay, what's hot pot.

Matthew Amster-Burton 5:53

Okay, so everything, everything,

Molly 5:54

everything back to a particular type of Asian cuisine.

Matthew Amster-Burton 5:59

Okay, so Oh, all right. So what was American sushi?

Molly 6:04

I was about to add.

Matthew Amster-Burton 6:06

Sushi is a thing. But if like sushi did not exist in America, what would constitute American sushi? I think it's the Little Debbie swiss roll. Sure, Uh huh. Or but it's like something where you put something on top of something else?

Molly 6:23

Yeah. Do you think that the wrongness is key?

Matthew Amster-Burton 6:27


Molly 6:28

Okay, cuz I was gonna say in the states like, we don't have a lot of like, raw meat eating

Matthew Amster-Burton 6:35

away. No. And among

Molly 6:37

among white Americans,

Matthew Amster-Burton 6:39

I think I think I've got it. I think the Americans who she is an open face sandwich. There you go. Oh, she's

Molly 6:44

also a French term.

Matthew Amster-Burton 6:46

Yeah, I was gonna say that sort of, like dangerously European.

Molly 6:48

It is dangerous or European.

Matthew Amster-Burton 6:50

I have more memory.

Molly 6:51

What about American ramen?

Matthew Amster-Burton 6:54

Oh. chicken noodle soup. chicken noodle soup.

Molly 6:57

Yeah, there you go. chicken noodle soup. Okay. All right. Anything else? Oh, wait a minute. I'm

Matthew Amster-Burton 7:01

not done. All right.

Molly 7:03

American sashimi.

Matthew Amster-Burton 7:05

Oh, okay. So that's

Molly 7:09

it's America like carpaccio?

Matthew Amster-Burton 7:11

It's Yeah, it's I think American sashimi is Swedish Fish. Except Swedish. Are Swedish Fish. Actually Swedish.

Molly 7:20

I think about the gummy. Are you talking about like pickled herring. Now?

Matthew Amster-Burton 7:23

Talk about the gummy.

Unknown Speaker 7:25


Matthew Amster-Burton 7:27

Well, you don't cook it.

Molly 7:28

Matthew, what are you doing? Okay, let's just get on with this episode.

Matthew Amster-Burton 7:32

I've more memory lane.

Molly 7:34

Okay. So keep going for

Matthew Amster-Burton 7:36

many years now. I think I think if we do it this if they do it this year, which I hope and assume they will this will be my 12th year I think maybe I've been a judge for the Korean Korean American coalition of King County, our Puget Sound area Korean barbecue contest. And so like, it's it's fantastic. It's usually held at Seward Park. The public can come you buy a ticket. The judges are usually me and a couple of people who are qualified. Okay. No, it'll be like me and and like a chef. And some of like a local news anchor.

Molly 8:11

Show Korean people judging this thing. Yeah. Okay. Sometimes.

Matthew Amster-Burton 8:15

I mean, usually usually at least one okay. And so it's it's so it's usually the Korean American professionals Association versus like the Korean American health professionals versus the lawyers. And so

Molly 8:30

they're not Korean. They're just

Matthew Amster-Burton 8:34

said the the Korean American Bar Association.

Molly 8:38

They're the litigate

Matthew Amster-Burton 8:39

Yes, they're exactly like there's a lot of drama and intrigue and ballot stuffing and no, it's great.

Molly 8:47

Oh, god, it's it's like the the 2016 election.

Matthew Amster-Burton 8:50

Yeah, the state? No, it's exactly the opposite of that, like, everyone is happy when it's over and deadfall. And everyone, everyone gets along Really? Well. Um, anyway, like, this is this has been like one of my favorite things to do year after year. Because, like, everyone, everyone is super nice. And I get a bunch of free meat and like get to give my opinion.

Molly 9:11

Are you judging like different cuts, like different categories?

Matthew Amster-Burton 9:15

The short range, which is short reps, everyone, so it's really just how well you can like, source marinate and grill your short reps.

Unknown Speaker 9:23


Matthew Amster-Burton 9:24

Yeah. Have there been repeat winners? I mean, yes. Because usually only three teams enter and it's been going on for 11 years.

