Y as a Vowel

You already know there are five vowels in the English alphabet: A, E, I, O and U. However, there are many times were the consonant Y takes up the roll of a vowel! Yep, its time to give this identity thief the spotlight it deserves!

intro Y.mp3

Y again

Y is the twenty-fifth (25) and second last letter of the alphabet. Even though its technically a consonant, in the English language it mostly works as a vowel!

y again .mp3

When is Y a Consonant?

As a consonant, the letter Y sound similar to the letter J. There are two occasions where Y works as a consonant: 

 1. When it is at the beginning of the word as in young.

2. At the beginning of a syllable before a vowel as in lawyer. 

when a consonant .mp3
when a vowel .mp3

When is Y a Vowel?

There are three occasions where Y works as a vowel

1. When there is no other vowel in the word as in gym.

2. When its at the end of a word or syllable, as in sky or cycle respectively. 

3. When its in the middle of a syllable, as in pyramid.

Which vowel Sounds?

You'll hear it work as a long /e/ sound (as in money or sunny), short /i/ sound (as in cyst or symbol) or long /i/ sound (as in fly or fry) depending on the word it's in. 

which vowel .mp3
y as e.mp3

Y as /e/

If the word has the y” at the end but it has two or more syllables then the sound of y” is the long e sound. Word examples include candy, tiny, and many many more. 

Y as /i/

If the y” is at the end of the word, and it is a one syllable word (like dry or try) then the ‘‘y” will make the sound of a long i. When the Y is in the middle of the word, it will be either a long or short i, as in rhyme and myth respectively.

y as i.mp3

Need to remember how the long and short sounds went? Watch the videos bellow. No need? Then you can carry on.

carry on.mp3
out of the blue .mp3

A out of the Blue!

There are occasions where the Y as vowel won't work neither as -e or -i, but a! This happens with words the end in -ay, as in day or delay. Here, y makes the a say its name!

Easy and practical

A short and easy game. Click on the Wordwall logo to try it out!

Word wall game .mp3

Click on the pdf document to access the homework. Carefully read the instructions and once you are done take a picture and upload at ClassDojo in the corresponding spelling portfolio. Remember you can use the online dictionary as additional help.  

homework y.mp3
Y_as_C_V (1).pdf