Google Classroom

Create a Class

How to create a class from Classroom

Joining a class

Allow students to join your class using a class code or invite a student by e-mail.

Adding Teachers to a Class

Allow other teachers to view and post to your class.

Archive a Class

How to archive (not delete a class) and how to unarchive a class.


Change the name of your class, change settings, add a photo or change a theme.


Deleting and emailing students.


Your stream posts.

Assignments and Topics

Create a topic and create an assignment.


Set a quick question


Set a quick question

Reuse Post

Reusing material from other classes.

Classroom Folder

This is where all your class materials are, but you will probably never use it.

Student View 1

This is where all your class materials are, but you will probably never use it.

Adrian Sparrow