Molly 9:31

Oh, wait, no, I get it. Okay. So the medical professionals and the something

Matthew Amster-Burton 9:37

the professionals Yeah,

Molly 9:39

okay. Do they wear t shirts? Yeah, I think so. Oh, my God, this is so

Matthew Amster-Burton 9:43

great. Yeah, you should come. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 9:45

When does it happen in the fall? Okay.

Matthew Amster-Burton 9:47

Usually like September October. I think I'll keep you posted.

Molly 9:50

Great. Okay, cool. So what is Korean barbecue and is it actually like a dish in Korea, like, do people do this in Korea? Or is this like an Like a Western permutation?

Matthew Amster-Burton 10:02

Yeah people absolutely for sure do it in Korea cool. So Korean barbecue is meat usually marinated pork or beef that is cooked by diners at the table. Like you know it's it's a wide enough category of food that all of these things are kind of negotiable. Like we had one thing today that was marinated in one knot and we could have gotten a like a cheap lunch special at the place that we went where they would have cooked the meat for us. Like getting to cook the meat yourself is a privilege that you pay for.

Molly 10:30

We just paid for that, didn't we?

Matthew Amster-Burton 10:32

We did and the the marinade always includes soy sauce, sugar and garlic and usually include sesame oil, pepper and often a tenderizer such as grated Asian pear. Yes. And like the most popular meats are bulgogi a it's gonna be like I think sliced tender cut of beef. Gabi which is short ribs and dw ag bulgogi, which is spicy pork belly.

Molly 10:53

And so what we had today was the galbi and the DWG. bulgogi. Yes. Okay.

Matthew Amster-Burton 10:58

They were both very tasty. Yeah. And it is always served with various bonchon we got, like, I think eight little dishes of stuff to nibble on.

Molly 11:07

We had two different kinds of kimchi. There was a napa cabbage and a cucumber kimchi. There's

Matthew Amster-Burton 11:11

fish cakes. There was like a spicy pickled daikon and onion thing that was really good. There was a real you can't have any kind of episode. It

Molly 11:21

was so delicious. I'm very full right now.

Matthew Amster-Burton 11:23

Me too. Yeah, we brought meat home.

Unknown Speaker 11:25

Did we Yeah, bringing

Matthew Amster-Burton 11:27

me home.

Molly 11:29

Oh, God. Okay, so anyway, will you tell me the history of this?

Matthew Amster-Burton 11:32

Okay, I didn't know anything about this. And I most of what I learned is from an article that will link to in the Smithsonian magazine about the history of bulgogi. So it is taken a long journey through time. According to so this is a quote from the Marty McFly. It's it's a lot like Marty McFly. Yeah,

Molly 11:52

although it involves a DeLorean.

Matthew Amster-Burton 11:54

Now they think about like Marty McFly only covered he went back to like 1885 Oh, anyway, back to like, 1960 or something. 1955 Yeah, that was his first journey in

Molly 12:05

time. That was like 30 years back. That

Matthew Amster-Burton 12:07

was 30 years back. He went forward to 2015 but really he only covered 130 year span even though he had a time machine seems

Molly 12:15

like a real waste. Like

Matthew Amster-Burton 12:16

he didn't want to like pet a dinosaur or like like,

Molly 12:19

I mean, he really should have read the magic treehouse because he did like first and foremost they were like we're gonna go meet some nights we're gonna go meet some some dinosaurs like they have their priorities straight.

Matthew Amster-Burton 12:31

Have you've read to magic treehouse

Molly 12:33

a little bit. It

Matthew Amster-Burton 12:34

hasn't really stuck for like the thing I remember about magic treehouse. And like, I guess I could like pick on the author of magic. treehouse mildly says she's made millions of dollars writing magic treehouse books, right? Yeah. Is that every time they like, invoke the magic treehouse, like everything spins around. And then and then the parrot of the paragraph ends with and everything was still perfectly still.

Molly 12:57

Oh, I have not noticed that

Matthew Amster-Burton 12:59

in every book, I think unless I'm confusing it with another series which is paused. But every time I read that, I'm like, oh, man, this other author thinks she's like totally got her catchphrase. And I guess now that I think about it, cuz I remembered it. He sold a million copies. Yeah, so I have nothing to criticize here.

