Structure Preserving Discretizations: FEMs, Splines, and IGA

May 31-June 1, 2019

This conference will discuss the current trends and intersections of smooth structure preserving discretizations with finite element analysis, multivariate splines, isogeometric analysis, and interpolating and geometric modeling in algebraic geometry.  

Speakers and Talks

Hugo Casquero

Carnegie Mellon University

The divergence-conforming immersed boundary method

Carla Manni

University of Rome Tor Vergata

Spectral analysis of matrices from isogeometric methods


The organizers are happy to acknowledge the help and the financial support provided by The University of Pittsburgh Mathematical Research Center, the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, and the National Science Foundation.

Meeting place and schedule

The conference will be held on the campus of University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, PA. Friday's session will be held in the Frick Fine Arts Building, Room 202.  Saturday's session will take place in the Frick Fine Arts Auditorium. Directions to the Frick Fine Arts Building are below.

Friday's session is from 8:45am-4:05pm and Saturday's session is from 9:00am-5:00pm


A block of rooms at the Residence Inn (6 blocks away) has been reserved from 5/30-6/2 at a special rate of $100/night.  Please use the code 'Structure Preserving Conference' when reserving the room to obtain this rate.

Other lodging options available include


The Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT) is 20.5 miles away from the University of Pittsburgh (25-45 minutes driving time depending on the time of day). There are several options to get to campus from the airport.


If you need to park on campus, you might want to park at the following garages: 


For questions please contact Michael Neilan .