I don't use any driver in my server as i use NAA, not Wasapi nor ASIO, the driving part of my setup is always Linux based on my NAA, so what you say about that is out of the game here: i'm just talking about the server side. I never had an inappropriate shutdown on my W11 server, that's a matter of properly managing Windows OS. I moved to Linux too, with a bit of effort due to very normal-user unfriendly characteristics, hoping for better sound and better performance. I did that many times, but every time i finally came back to W11, finding Linux not significantly superior in both sound and performance (with some very little vantage in the latter in later HQP4 releases for Linux, but some vantage for Windows in previous releases - we'll see how performances are in HQP5). To be honest, i find W11 sound to be better, less "reproduced" as i said, more natural and realistic - but we're entering taste matters here so i absolutely can't say anything about that as an "absolute truth", as Bogi very appropriately suggests.

For my Win11 Pro setup, HQP 5's CPU load is half that of HQP 4. Accordingly CPU power usage is greatly reduced and temperature drops by 15-20 C.. The sound is definitely better even with the same filters. Therte were a few dsf albums that I had prob;lems with that now play perfectly. I was using 7ECV2, now comparing 7ECV3 and 7EC super fs 512. Right now a slight preference for the latter which seems to be for sigma delta DACs which I am using. Also comparing sinc-LI and sinc-MQ/siinc-MQa. Haven't come to any conclusion yet. All in all, great upgrade for me for my Win11 Pro and SDM playback setup/

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Okay, researching another way. How about cloning? So, clone to another new VM with new name of TEST2. Keep in mind this won't be a 2nd VM running, just trying to rename VM and associated files. Everything fine. After logging in, it says Windows needs to be activated. Keep in mind I did zero customization during the cloning process.

Just to give you the output of my clones though - they work as you have seen (and rightly so), both a hot clone and cold clone still want activating (see above for why), and a clone of an existing live machine - with OS customization, then a Sysprep customization does as described above. Partitions, folders, IIS settings and all of the good stuff copies but local profiles are not and with the latter customization template the machines also rename and activate as part of the process.

The powershell_package_source was updated to support authenticating to package sources with new user and password properties. The existing url property has also been renamed to source_location, which better describes the purpose of this property. The existing url property will continue to function for backward compatibility with any existing cookbook code.

Policyfiles with run lists offer additional flexibility over named run lists and are better suited for adhoc Chef Infra Client execution or programmatically changing run lists during bootstrap. Named run lists within Policyfiles need to be defined when the Policyfile is created, requiring you to predefine each potential run list you may want to run at a future date. Run lists with Policyfiles allows you to run any run list for cookbooks included in the Policyfile lock. Override run lists with Policyfiles offer adhoc flexibility as the override run list is not saved to the node on Chef Infra Server, unlike named run lists which permanently update the node.

The powershell_package resource has been updated to better force connections to use TLS 1.2 when communicating with the PowerShell Gallery on Windows Server 2012-2016. Connections must be forced to use TLS 1.2 as the system default cipher suite because Windows 2012-2016 did not include TLS 1.2.

The Azure plugin has been improved to better detect Windows hosts running on Azure. The plugin will now look for DHCP with the domain of reddog.microsoft.com. Thanks for this improvement @jasonwbarnett!

The behavior of required: true has been changed to better align with the expected behavior. Previously, if you set a property required: true on a custom resource property and did not explicitly reference the property in an action, then Chef Infra Client would not raise an exception. This meant many users would add their own validation to raise for resources they wanted to ensure they were always set. required: true will now properly raise if a property has not been set.

The build_essential resource has been updated to better detect if the Xcode CLI Tools package needs to be installed on macOS. macOS 10.15 (Catalina) is now supported with this update. Thank you @w0de for kicking this work off, @jazaval for advice on macOS package parsing, and Microsoft for their work in the macOS cookbook.

The mac_user resource, used when creating a user on Mac systems, has been improved to work better with macOS Catalina (10.15). The resource now properly looks up the numeric GID when creating a user, once again supports the system property, and includes a new hidden property which prevents the user from showing on the login screen. Thanks @chilcote for these fixes and improvements.

Chef Infra Client now includes a new chef-utils gem, which ships with a large number of helpers to make writing cookbooks easier. Many of these helpers existed previously in the chef-sugar gem. We have renamed many of the named helpers for consistency, while providing backwards compatibility with existing chef-sugar names. Existing cookbooks written with chef-sugar should work unmodified with any of these new helpers. Expect a Cookstyle rule in the near future to help you update existing chef-sugar code to use the newer built-in helpers.

Note: This resource no longer backs up existing key values to the node when changing values as we have done in the sysctl cookbook previously. The resource has also been renamed from sysctl_param to sysctl with backwards compatibility for the previous name.

It is possible that this was being used as a no-op resource, but the log resource is a better choice for that until we get a null resource added. Omitting the code property or mixing up the code property with the command property are also common usage mistakes that we need to catch and error on. be457b7860

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