Molly 13:15

Absolutely not. Anyway, so just like jack and Annie. Right party.

Matthew Amster-Burton 13:22

They probably ran into each other Korean

Molly 13:23

barbecue has traveled through time.

Matthew Amster-Burton 13:26

So according to the peer reviewed Korea journal, the dishes origin stretch back to the gogo do era 37 bc I put a real Japanese pronunciation on that apology is 37 bc to 668 ad, the evolution of a kebab like skewered meat preparation called Mac jock. But that didn't really evolve into what we think of as bulgogi, or Korean barbecue until around the turn of the 20th century. Korea had like more unimaginable unfathomable ups and downs in the 20th century than most countries. Yes, it was, I think, yeah, I think some of us have heard of those stands because beef is a luxury ingredient. The popularity of Korean barbecue waxed and waned along with the fortunes of the country. And so now now that Korea is a very prosper that South Korea is a very prosperous country. Beef and Korean barbecue are very, very popular, and have been so since like, the late 80s, early 90s.

Molly 14:24

When do you think that it became a thing in Japan?

Matthew Amster-Burton 14:28

Oh, that's a good question. I

Molly 14:30

mean, would that have been as recent as like, after the Korean War when there were a lot of Korean people settling in or in the midst of the Korean War when there were a lot of Korean?

Matthew Amster-Burton 14:39

Yes, I think and I think even after that, so like, like the the, you know, like truly like, like middle class, like, like most families can go out and afford beef. You know, life in Japan that we see now. Like really, really dates back to the early 80s. Okay.

Molly 14:58

Wow, I didn't realize it was that recent

Matthew Amster-Burton 15:00

Yeah, I mean, I mean, like, so the Japanese economic expansion started like in the in the 50s and lasted till like the early 90s. But like, you know, in the 50s, Japan was still very poor and then rebuilding, at least in the early to mid 50s. And so like to get to get to the point where we're like, you know, most people have like disposable disposable income to go out to eat, like, still took some time after that.

Molly 15:32

back to Korea. Okay, I have a question about bulgogi. Yeah. So, you know, you hear about it as a part of BB mop is the word bulgogi? Is that a reference to a particular cut of meat? Or like the marinate or the way of preparing the meat or is it

Matthew Amster-Burton 15:51

so as I understand it, and this could definitely be wrong, it bulgogi refers to a thinly sliced tender cut of beef that is marinated in a particular way. Okay. All right. And can that is, like, you know, typically grilled but like, you know, you can certainly like cook it in a pan on the stove at home, which I do, and it's still Boogie.

Molly 16:11

Okay, this is great. Yeah, so then it could show up in different contexts. Yeah,

Matthew Amster-Burton 16:15

I remember like, I've got more memory lane, like when I was when I was in like Middle School, maybe a friend of mine had their family got it had an exchange student from Korea. And like, they had people over foot for homemade bulgogi. And I thought this was like, one of the most delicious things I'd ever eaten. And I remember they had like this garbage pail like, full of full of marinating me like just as massive vessel. And I was like, This is awesome. Like, can we do this every night?

Molly 16:46

What I think is really interesting about the the marinate for it is that it is so it like it hits all of these flavor points. Without being notably spicy without being like, notably sweet. Without being anything like mild. It's very flavorful. Like, it's interesting, because we think of like, I think of Japanese cuisine as really not being very spicy. True. But then we have other, you know, other cuisines around Asia, not necessarily particularly close to Korea or Japan, but like, you know, Thailand where you're getting all of these like fresh, like really spicy chilies and things like that. What I find so interesting about the marinated for Korean barbecue, and so many of like, other Korean flavors that I've gotten to try is that it's like this really flavorful, but not particularly spicy or sweet or salty. Yeah,

Matthew Amster-Burton 17:47

it's really it's really well balanced. And like I think Korean food does kind of have a reputation for being spicy, but it's not usually really that spicy it you know, it uses

Molly 17:58

it's not like, like some Sichuan food that I've had, like, that almost made me feel nauseated. Right. It was so spicy.

