We hope for a speedy resolution of this matter.We believe that the selection of one-half of the trustees by Dartmouth alumni remains vital to ensuring that Dartmouth remains America's finest undergraduate college.We also believe that those who love Dartmouth the most--its sons and daughters--should continue to share responsibility for its future.We again urge the trustees to reconsider the decision to reduce the prominent role that alumni trustees have played on Dartmouth's board since 1891.

RESOLVED: Whereas the Dartmouth Alumni Magazine declares that "the purposes of the Magazine are to report news of the College and its alumni, provide a medium for the exchange of views concerning College affairs, and in other ways provide editorial content that relates to the shared and diverse experiences and interests of Dartmouth alumni," and Whereas Ann P. Duffy, the chairman of the editorial board, has described the DAM as "an independent publication with a mission to inform Alumni and other reader constituents interested in knowing more about Dartmouth, including broad and varied subjects relating to the college, the faculty, the students, and most importantly, the Alumni," the executive committee of the Association of Alumni urges that those responsible for the content of the magazine devote far more attention to news of the Association and Alumni Council and to a broad presentation of views regarding relations between the alumni and the College. In the interests of greater balance, the Executive Committee requests that it be permitted to add at least one of its members to the magazine's board. We ask, further, that the editorial board discuss its policies with the executive committee with the aim of promoting a more informed and sophisticated alumni electorate.

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The two leaders continued to exchange views on the state of affairs in resolving the internal Ukrainian conflict and expressedconcern about the lack of progress in implementing the 2015 Minsk agreements and the decisions taken following the Normandy summit in Paris in 2019. The importance of stepping up the negotiation process in the Contact Group and in the Normandy format was noted. The Russian President again emphasised the relevanceof establishing a direct dialogue between Kiev and the republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, aimed at, among other things, agreeing on steps for the consistentimplementation of the Minsk Package of Measures.

Amongst key asylum measures to be discussed by EU interior and home affairs ministers in Brussels this Thursday are 'safe countries,' border procedures and the right to remain during an appeal.Amnesty... ff782bc1db

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