SPH Fluid Simulator using Rust and Bevy

Engineering Simulations with Game Development Tools: Particles Team

Andre Chenevert, Jonathan Ma, Zoe Gerst, Jackson Williams

Project Partner: Chris Patton


Mission of the project

A recent case study involving the landing of Orion Spacecraft in water described the necessity of a simulation to help develop injury criteria recommendations. A simulation like this would greatly benefit NASA and other space-related companies because they wouldn't have to expend any actual resources when conducting tests.

In this project we will be simulating the interaction of water particles and their reaction to Orion Spacecraft landing on the surface of the water. The goal for this project is to create a water simulation using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics combined with numerical stability, nearest neighbors algorithm, boundary conditions, and visualization. 


Why Use Rust?

Using Rust, the simulation can be compiled and run both locally and on a web browser.

Why Use Bevy?

Free open-source software that allows users to modify the application for their needs.

What are the advantages of using SPH?

Why use a simulation?

Beta-Functionality Demo Video

This demo video breaks down all of the sections and challenges of our fluid simulator as well as demonstrates an application for the simulator by dropping an object into our fluid to show the particles reacting to external forces.