Matthew Amster-Burton 18:04

Yeah, cuz Yeah, we had the spicy pork today, and it was a little bit spicy, but it was you know, everything was really well balanced. Yeah. And like, I love how the marinade is designed to burn a little bit. Uh huh. Like how this is I always warn you about like an American barbecue. Like don't put the marriage like put the sauce on too early or it'll burn and like, you know, Korean barbecue is slice then and you want it to char a little bit

Molly 18:27

it totally it charred like right away, but it was perfect. It was really sweet. Yeah, it's very, it's so it's very balanced. Yeah. So I can imagine why as a kid, even as a kid like encountering those flavors for the first time in Portland, Oregon. It was very likeable.

Matthew Amster-Burton 18:42

Oh, yeah. I mean, it had meat and soy sauce and sugar and like green onions and sesame and like, it was all the things I liked.

Molly 18:51

Cool. Okay, so it was there anything else you wanted to tell me about Korean barbecue?

Matthew Amster-Burton 18:56

We started out like what like there's gonna be like a list of meats and like and like what should you order? Sure,

Molly 19:01

because I found that challenging. I sort of,

Matthew Amster-Burton 19:04

cuz I wanted to go pretty basic. So today, we ordered two meats today and it was the kabi and marinated short ribs because I wanted to just like see what the basic meat was like. And it came with dipping sauces, and then the spicy pork. And I figured like those those two and like some sort of like bulgogi or more tender beef cut like are the are the basic things to try?

Molly 19:28

I was surprised that there were any like and marinated meats, but then I guess you know, they brought this little this little dish that had three wells in it and one had what kind of seems like the marinade mixture.

Matthew Amster-Burton 19:39


Molly 19:40

and one had like kind of a sweet chili sauce and one had sesame oil with salt and pepper. Yeah. And if you like when I first took a bite of the kalbi that was not that I had didn't dip in anything. It was

Matthew Amster-Burton 19:54

fine. right but i mean but but it's that was designed to be dipped.

Molly 19:58

Yeah. Anyway, but Yeah, I was just I was surprised that there that they weren't all marinated.

Matthew Amster-Burton 20:04

I'm also designed to be damned. I don't know what that means.

Molly 20:08

It's how you like to dance. You like to dance with a partner who's going to dip you? Oh,

Matthew Amster-Burton 20:12

I think I would love to be deaf. Really? Yeah. I mean, when I was a kid and why was I watching? You know what I used to watch that had dancing like that was the Barbara Mandrell show.

Molly 20:24

I think I don't. I think I remember the name Barbara dropped the

Matthew Amster-Burton 20:28

Barbara Mandrell show. It was like a country music variety show.

Molly 20:31

I think I remember this, but I anyway, but hold on, hold on back to dipping. I think that you and Laurie could work on this because Laurie is so she's taller than I am Sean like maybe 575959 Okay, so she's Your what? Maybe 510 Yeah, okay. I think you guys are well matched in terms of height here. I'm okay. I think that that Laurie would be able to manage your manly man. get you down into a dip?

Matthew Amster-Burton 21:03

And once I was down there Could I just stay there if it if I liked where I got dipped? Yeah,

Molly 21:07

I mean, I think if you did a lot of stretching okay. I think I think it could you could might feel a little tight. Hashtag goals. Yep. Goals, dip goals. It's gonna be a little tougher for me and ash because Ash is like three inches shorter than me and very slight. So I think that I might have to be the dipper, but I love being dipped.

Matthew Amster-Burton 21:25

Could you could you have like June stand on Ashley's shoulders. And they were trench coat?

Unknown Speaker 21:29

Yeah. Yeah.

Matthew Amster-Burton 21:31

Next question. Who's Diplo?

Unknown Speaker 21:35

Nice one.

Matthew Amster-Burton 21:36

All right, go on. Okay, so as you mentioned, we went to we went to Japan recently and we had some Yaki Nico, which is the Japanese version of Korean barbecue. And boy did I spend a lot of time going down the internet rabbit holes try to figure out like what is really the difference? Cuz there's really not much difference.

Molly 21:55

Wait, can we talk about the the name of the the first yakiniku place we went?

