SETC Conference

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Afternoon 12:30-3:30

Session A Skills for Life: Student-Centered Strategies for Executive Functioning By Linda Doehle, Rose Racicot & Natalie Newman

Session B Book Madness: Sixteen Sweet Strategies for Making Learning Fun! By Brenda Del Monte, Heidi Brislin & Sarah Kinsella

photo of Christopher R. Bugaj, MA CCC‐SLP

Christopher R. Bugaj, MA CCC‐SLP

Guest speaker Christopher R. Bugaj will present

Make Learning Accessible, Inclusive, and Awesome For All!


Sep. 29th 3:30 - 5:00 X, Y, and devices: Creating Inclusive Math Classrooms with Technology

SETC Fall Mini-Conference

Sep. 30th 9:00 - 12:00 Make Learning Accessible, Inclusive, and Awesome For All! - Christopher Bugaj

12:30 - 3:30 Choose between these SETC lead breakout sessions:

A. Skills for Life: Student-Centered Strategies for Executive Functioning

B. Book Madness: 16 Sweet Strategies to Make Learning Fun!

Join from the comfort of your home or classroom with ZOOM!

Audience: We invite therapists, teachers, paraeducators, parents, administrators, and students to attend.

Date: Thurs, September 30th, 2021

Time: 8:30-3:30

Registration fee: $ 75.00

Step 1- Register for SETC Mini-Conference, You will choose an afternoon breakout session at the time of the conference.

Step 2- Make a payment using this link

Step 3- Register for the FREE Pre-conference session Wednesday afternoon

Step 4- follow the emailed zoom links to JOIN each day

Step 6- Clock Hours- pending

Make Learning Accessible, Inclusive, and Awesome For All!

9/30/21 9am - 12pm

Students of all abilities head off to kindergarten with bright smiles eager for the journey of discovery and with a passion for learning. Then, somewhere along the way, school becomes a chore. It transforms from an experience students want to do into something they have to do. For many, one of the first lessons they learn in school is that they are not good at it. Let’s shift that paradigm by rethinking how we design educational experiences to empower every student to embrace their passion for learning. This session will allow participants to take the opportunity to mesh contemporary educational principles such as Universal Design for Learning, The Growth Mindset, Project Based Learning, The Maker Movement, The Least Restrictive Option, and the use of technology to transform practices to empower students of all abilities to take charge of their own learning. Come to the session as an educator, leave transformed as an Educational Experience Designer.

Learning Objectives:

Participants will examine at the ISTE Standards for Students and how they can be used to design instruction.

Participants will examine how educators can use current accommodations to design inclusive instruction for all students.

Participants will discuss how specific contemporary educational practices, such as Project-Based Learning, support the needs of students with and without disabilities.

Christopher R. Bugaj, MA CCC‐SLP is a founding member of the Assistive Technology Team for Loudoun County Public Schools. Chris co-hosts the Talking With Tech podcast featuring interviews and conversations about augmentative and alternative communication and has hosted The A.T.TIPSCAST; a multi‐award-winning podcast featuring strategies to design educational experiences. Chris is the author of The New Assistive Tech: Make Learning Awesome For All, published by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Chris is the co-author of Inclusive Learning 365: EdTech Strategies for Every Day of the Year (which is available for pre-order now) and The Practical (and Fun) Guide to Assistive Technology in Public Schools both of which are also published by ISTE. Chris co-authored two chapters for a book published by Brookes Publishing titled Technology Tools for Students with Autism. Chris co‐produces and co‐authors the popular Night Light Stories podcast which features original stories for children of all ages. Chris has presented over 500 live or digital sessions at local, regional, state, national, and international events, including TEDx.

9/30/21 12:30-3:30 Breakout Session A

Skills for Life: Student-Centered Strategies for Executive Functioning

Do you want to connect with other educators to learn more about student-centered strategies for Executive Functioning (EF)? Are you looking for innovative ways to build Self Management, Information Management, Time Management, and Materials Management skills for the students in your districts and classrooms? This 2-hour conference workshop will be an interactive session with time to explore resources, share ideas, and walk away with a toolkit to support executive functioning.

