Spider Fighter 3 is an action game developed by Starplay DMCC and now.gg allows playing game online in your browser. There are many more interesting online games that you can explore here. Prepare to put yourself in the role of a fearless spider warrior and go on a mission to protect the world from an invasion of creepy crawlies. Players assume the role of an expert spider fighter in this exhilarating game, equipped with strong weapons and skills. The objective is to get rid of the swarms of dangerous spiders that are threatening to take over the world.

To make your spider warrior stand out on the battlefield, choose from a variety of skins, outfits, and accessories. Team up with friends and other players from around the world to complete difficult cooperative missions. Work together with your teammates to come up with smart plans of attack so that you can overcome the most difficult obstacles.

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The nests always appear top left and except for the blue levels, the nest always drops a spy egg right away. Position yourself directly under the point where it appears and blast away. You may have to dodge the occasional shot, but 99% of the time, you will destroy the nest and 2 spiders right away. By doing this you can clear most rounds in about 10 seconds.

I hate spiders. As much as I hated them, I was never afraid of this game. Mountain King scared me when you reached the bottom of the level and that big spider chases you. Why didn't a game solely based around spiders don't scare me? Maybe it's because some of them looked like robots? I remember when I was a kid and I thought I was fighting robots especially the master nest. It just didn't look right to me.

Anyway, you are supposed to be a can of Raid but what you really look like is a Nintendo 64 controller. You have to protect your fruit garden from four different kinds of bugs. These can be those robotic master nests that can steal your fruit, spider pods that makes more spiders,green widows, and stingers. These spiders can shoot back and can also steal your fruit. These fruit can be grapes, orange, strawberries, or bananas.

My best memory of this is honestly the graphics. That robotic master nest had always been stuck on my mind. Even them stealing the fruit is something that burned in my memory. The game has a Space Invaders vibe to it which was the norm back in the day. Everyone was either copying off of Pac-Man or Space Invaders. At least I liked the concept of Spider Fighter as my dad was always the spider killer and spiders tend to hang around my house. This was a good way to get my frustrations out on them.

Spider Fighter is a great and memorable game. With fast paced action and pretty good graphics for the system. I even like how you die as there's this cosmic flash on the floor of the screen. It's pretty cool. With that being said, it's an endless cycle of shooting down spiders as the game doesn't end. I guess whoever this person is has more of a problem with spiders than I did. Good, this person can have it.

Spider Fighter: Superhero Revenge is a turn-based strategy/action game. In the game, you may shoot web, swing, toss foes, and battle in the air like a true spider hero. The player will fight against criminals and mafia. You will fight in the city of villains. The first step is to defeat villains. You must destroy their boss, or defeat his criminal gang.

As you step into the shoes of Peter, you will don the mantle of the iconic spider hero and embark on a mission to protect the city from destruction, facing off against notorious city gangs and treacherous villains.

In this thrilling game, you will unleash the full power of your spider abilities. Swing through the city streets with agility, gracefully dodging obstacles in your path, and engaging in intense battles against enemies that dare to challenge your might.

The game boasts breathtaking graphics that bring the world of the spider hero to life in vivid detail, enveloping you in an immersive storyline that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

When you start the game you will notice that you have four extra spider fighters in reserve that are at the bottom of the screen. The scoring is at the top middle of the screen. As you shoot the insects, you will gain needed points to add to your gaming total. As you progress through the levels, so does your insect point values if you are playing on the expert A level that is. Playing on expert level causes certain fruits that you are defending to multiply the values of those insects at which you are shooting.

With a name like Spider Fighter I envisioned a game with a spider doing kung fu, but luckily Activision isn't as strange as I am and went for a far more "normal" game. Spider Fighter is a shooting game similar Galaxian in which crazed spiders are attempting to steal your fruit (I didn't even know spiders liked fruit!). You must attempt to hold off the spider horde and save your fruit for the good of all mankind (or something like that).

THE VERDICT: What you see is all you get with Spider Fighter, but this small package is pretty solid. Other than a few issues with bug placement, Spider Fighter provides an easy to enter and fun to repeat task of shooting down spiders with a bit of strategy thrown in despite its rather manic escalating pace.

Get ready to swing into action and embrace your destiny as the ultimate Spider Fighter in this thrilling new installment from Starplay DMCC. In Spider Fighter 2, your task is to assume the role of a superhero and combat criminal gangs that have overrun the city. You aim to defeat mafia bosses, protect innocent civilians, and restore peace using your unique spider powers and fighting skills.

(opens up on Queen Delightful's castle)

Starchbottom: (offscreen) AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (end voiceover) It's hideous, your highness!