Matthew Amster-Burton 21:59

Oh, yes. I can't believe I did. That. So it this is not really the name of the place. But when I was looked first looking for a yakiniku restaurant to try in the neighborhood that I like to stay in in Tokyo. I looked at the the Google the the English language, Google Maps, and it right, right up at the top of the list a place called roast family and I'm like, okay, I don't care. I don't care what the reviews are like, we are going to roast family and we are going to be a roast family. And it turned out to be like my favorite yakiniku place actually, is yakiniku cazuca, which is like yucky roasted roasted meat family restaurant. Okay.

Molly 22:38

I need you to write it down for me.

Matthew Amster-Burton 22:40

Maybe you can. It's our o a STFAMILY.

Unknown Speaker 22:47


Matthew Amster-Burton 22:49

Anyway, so we I need you to write this down for you. So that next time you're in the neighborhood you

Molly 22:53

well i'm i'm i've got a couple of friends who are going to Tokyo soon. Can I send them to rose family, but

Matthew Amster-Burton 23:01

I will be happy to send it to you. I'll post a link spelled out podcast.com. And yeah, it's it's a great restaurant.

Molly 23:08

It's great. On a kind of perfect, but slightly painful note. June burned her finger there. Oh, and so then we actually were roast family. Yeah, we roasted our kid. That's great. Yeah.

Matthew Amster-Burton 23:21

Is she is she okay?

Molly 23:22

No, she was fine. Yeah, 10 minutes later?

Matthew Amster-Burton 23:25

No, I think I think like that's, I think I was gonna come up with some like, like, like parenting reason why it's good that your kid burned her finger.

Molly 23:33

She was so excited about cooking. Yeah, she was like into it. And what I loved about it, is they gave each of us a set of like meat tweezers. Whereas today at the Korean barbecue place we went to in Seattle, just handed the tongs to math.

Matthew Amster-Burton 23:50

They thought I looked like the, like the DP

Molly 23:54

and I was like, What? Huh? We had a young female server I was irritated.

Matthew Amster-Burton 23:58

Yeah. But I mean, to be fair, then I said, Would you like the tongs? And you know,

Molly 24:05

I was I was pissed. I'd rather be right than happy Matthew.

Matthew Amster-Burton 24:09

One thing that that you always can do at a yucky new cool place in Japan that I have not really seen a Korean barbecue in the US but I'm guessing might be part of the Korean barbecue experience in Korea is that for any given cut of meat, you can order it in like two or three different grades. So like the regular or like the top grade or the ultra premium grade? And like they're not necessarily better as you go up. They're just more marbled with fat. Yeah, but but they're all good.

Molly 24:37

And also if you're great, gets to, if you're great, gets to gummy and like you know, mucked up by all the beef gunk. Yes, they will bring you a new great

Matthew Amster-Burton 24:50

Yes. And like if you if your charcoal burns down and like you want to keep cooking, they'll like bring you a new bucket of charcoal if necessary.

Molly 24:59

I I was amazed by the amount that people ordered and grilled.

Matthew Amster-Burton 25:05

Like, yeah,

Molly 25:07

it was fascinating to me even the amount that they brought us today in Seattle at it was called palmi. It was a shocking amount of food.

Matthew Amster-Burton 25:16

Yes. Oh, I brought home plenty of leftovers.

Molly 25:19

Yeah, it was enough food for four people. And that was just like the normal servings.

Matthew Amster-Burton 25:23

Yes. So I don't know anything else. I feel like we're I feel like

Molly 25:29

we should talk about doing it at home. Have you made it at home?

Matthew Amster-Burton 25:31

Oh, one other thing I want to say about Yaki Nika, which again, I don't know like, to what extent this is part of the Korean barbecue experience in Korea, I assume much more so than in the us is that awful is a big part of what people go to Yaki yakiniku restaurants for in Japan. Like it's not a taste that I've acquired, but like if you want to grill like various organs like that is that is where you go to do it. And there are a lot of people who really love that

Molly 25:58

and what would be the typical organs on a menu?

Matthew Amster-Burton 26:00

Oh, gosh. So definitely like like, intestines, liver. There's like, there was like stuff I didn't even know was in Oregon.

Molly 26:12

Wow. Okay. Okay, but hold on, like, you

Matthew Amster-Burton 26:16

know, something that would be translated English is like, you know, like the soft stomach or something.