SETC staff Linda Doehle and Rose Racicot will be joined by Natalie Newman, Director Ershig Assistive Technology Resource Center at WWU, to facilitate this collaborative session. Join us as we build relationships, expand our EF Toolkit, and engage in a dynamic group process for exploring aspects of executive functioning.

Learning Objectives:

Participants will identify three ways in which executive functioning skills impact student learning.

Participants will explore, evaluate and share executive functioning resources, books, websites, lesson plans, and professional development ideas to improve instruction.

Participants will compare and contrast a variety of executive functioning implementation strategies supporting skills in self-management, information management, time and materials management, and select at least 2 strategies that will impact student outcomes.

9/30/21 12:30-3:30 Breakout Session B:

Book Madness: Sixteen Sweet Strategies for Making Learning Fun!

This session will be jam-packed with practical ideas for your students with complex bodies and communication needs. We will connect 16 literacy and communication tools & strategies to engaging children's books for various ages and interests as examples to demonstrate how to implement your own March Book Madness theme providing meaningful literacy experiences for your classroom or small groups over several weeks. Discussions will include using alternative pencils for writing alternative endings to stories to embedding low-tech eye-gaze into storybook reading activities. After this session, you will leave with practical strategies, tools, and a comprehensive plan you'll want to implement this fall to be ready for March Book Madness season!

Learning Objectives:

Participants will evaluate how to address communication and literacy in a meaningful way by exploring a multi-week therapy plan to address communication and literacy.

Participants will learn how to customize the plan to meet the individual needs of your students.

Participants will analyze 16 strategies and tools for literacy implementation for students with complex needs, including low-tech communication systems, apps to support literacy, word sorts, comics, and more!

Teaching and Learning with

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

We are excited to kick off our new STEM series with a special presentation by Victoria Thompson, STEM Integration Transformation Coach at Technology Access Foundation-- a nonprofit leader redefining STEM education in public schools-- a consultant for Ignite EdTech, and a learning specialist for NCCE. Victoria is a knowledgeable and engaging national presenter who will be available for a Q&A session after her presentation.

Photo of Victoria Thompson, also known as Victoria the Tech.
Victoria Thompson

X, Y, and devices: Creating Inclusive Math Classrooms with Technology

We will kick-off our STEM series with this FREE pre-conference Session

September 29th, 2021, 3:30-5:00 p.m. Zoom webinar followed by Q & A

Technology integration? In a math classroom? Yes, it’s completely possible! Come learn (and create!) with us on how technology can help provide an academically safe environment for mathematics teaching and learning across grade levels and math concepts — environments where students feel secure and confident in engaging with one another, their teachers, and math!

Teachers will...

  1. Build knowledge of the intersectionality of mathematics, technology, and inclusivity

  2. Build capacity to use technology in mathematical practice

  3. Analyze opportunities to collaborate on math curriculum and 21st century math tasks

  4. Explore opportunities to promote collaborative discussion around student work, formative assessment, and activities

Victoria Thompson is a STEM Integration Transformation Coach at Technology Access Foundation--a nonprofit leader redefining STEM education in public schools--a consultant for Ignite EdTech, and a learning specialist for NCCE. She has been in education for five years and began her journey teaching fifth and sixth-grade math and science in Summerville, SC. After completing her master's degree in curriculum and instruction she moved to the Seattle, WA area in 2018, where her career has pivoted to focusing on STEM integration in schools, K-12 mathematics instruction with research on decolonizing mathematics curriculum for teachers and learners, creating inclusive math environments, and using technology to bridge equity gaps in math education. She has presented at ISTE, ImpactEducation, CUE, and DigCitSummit on topics such as creating inclusive math classrooms, culturally responsive STEM education, and equity in educational technology.

Clock Hour Credit

Wednesday, STEM Clock Hour series: 5 hours available through ESD 105 for a small fee. ESD105 has a unique registration page for clock hours. STEM Pre-conference and Webinar series,, there is a small fee for this service. This is a section of a longer series of webinars that run from September through December.

Thursday, Clock Hours: 6 hour available through ESD 105 for a small fee. ESD105 has a unique registration page for clock hours. Search by there is a small fee for this service.

Please contact for help with reasonable accommodations.