(Sir Yipsalot sniffs the spider)

Delightful: Oh, I don't know. He's so small.

Starchbottom: Stand back. I'll protect you.

(Sir Yipsalot sniffs the spider again)

Starchbottom: He's attacking! AAAAHHHH!

Delightful: Hmm. It seems there's only one thing to do.

(cut to Queen Delightful)

Happy: Okay. Now, where's that spider?

Delightful: (pointing at the spider) He's right over there.

(the spider blinks twice)

Grumpy: Okay, Sneezy. You hold the jar, and I'll get 'im to craw into it.

Sneezy: Me? I'm afraid of spiders.

Grumpy: (to Sneezy) Don't worry, sneeze-man. Just hold the jar and I'll take care of the rest. (to the spider) All right, little fella. Let's go.

Sneezy: We did it!

Delightful: Well done, 7D. You've saved the day again.

Happy: It's what we do.

Starchbottom: Don't worry, Your Highness. I'll protect you. You don't have to be afraid of spiders ever again.

(camera zooms in on Grumpy and the Glooms can be seen outside the window)

Grumpy: Yeah, right.

(cut to The 7D)

Sneezy: Here you go.

Doc: Mission accomplished, boys. Back to the mine.

(the Dwarfs whistle)

(the camera changes as we see a spider crawling)

(cut to the Glooms' castle)

Hildy: (voiceover) Ha ha! (voiceover end) I've done it! I've found a way to get rid of the queen for good.

Grim: Again?

Hildy: The queen is afraid of spiders, right? (music starts up) So...

(at the balcony of Queen Delightful's castle as Starchy attempts to leave on a Sky Bucket)

Dwarfs: We're here, Your Majesty!

Delightful: Oh, I'm so glad, 7D. It seems, we have another spider.

Starchbottom: And this one is really big!

Grumpy: No problem. We'll get rid of it, just like the last one.

Happy: Where you goin'?

Starchbottom: I have to protect the Queen.

Delightful: Oh, Starchbottom, I'm fine.

Starchbottom: I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I can't let you stay here where it's unsafe. I have to get away from that spider. Umm... you. I have to get you away from that spider. (jumps into the suitcase; grunts) Load me!

Doc: Heh heh heh. Don't worry, Your Majesty. We'll take care of this.

(cut to The 7D at work)

Grumpy: All right, Sneezy, same drill. I'll get the spider to come out, then you trap 'im.

Sneezy: You got it, Grumpster.

(Grumpy opens the door)

Grumpy: Where are you, spidey, spidey, spidey? I know you're here. Come on out, little guy. I'm not gonna hurt you. You can't hide from me. (Sees the giant Grim the spider; stammers) AAAAAHH! (runs away and bumps into the wall before running into the other room) BIG SPIDER!

Grim: (chuckles) Wow, that is one very jumpy little guy. (sees the tiny spider)

Itsy-Bitsy Spider: (croaking) Mama.

(elephant trumpet sound plays; Grim screams)(The 7D come in to see the spider)

Grumpy: (jabbers)

Sleepy: What are you scared of? That spider's not that big.

Doc: Ah, you can handle him.

Grumpy: You really think so?

Sneezy: Oh, come on. It's just a spider.

Dopey: (whistles)

(cut to Grim)

Grim: Uhh! Hildy! Where are you? There's a spider in here!

Itsy Bitsy Spider: (croaking) Mama.

Grim: (screaming and panting)

(the camera zooms out and we see the spider walking around on the outside of the castle)

(cut to where Grim is hiding)

Grim: (gasps as Hildy shoots him with a bit of magic)

Hildy: Grimwold, get back to scaring the Queen, or I'll turn you into a bigger spider!

(Grim instantly runs away; after opening several doors and running through multiple corriders, he gets back to where Grumpy is standing)

Grumpy: (sees Grim) BIG SPIDERRRR!!!! (runs away)

(cut to Doc holding the small spider's filament, putting it into the jar)

Doc: There we go, little fella!

Grumpy: (offscreen) BIG... (onscreen, crashing the other dwarfs) SPIDERRRR!!

(Doc accidentally drops the jar, which rolls to Grim, small spider croaks out)

Itsy Bitsy Spider: Mama.


Grumpy: Big, big spider!!

Grim: It's after me, it's after me.

Grumpy: It's a big spider... (sees Grim again, then runs in the opposite direction) BIG SPIDERR! (crashes into other dwarfs)

Bashful: Who are you calling a spider?

Grumpy: He went that way!

Doc: C'mon, boys! We gotta get that little spider. e24fc04721

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