Molly 26:20

Oh, cool. Okay. Interesting. The intestine would that just look like kind of a like a flabby sausage?

Matthew Amster-Burton 26:28

Well, I had the intestine stew at the temple on New Year's Day. Oh, that's true. I mean, it's Yeah, it's like it's like a flappy

Molly 26:37

sausage case. Yeah. Okay.

Matthew Amster-Burton 26:39

It was very good.

Molly 26:40

Nice. Okay, hold on, though. Have you made this at home? Have you like marinated me? Yeah, like, well, I don't know. How did you cook it at home?

Matthew Amster-Burton 26:48

Just just in a skillet. Okay. So it's not it's not the same as grilled. But it's, it's, you know, marinated meat cooked in a skillet. So it's still a great.

Molly 26:55

Okay. And do you could you point us toward a recipe?

Matthew Amster-Burton 27:00

Yeah, definitely. There's a bulgogi recipe in my book hungry monkey. So you should all go out and pay full price for that book. Now. Just kidding. So

Molly 27:08

yeah, we should we all should.

Matthew Amster-Burton 27:10

I mean, not that book, maybe.

Molly 27:12

Oh, I think that book is is great. Oh,

Matthew Amster-Burton 27:14

thank you. And

Molly 27:15

I actually keep it so Matthew, as you may recall from other episodes, that's right. There's one

Matthew Amster-Burton 27:23

pillow books

Molly 27:24

on a specific shelf because they're the cookbooks I reached for the most often and hungry monkey is there.

Matthew Amster-Burton 27:29

Oh, that I think you've got my bulgogi recipe I do. But for the listeners, I will I will make sure we posted it spelled out podcast.com. We like redid our website, and the episodes don't actually live there anymore. But if you click the episodes link, it will take you to the place where the episodes live, and it will be in the show notes for the episode

Molly 27:47

and you can go visit the episodes where they live.

Matthew Amster-Burton 27:49

That's right. We we sent we sent our episodes to a farm upstate where they can like frolic with episodes of other podcasts

Molly 27:58

like grass fed.

Matthew Amster-Burton 28:00

Yeah, exactly like our Little Debbie episode made friends with a recent planet money episode,

Molly 28:06

but definitely not with a spork full episode. No Dan Pashman. Our episodes are not mingling with yours.

Matthew Amster-Burton 28:11

Dan Pashman hosted the most recent episode of planet money. It was great. It was about like restaurant, like like how restaurant design and like where you put this table and, you know, that sort of thing affects like how much the restaurant makes is great.

Molly 28:26

I love Dan Pashman and I were so jealous.

Matthew Amster-Burton 28:30

He's so much better at this than than we are more successful. And you know, I think I think it's because he puts in more effort.

Molly 28:37

I wonder if it's possibly because it's his full time job.

Matthew Amster-Burton 28:40

Yeah. Alright, so, creeper,

Molly 28:44

do everything but Dan Pashman could work 40 hours a week, Matthew,

Matthew Amster-Burton 28:48

I, I don't kinda don't think so. Like he, you know, he talks to actual people and like about important things.

Molly 28:56

I'm not an actual person. There's no

Matthew Amster-Burton 29:02

we're actual people to each other. Okay.

Molly 29:10

Okay. All right. Well, um, as always, we are grateful to producer Abbey, for putting up with us for producing this show. Thank you, Abby circuit tele.

Matthew Amster-Burton 29:20

Yep, you're just Ravi, you're an actual person in our world.

Molly 29:24

You can find us wherever you already. You can find us

Matthew Amster-Burton 29:27

at that farm wherever mingling with our favorite podcast episodes.

Molly 29:31

You can find us on Apple podcast, Google. Play,

Matthew Amster-Burton 29:39

we try every week. Every week we try and we try to remember a list of the podcasting platforms for no reason. Already. First of all, like if you were going to review the show, you probably already have the show's over 10 years old. Secondly, you already have a podcasting platform that you that you like, you know, we're not going to say stitcher and you're suddenly going to download stitcher and be like, you know, wow, this is completely different from the thing I was using before. Although our show is part of the Stitcher family, so it's not like I was picking. So anyway,

Molly 30:16

anyway, so hold on. You can also find us on facebook@facebook.com slash spilled milk Podcast, where we want you to tell us about I don't know, like, what podcast episodes Do you want to run around in a field with?

Matthew Amster-Burton 30:29

Yeah, that's a good question. And we love Facebook. We have no criticisms of that. Really not No, no.

Molly 30:35

I love having my privacy violated, violated and violated and

Matthew Amster-Burton 30:40

you want to violate our privacy. Why don't you check us out on Instagram at spilled milk podcast? A place where we often say we'll post things and then

Molly 30:49

Okay, really going for it today?

Matthew Amster-Burton 30:52

Maybe we need to have a like our annual retreat coming up. I think we there are some things we really need to talk about whether whether we should do them better.

Molly 31:00

Alright, fine. Okay, everybody. Thanks for listening to spilled milk podcast, the show where we Oh, whoops. We

Matthew Amster-Burton 31:08

were way we were gonna just say again, there were there were upstate mingling. Oh, no, we're caught in one of those infinite time loops. I knew this was gonna happen, where we're just gonna keep doing the same episode. This is Groundhog Day episode. Is he on a time loop? Like, where would you go? If you had a time machine? Like you thought this episode was over, but I'm not gonna know. Like, you know, I'm

Molly 31:38

tempted to say that, like, there are historic historical periods that I would be really interested in visiting. But I honestly think probably all of them were so like, disease ridden and painful that like, I mean, like, I would love to have seen like ancient Egypt, like, like, you know, I would love to have seen those tombs before they were rated.

Matthew Amster-Burton 32:03

And possibly meet Lara Croft.

Molly 32:07

Okay, yeah, seriously, there was so much like pestilence and oh, yeah, I think that I don't know where I would want to go.

Matthew Amster-Burton 32:14

Yeah, you'd be like, wait, why am I getting mummified? Yeah, I you know, okay, so this is the, this is my real answer. Like, obviously, this is the thing that would change every time. I lately, like I've really been giving into like, being a middle aged dude. And just like accepting that that's who I am. And that's the kind of stuff I'm into. So I think I'm gonna go back to like, 1976 and go to have Led Zeppelin concert. Really? Yeah. Definitely be a good time.

Unknown Speaker 32:45

God, why didn't I think of

Matthew Amster-Burton 32:46

them? Like, whatever, whatever drug was like the drug of the time, I would try it.

Molly 32:51

God, do you know what I think I might want to do. This kind of surprises me because I'm not that huge of like a Bruce Springsteen fan. I've seen Bruce Springsteen live. But like, I think it could be really amazing to go back to like, 1978 Yeah, which is the year I was born. And see Bruce Springsteen in like a small club in Atlantic City, like when he was like, young and even more, even more chiseled than he is now and just like, humming with life. Yeah, man. I mean, he still is,

Matthew Amster-Burton 33:22

but like, yeah, so hums a lot.

Molly 33:24

But like, No, but I mean, seriously, like, have you ever watched that? I've talked about it before on the show,

Matthew Amster-Burton 33:30

because Bruce Springsteen, but I know you

Molly 33:32

love video of him singing Thunder Road in a club in New Jersey. And he just you can tell that he's on the verge of something. Yeah. And it's really powerful

Matthew Amster-Burton 33:47

spring Springsteen's on the verge of a nervous breakout.

Molly 33:52

Nervous break out nice. It's

Matthew Amster-Burton 33:53

good. Like he's gonna break. Nevermind. Yeah, didn't work.

Molly 33:57

Okay, well, but,

Matthew Amster-Burton 33:58

but yeah, but like, you wouldn't, it wouldn't be disappointing. Like, if you could use your time machine that way, like it would be a guaranteed good time. Right. And that's what it's all about.

Molly 34:06

Okay. Yeah. Okay. And then I could come back whenever I want it.

Matthew Amster-Burton 34:09

Yes. Would you visit yourself as a baby? Now? possibly cause a time paradox?

Molly 34:14

No, no, I don't think so.

Matthew Amster-Burton 34:16

Yeah. All right. See you next time.

Molly 34:19

All right, bye.

Matthew Amster-Burton 34:28

I'm Matthew. Oh, now you started